Svetlana wrote:Hi Lysi
You have clearly failed to read that which I wrote - and all we have again is another diatribe of anti-British abuse from you. You are now at the boundary of what is acceptable on this Forum and I ask you for a last time to consider carefully the tone of your mails.
I was not even aware that your pm had been withdrawn, so clearly others within Forum Admin have concerns over your behaviour and have taken this action.
If you continue to post in the same vein, your membership will be withdrawn. Racism is not acceptable on this Forum, not now - and not in the future.
LANA, if you want to ban me from this forum because i mention that the BRITISH still occupy cyprus land with there free bases & that the BRITISH executed several cypriots during the 1950s or that the BRITISH supported the 1974 turkish invasion of cyprus & still support the turkish occupation.
And remember when the BRITISH used to arrest greek cypriots & take them in for torture & then release them in turkish cypriot areas, in the hope that they will get there throats cut.
And dont forget all the pro-occupation BRITISH who have been buying & selling STOLEN greek cypriot land & property in the occupied areas.
And dont forget about all the trouble that the drunken BRITISH tourist slobs cause in cyprus every week, they still think they own cyprus.
So if you want to cave in to the BRITISH forum members and ban me , then do it .