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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus :(

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Postby anastasiaC » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:50 am

well I must admit Im not really a pet lover and Ive only ever birds and fish - Im actually quite scared of dogs and cats etc
but I would never hurt an animal
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:51 am

oh sotos, your ignorance makes you so....less cute. there is a big difference betwen pets and farm animals.....
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Postby Sotos » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:59 am

there is a big difference betwen pets and farm animals

Which is? The difference is that for some animals you care and for some you don't. Come and bring your dog with you. By pet python is getting hungry :lol:
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:04 am

Sotos wrote:
there is a big difference betwen pets and farm animals

Which is? The difference is that for some animals you care and for some you don't. Come and bring your dog with you. By pet python is getting hungry :lol:

ah ha! you have a pet python????
YOU have a pet????

if you don't know the difference
between a pet and a farm animal, i am not explaining ti to you.... just proof of your ignorance when it comes to animals
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Postby Marz » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:03 am

Sotos looks like your a hypocrite from what you have said so far.
Anyway your just trying to stir trouble.

Many people in Cyprus regard others who keep pets as dirty and dont understand how they keep animals at home.
Although most hypocrites will keep chickens and pidgeons and maybe more animals on a farm too. The only reson for them to keep animals is to eat them. Their brains cant comprehend anything else.

Theres an easy way to find a culprit who poisons your pet.

Spread the word for a big reward for the person who done it and watch the people flock to your place to blame someone, only the person who done it or someone who know him will know the exact details of the what time, day, and where the poison was laid. Then you can decide who done it and give them a beating they wont forget.
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Postby anastasiaC » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:02 am

there is nothing wrong with keeping animals for food ........fresh organic chickens are pricey....Just joking.
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Postby G.Man » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:56 am

Sotos wrote:
there is a big difference betwen pets and farm animals

Which is? The difference is that for some animals you care and for some you don't. Come and bring your dog with you. By pet python is getting hungry :lol:

Yeah, one is put to death humanely by experts so it can be eaten, the other is cruelly killed so it dies in agony while its out minding its own business by an asshole that should be strung up by the nads/ovaries...

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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:55 pm

betting guru wrote:Dont think it would make much difference hanging SOTOS by his balls as I doubt weather he has any.


actually, an animal that givees his life for our nourishment should be treated with the upmost respect. after all, they are sacrificing themselves for the better good of mankind. back in the days of ancient ment and human sacrifices, most of those people treated the humans that were to sacrificed like royalty, for they were giving thier life for the tribe's prosperity.
pets are not meant to be eaten, sotos. they are a part of the family and should be treated as such. just becasue WE can't understand what they have to say, doesn't mean they have nothing to say. i have "babysat" a total of 6 baby gorillas, from a day old to a year and a half, and let me tell you: those are some extremely intelligent creatures.

however angry we animal/pet lovers get at those people who abuse or neglect thier animals, it would be stooping to a low level to beat up or get revenge on the abuser. the best thing is to make your government aware of the problem, to get the media involved, to get the word out that this is not right, and pressure the authorities to take action to punish the guilty parties. you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar.

god or mohammed or the goddess or whomever you believe to be a higher power created us and all the wonderful forms of life around us. we are supposedly the intelligent ones. it is our job to care for the domestic animals. it is our mission to love and respect all life, because LIFE IS WONDERFUL!
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Postby Sotos » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:00 pm

Sotos looks like your a hypocrite from what you have said so far.

Hypocrites are you who say you love animals and then you eat them!

they are sacrificing themselves for the better good of mankind

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

just becasue WE can't understand what they have to say, doesn't mean they have nothing to say.

We know what the pigs have to say "We want be sacrificed for the better good of mankind" :lol: :lol:

Yeah, one is put to death humanely by experts so it can be eaten, the other is cruelly killed so it dies in agony while its out minding its own business by an asshole that should be strung up by the nads/ovaries...

The butchers have a Ph.D in butchering? ;) And what about fish and animals that are killed by hunting them?
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:32 pm

you've never been loved, unconditionally, by a pet (or a person), have you Sotos? that is why you do not understand the bond between human and pet.
i pity you.
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