Piratis wrote:I agree 99% with what Sotos said in this thread.
What I would add is that animals should not be killed or tortured just for fun.
However I also find it highly hypocritical the double standards that some people show between pets and other animals. All animals have a life, and non of them was created just to be our food.
The fact is that different societies treat different animals in different ways. In some countries a cow is a holly animal and in others they eat dogs.
Is a society that eats one kind of animal (e.g. cow) less civilized than one that eats another (e.g. dog)? No.
Also except for their food, animals are killed for other reasons as well. One of them is when they are considered pests or when they curry diseases.
Some of the hypocrites in here would not have a problem if mice are killed because they are considered pests and dirty, while they would complain loudly if a dog is killed for the same reason.
Therefore Cypriots are not worst than others, but they are as bad as everybody else is in the way humans in general treat animals.
I would like to ask our friends from the UK that come to Cyprus and complain one question: If Indians that live in the UK said that they hate the English people because they eat too much cow meat, what would you do?
Would you stop killing caws (and driving them "mad"), or would you just say to those Indians that the society in the UK is different and if they want the Indian ways that they should go back from were they came from?
The same answer is here. If you don't like Cyprus stay out. If you want to live here then adjust yourself, or at least shut it, and don't expect that our society should change and become like yours, because really, you are not any better.
Piratis as usual your logic is seriously flawed...
We are not talking about the humane mass farming of animals that is overseen by animal cruelty experts...
We are also not talking about the sacred cows of india that arent even allowed to be fed or touched by humans...
We are talking about members of our own families, that some people think they have a right to kill because they DONT like them, not because they are animal lovers...
There is no hypocrasy here, man is an omnivorous being, and as such it has a choice to hunt or farm animals for food... Yeah sure we can give up the meat and eat lots of pulses and the like, and spend most of our lives full of gas, but that is unatural..
And if I am correct, some of the animals we eat are also omnivorous or carnivores and also kill other animals to eat, so in that respect we are just like the animals of the four legged variety...
We should not have to adjust our lives for the illegal and cruel actions of some individuals, and the fact that you say if you dont like it get out, just shows the kind of human being you are... because its that attitude that maintains the behaviour shown by these other cruel individuals...
Whether you do it yourself or not, if you can state that its us that protest against it that are wrong, then you are just as bad as those that do it...
I have a great deal of respect for anti-vivisectionists, and animal rights protesters, but you dont see them trying to close down food farms now do you...