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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus :(

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Postby Sotos » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:52 pm

You are wrong in both. I can understand the bond. But other people are not obligated to have a bond with the same kind of animals that you have a bond. You don't care about pigs someone else doesn't care about dogs. You are not better than him so you can not criticize him. When you become vegetarian you will have the right to criticize others. Now you are only a hypocrite.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:02 pm

not a hypocrit at all.
you don't understand there is a difference between pets and farm animals.
and even if i eat farm animals, i still want them to live a decent life before they die. i don't want the chickens all crammed into cages, one on top of the other, shitting on each other, with thier beaks clipped so they can't peck at each other. they should have some land to run free until thier time is up.

are you a vegitarian, sotos? do you wear leather? do you take medications derived from animal products or bi-prioducts? this is life my dear. lions hunt gazelle, hawks eat squirrels and rabbits, humans eat meat. it is not hypocritical at all to have a standard to treat our farm animals before they give up thier lives to fill our tummies.
for gods sake, even prisoners on death row have certain rights. why shouldn't a helpless animal?
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Postby betting guru » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:16 pm

[quote="GorillaGal"][quote="betting guru"]Dont think it would make much difference hanging SOTOS by his balls as I doubt weather he has any.

Who removed my comment ??

I was only giving an opinion. :P
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Postby Svetlana » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:17 pm

Hi Betting Guru

I deleted your previous post as it was unpleasant and added nothing to the thread. The name calling stops now.

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Postby doglover » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:37 pm

It would seem that Sotos has the same way of thinking as the Cypriots here who poison dogs and cats. I blame it on his parents. They don't teach their children at a young age to love animals, so instead they say "don't go near that dog! it will bite you!" They are just not used to the idea of having a dog inside their home because they haven't seen many (if any) Cypriot families with dogs living inside their homes. So of course it's totally strange to them.

The woman who lives opposite from my mum won't even touch her 'pet' chihuahua! She regards it is a disease, and hoses it down with water every day. I asked her if it was male or female, and her reply was "I don't know. But I wouldn't touch it!" What a stupid cow.

Not all Cypriots are like this... and not all Cypriots poison dogs and cats, but the fact is, MOST of them don't like dogs as pets and consider them to be dirty animals, so they won't let them enter their homes. And it is for this very reason that I strongly dislike Cypriot people!

GorillaGal said: "can't all the pet lovers there bond together adn petition the government for stricter enforcement of the laws? or form your own pet protection organization?"

This is exactly what I had in mind. I am going to get in contact with RSPCA International and ask them for some advice.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:03 pm

It would seem that Sotos has the same way of thinking as the Cypriots here who poison dogs and cats.

I never poisoned any dogs or cats. I just point the hypocrisy of people like you.

MOST of them don't like dogs as pets and consider them to be dirty animals, so they won't let them enter their homes. And it is for this very reason that I strongly dislike Cypriot people!

I dislike you also because you are such a hypocrite!! You don't have pigs and cows in your home but you eat them and you feed your 'pets' by killing other animals. Then you want to teach us how to love animals! If you loved animals you wouldn't eat them. You just love your 'pets'. Would you eat your pets? I don't think so! Hypocrites!
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Postby betting guru » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:29 pm

So Lana, How come you dont remove the Sotos comments ?? One rule for me one for the dog hater ??
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Postby Piratis » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:54 pm

I agree 99% with what Sotos said in this thread.

What I would add is that animals should not be killed or tortured just for fun.

However I also find it highly hypocritical the double standards that some people show between pets and other animals. All animals have a life, and non of them was created just to be our food.

The fact is that different societies treat different animals in different ways. In some countries a cow is a holly animal and in others they eat dogs.

Is a society that eats one kind of animal (e.g. cow) less civilized than one that eats another (e.g. dog)? No.

Also except for their food, animals are killed for other reasons as well. One of them is when they are considered pests or when they curry diseases.

Some of the hypocrites in here would not have a problem if mice are killed because they are considered pests and dirty, while they would complain loudly if a dog is killed for the same reason.

Therefore Cypriots are not worst than others, but they are as bad as everybody else is in the way humans in general treat animals.

I would like to ask our friends from the UK that come to Cyprus and complain one question: If Indians that live in the UK said that they hate the English people because they eat too much cow meat, what would you do?
Would you stop killing caws (and driving them "mad"), or would you just say to those Indians that the society in the UK is different and if they want the Indian ways that they should go back from were they came from?

The same answer is here. If you don't like Cyprus stay out. If you want to live here then adjust yourself, or at least shut it, and don't expect that our society should change and become like yours, because really, you are not any better.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:39 pm

all i know is that i had a cat that i loved very much, and she loved me. it was evident in the way she looked at me. when i was sick, she stayed right by my side. she gave me a reason to wake up and get out of bed in the morning, and sometimes she gave me a reason to stay in bed and cuddle with her. she gave me a reason to come home at night, when my husband didn't care, she always met me at the door. her purring was very calming, and when the world was crashing down around me, she was there, by my side. i could hear her purr and it would calm me down, lower my blood pressure. people who have relationships like this with htier pets live longer, healthier and happier lives, it is a known fact. she taught me alot about life, she taught me alot about love, she taught me alot about freindship. she gave me unconditional love. even tough she is gone now, i have a little piece of her cremation ashes in a locket around my neck. she gives me strength, even in death. she was the best friend i ever had. and i really feel sorry for anyone that has never experienced that kind of a relationship.
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:16 pm

Yes animals dont judge you if your fat or too thin, they dont care if you looking good or having a slobby day, they give you unconditional love, and are always pleased to see you. and i dont know any human that would lick my feet after a hard days work, before a shower..:):):)
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