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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus :(

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Postby anastasiaC » Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:50 am

well for your friend to say that then I guess Im not the only one who thinks dogs can create a smell
I guess you just take good care of your animals which is great....Im sure there are people who dont clean after them often....or air their house out heehee
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Postby G.Man » Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:54 am

Its true, pets can make a house smelly, humans can make a house smelly SMOKING does make a house smelly..

Good hygeine, having the animals neutered and other measures can keep it under control tho...

My landlady has 2 dogs, but you cant smell them in the house...
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Postby anastasiaC » Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:05 am

no one is ever allowed to smoke in my house
I cant believe people still smoke in their homes - so gross!!!
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Postby Sotos » Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:09 am

Piratis also tried to show you how hypocrites you are but you are so not intelligent you can't even see it! Amazing! I really liked the "put to sleep" part. Are you older than 12? Do you believe in Santa Claus? :lol:
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Postby betting guru » Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:10 am

Its obvious from the posts from the " natives " on this thread exactly what the rest of us are up against in trying to educate a culture that has a history of being cruel to animals. Even Lana a moderator removes my comments but leaves Sotos derogatory personal comments aimed at me tells you something. COME OUT OF THE DARK AGES CYPRIOTS, you have opened the doors to Europeans and are quite happy to overcharge and rip us off at every opportunity so at least adopt to some of our cultures one being a lover of animals, probably the least you can do.
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Postby Jim » Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:36 am

If us British are such a nation of animal lovers why do we need such societies as the RSPCA or the RSPCB; the reason is there is a very small minority who treat animals cruelly; just the same as in Cyprus. I totally agree with Piraties and Sotos on this matter. I personally wouldn't hurt any animal; in fact I believe most Cypriots feel the same way.


PS. I have a Wire Haired Fox Terrier who's spoilt rotten by the family
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Postby Svetlana » Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:36 am

Hi Betting Guru

I have now deleted Sotos' post and that of yours, that he was responding to. I ask everyone again, to keep calm.

My view on this: 'Europeans' are often shocked by the treatment of animals in Cyprus, but they should remember that until 20 years or so ago, this was a very poor agricultural company and the only role an animal served was as a 'servant'; a dog to herd sheep, a donkey to carry loads to market etc. And when animals could no longer perform this role they were abandoned and destroyed.

It is from this rather different culture that Cyprus is emerging and while incomers might disapprove most strongly, they should at least understand a difference in attitudes.

Within the last hundred years, dancing bears were used for entertainment in the UK, poneys worked in underground coalpits - and this is a country which still has: cock fighting, badger baiting, hare coursing, fox hunting and organised dog fights.

Let me make it clear; in no way am I defending any cruelty to animals, I am just saying people's attitudes are shaped by their upbringing and culture, and that in Cyprus may be very different to that of many people outside this country.

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Postby Piratis » Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:58 am

Its obvious from the posts from the " natives " on this thread exactly what the rest of us are up against in trying to educate a culture that has a history of being cruel to animals.

This is said by the the British who invented slavery and until today they insist on colonization! You would be the last one who could give lessons to us my friend.

Lana, you are wrong on your conclusions about Cyprus. Humans in general are treating animals as objects that can be used for food, for furs, for labor and many of those that can not be used are considered pests (e.g. mice) that need to be exterminated. If in Cyprus we had the "mad dog" decease and dogs were exterminated en mass, then all these British people would cry about how barbaric such thing was. Yet non of them said such thing when in the UK they killed thousands of cows just with the suspicion that they might be sick. This is hypocrisy of the highest level.

Beyond that different societies can have some animals that they consider as having a greater value that other animals. In some countries they eat dogs, in others the cows are holly. For some a hamster can be a pet for another a pest.

There is no logic in saying that animal X (e.g. dog) should be treated with care while animal Y (e.g. fish) can be killed with no problem. The one who says such thing and labels himself as "animal lover" is nothing more than a hypocrite.
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Postby Niki » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:02 pm

I have 2 dogs and 3 cats - all lovely and incredibly affectionate which has only be created out of being affectionate to them.

If people treate their animals badly they will respond with aggression and so these people will never learn how rewarding pets can be and will therefore carry on thinking animals are worthless - a vicious circle.

My daughters have each been given 'ownership' of one of the animals as it's a great way to teach them about responsibility and care. This is a valuable lesson for them to learn and extends into other areas of their lives.

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Postby betting guru » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:15 pm

The FACT of the matter first raised in this thread IS that certain Cypriot people are poisoning peoples dogs and cats in their neighbourhood that have done NOTHING wrong. How about some of us go up into the mountains and start killing the donkeys and goats that you locals need to survive. How would you like those apples ! ( a British saying ) ! You would soon be squealing and moaning wouldnt you, calling us callous and murderers ?
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