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thanks again lysi..

Postby bigfatlondonboy » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:04 pm

can the mods lock this thread please.yet again it has been taken over and turned into a slanging match.....thanks once again lysi for fuckin up a another thread with all your anti british crap.....
see ya folks i dont think i shall post on the site again as everything gets all shitty when you know who gets on here..tata.
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Postby souroul » Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:15 am

be it cypriots, brits, or british cypriots, you will find assholes everywhere you go. however, you will find more british assholes rather than cypriot assholes, but less british cypriot assholes rather than cypriot assholes, purely on the fact that: Brits: 60 MILLION Cypriots 1 million, British cypriots 100-200k.

theres assholes everywhere. live with it
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Postby G.Man » Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:53 am

cant disagree with that soulroul...
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:59 am

lysi wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Hi Lysis

No-one denies the British are, and have been, responsible for many terrible things in the world; my concern is that your constant postings referring to British people, in an abusive manner, is bordering on racism.

If you have such an interest in world events concerning the British, you might like to voice your outrage for the British tourists injured in the Kurdish bombing in Turkey earlier this week. You might have made reference to today's news that the number of Cypriot students applying to go to British universities has risen 70% in one year.

Given your concern for crimes in Cyprus, you might have posted something about the Cypriot arrested for the kidnapping and possible murder of a Slovak girl in Ayia Nappa, or the murder by a Cypriot of another man and his own Kyrgyzstan wife.

I am merely pointing out that you seem only to post highly critical posts constantly targeting the British - and little else.


LANA, cyprus is not ruled by the british anymore , most of the problems in cyprus were caused by the british & there support for turkish invasion.
Also lets not forget the dozens of cypriots that the british executed in the 1950s during the struggle for independence from britain.

It would seem that lysi's parents taught her at a very young age to hate the English. I've seen it time and time again with many parents telling their children "En ligo pou mas ekaman h englezi?" or "Poushto englezi" Can they not see that they are teaching their children to hate other countries at a very young age? It's really wrong.
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Postby anastasiaC » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:03 am

I can relate but at the same time their is discrimination in all countries
the lebanese and asians cop it bad in Australia
its the same old tune.......
if you dont like it go back to where u came from.....
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:25 am

No, it means that Cyprus is a very small place, and parents should be educating their children. But that doesn't include teaching them to hate the English! If that narrow minded mentality was gone, then Cyprus would be a much better place for everyone. I will certainly be one of those parents who set good examples for their children. I will make sure they have the right education, and hope that they are intelligent enough to come up with their own conclusions, without basing their judgements on these words... "En ligo pou mas ekaman h englezi?"
Last edited by doglover on Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby anastasiaC » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:31 am

oh but Im sure you (people in general) would find something else to complain about.......
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:35 am

Acting all patriotic, dear? Even willing to overlook the problems currently going on in your homeland, that you don't happen to be a part of anymore, because you're residing in sunny Australia?
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Postby anastasiaC » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:39 am

hey im a person so im part of that general population.......its human nature.... we complain
I suggest you raise your kids the way U feel right and hope that you have made some sort of contribution to changing people's menatality
this is what Im doing - I hope my boys will grow up open minded, non racist and generally kind caring people who respect their human fellows
some things are out of control.......
when i lived in Cyprus I wasnt always accepted by many cypriots even some of my family would call me ' i astraleza' but what was I to do?? hate them? I dont think so.......
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:45 am

No, you should try and educate them, as I clearly am trying to do here. I argue with Cypriots all of the time... I tell them that cruelty towards animals (dogs and cats) is wrong... and they in return tell me that it's not, because "God created man to kill animals" blah blah, same nonsense. Why can't they just agree? Anyway, this is the same kind of thing with some parents here teaching their kids to dislike the English. I sit down infront of the tv with my relatives, and every time an English person comes on the news, they say "Poushto Englezi" Like wtf? How can they generalize?

Hopefully my kids won't do that... and their kids won't... and if there are other parents educating their kids, then Cyprus will be much better in years to come.
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