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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus :(

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Postby Olga » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:19 pm

you've grown up with parents that teach you to love and respect animals

That should be all animals and not just those that you consider to be pets, i.e. dogs and cats.

When I was a child I was living in the village with my grandmother, and there was a young calf that really loved me. She would meet me at the gate, tried to get my attention to scratch her between her ears and so on... and for sure missed me.

Isn't it love that she showed me?
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Postby doglover » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:19 pm

Piratis wrote:doglover, I visited many countries. I didn't visit Korea though, but from what I know they love dog meat there. I guess those that eat dog meat are uncivilized while those that eat cow meat are civilized. Ok, doglover, whatever. My arguments here are clear if you don't get them thats alright.


Guess what the above is.

Nothing you say, or post, will shock me, as I am quite aware that dog meat is consumed in a couple countries. The reason you've posted this picture is because you know there is a certain amount of truth in my posts, and it annoys you. Some Cypriots don't like to be told that they are wrong, because they are 'kserokefalous'.

I'm actually surprised that the owner of this forum would allow someone like you to moderate the forum, seeing as your opinions are way off base, and you annoy many people here. Majority rules, I guess. So we should vote you off the forum. :D
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Postby doglover » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:24 pm

Olga wrote:
you've grown up with parents that teach you to love and respect animals

That should be all animals and not just those that you consider to be pets, i.e. dogs and cats.

When I was a child I was living in the village with my grandmother, and there was a young calf that really loved me. She would meet me at the gate, tried to get my attention to scratch her between her ears and so on... and for sure missed me.

Isn't it love that she showed me?

But Olga... you're forgetting the subject here. Do you think it's right to poison dogs and cats, for no reason whatsoever? Is it right to take the life of an animal, in the instance where the owner loves that pet completely? Is it right to kill any animal for vengeance, or fun? Is it right to destroy something valuble that belongs to someone?

I guess you're so happy to be in Cyprus, after coming from such a poor country, that you're able to overlook such things.
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Postby GorillaGal » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:25 pm

Piratis wrote: If I was an animal lover I would be a vegetarian.

This is clearly not the case, so stop being a hypocrite.

ANIMAL LOVERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE VEGITARIANS! there is no hyporcrocity in eating meat and loving animals. shut the freak up already Piratis, you really are acting like an ass!
maybe your english is lacking?
maybe it's just your ignorance.

the thread was about PETS orginally, and how they are apparently mistreated by Cypriots. THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG. read the thread again, i already defined what a PET is: a companion animal. In most cases that is a dog or a cat, but yes, it could be a chicken or a rabbit or a turtle or a ... [fill in the blank].
we are put on this planet to love, not to hurt other living things intentionally, just for human pleasure. people that hurt other animals...PETS...for entertainment purposes are SICK. They should be punished. the government in Cyprus should be pressured into doing something about that.
most serial killers start out by torturing animals.
Cypriots have NO EXCUSE in this millenium to continue in the ways of primitive people. they need to be educated. and you are no different, dear Piratus. so stop with the hypocrit stuff already. open your mind and your heart and try to understnad instead of standing up for a bunch of ignorant people. it is time for your society to change. like it or not, it will happen, this is just the start!

and i BEG all of you cypriot pet and animals lovers to pressure your government officials to start to uphold the laws and be accountable! Make them prosecute the guilty parties. keep making noise! contact your vets, contanct your local humane societies. contact your media! if i was there, i'd be by your side....
i'm there in spirit.

it is an insult to the higher power to torture the creatures he created.
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Postby doglover » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:31 pm

Okay... so in the instance that someone has a pet pig in their garden. Who's right would it to be to trespass and plant poison in their garden? And let's say farm animals were roaming about on the streets, like stray dogs here. It would be acceptable if they were poisoned, because we as a society consume meat?

Piratis, you need professional help, fast. You are so misguided. It's okay though... you, and many other people in this country need to be educated.
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Postby Olga » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:39 pm

doglover, maybe you should open your eyes and read what I wrote?

Where was it in my post that I am FOR the cruelty over the animals? Are you dreaming probably?

And, are we getting personal here about countries and so on? Maybe you are so unhappy in Cyprus, so you should go away from here?
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Postby doglover » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:44 pm

What are you doing here Olga, is agreeing with Piratis and Sotos... people that are likely to have poisoned dogs and cats, seeing as they have the same mentality as those who do that.

The question was pretty simple really.. is it right or wrong to poison peoples pets!?! It really can't get any simpler than that.

This isn't about the consumption of farm animals, so you Piratis, and Sotos are way off topic here.

And as I mentioned in my previous post. Would it be acceptable if I went and poisoned farmers animals, because I consume pork meat anyway? I guess in your opinion it would be acceptable, because it wouldn't make me a hypocrit?

Really, you can't compare peoples pets to the consumption of meat. They are entirely two different subjects.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:49 pm

I guess you're so happy to be in Cyprus, after coming from such a poor country, that you're able to overlook such things.

The "animal lovers" appart from insults have now started to show their true racist selfs.

In fact it is their racism which made them start this thread since they think of themselves as supirior to Cypriots. There own countries are the ones who started to genetically modify animals, they killed and burned cows by the 10000s some time ago, and these hypocretes come here to precent themselves as "animal lovers". :roll:
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Postby Olga » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:53 pm

So Piratis and Sotos poisoned some dogs and cats? And on the basis of what did you make this conclusion?
If a person has a different opinion than you it doesn't mean that the person is worse than you or able to go for some cruel acts.

Nobody said that it's right to poison dogs, cats and so on, neither Sotos said this, nor Piratis. The point is that if you say you love animals don't divide them into a pets' group and a group of other animals
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Postby Piratis » Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:56 pm

doglover, I already answered your question:

If you consider an animal your private property then you should keep it with you or within your property. If somebody comes within your property to harm your dogs, cats etc then this person is violating the law and can be prosecuted.

If you leave your dogs around shitting and peeing at other peoples properties and maybe endanger some people (some dogs are not always friendly) then if something happens to your dog will be your fault.

However from what you said ("start killing the donkeys and goats") it is even more obvious that you don't care about animals, just for your pets, therefore why pretend to be "animal lovers" and such?

So If your problem is that somebody has harmed your property (your pet) then you are right. Beyond that you have no right to call yourself "animal lover" and accuse others of being cruel with animals etc, as you are not any better.

For me the life of an animal in a farm that is scheduled to be slaughtered tomorrow so that you and your dog will eat it, has the exact same value as the life of your dog. Do you have a problem with that?
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