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Postby lysi » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:31 am

doglover wrote:You 'think' they dress a lot better than English women, but that's only you. You're wrong. Many fat women in England? Considering the population of England is far greater than Cyprus, there are far more fat women here, on average.

So much crime in England? I actually felt a lot more safer there than I do here! police men patrol the streets over there. I can't say the same for the Cyprus police, because I can't tell you how many times I've seen underaged kids speeding past police cars, without wearing helmets, and the police do nothing! There's a lot of crime going on in Cyprus too. And it won't be long until it gets really bad.

And don't get me started about the hospitals... the nurses and doctors drive me nuts. they can be so cold and ignorant, and totally unprofessional. If the Cypriot doctors were so great, why is it your presidents go to England every time they need an operation?

WHAT can i say about the above post from doglover ? maybe its a little bit RACIST :roll:
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Re: dont be racist about cypriot women

Postby G.Man » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:34 am

lysi wrote:
doglover wrote:Any educated person that has been to England would think you are insane. Oh please... Have you ever been to London? That's where you can find all of the latest fashion, at very reasonable prices. I've seen Cypriots go nuts on Oxford Street, buying all of the latest fashion. If so much nice stuff is available over there, then of course the English are going to be very smartly dressed.

No offence, but I am certain that English women dress a whole lot better than Cypriot women! And I generally say this because you can pick up really nice clothes in England. And of course now you are going to fire back and say something like... "is that why i see english girls walking along the tourist area, wearing short mini skirts that reveal some of their bum cheek" And yes there probably are... but I've also seen Cypriot women walk into Zorpas with only a t-shirt on, and you could clearly see their bums, and bikini bottoms.

So please... get real. You're just trying to be mean and act all patriotic, because you're mum taught you to hate the English.

DOGGYLOVER, i think cypriot women dress a whole lot better then ENGLISH women. by the way, why are there so many fat people in ENGLAND ? And why is there so much crime in the wonderful paradise of ENGLAND ? 80,000 people banged up in prison in ENGLAND & WALES. :lol:

Perhaps coz it has a population of 60 million???

Lysi you are a first class racist and a bigot...

well done, you must make your mother proud...

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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:36 am

Sad little girl. Continue your ENGLISH bashing. You're the only one who looks like a fool here. If we upset you so much, because we think differently than you do... then what are you doing here? Because we clearly outnumber you. It's rather sickening to watch you bash ALL English people based on an a crime three British men commited here.
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Postby lysi » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:51 am

doglover wrote:Sad little girl. Continue your ENGLISH bashing. You're the only one who looks like a fool here. If we upset you so much, because we think differently than you do... then what are you doing here? Because we clearly outnumber you. It's rather sickening to watch you bash ALL English people based on an a crime three British men commited here.

YES you out number me because you lot in england breed like rabbits :lol:
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:59 am

haha, why did you remove your own post, lysi? In case G Man, or anyone else didn't see it... She said something along the lines of... "Why is the population 70 million? Because the English sluts breed like rabbits, and live in crappy council flats"
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Postby lysi » Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:07 am

doglover wrote:haha, why did you remove your own post, lysi? In case G Man, or anyone else didn't see it... She said something along the lines of... "Why is the population 70 million? Because the English sluts breed like rabbits, and live in crappy council flats"

doggylover, you are a LIAR, i never mentioned the word SLUTS.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:13 am

Yes you did... that's why you were in such a rush to delete your post!
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