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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus :(

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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:09 pm

I don't think he knows what he is saying. It's almost scary listening to Cypriots say the same thing.. "you're hypocrits. you eat meat. you hunt." blah blah. They really don't like to be told they are wrong, and will do anything to stick up for their Country! You either think it's wrong to poison animals, or you don't. It's simple. And if you don't agree, then you are just as bad as those who do it!
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Postby Piratis » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:13 pm

Yes, but in most cases, Cypriots trespass, and plant poison in their neighbours garden! If you don't have proof, then the police won't do anything about it! The police don't even care! You make it sound like we have a great law system here. What a load of crap.

If you say that our police is crap, then I will agree with you. If some people violated the law, those people should be punished and the police should do everything possible to find those that have committed a crime. But as you understand this is a different subject from the one we were discussing until now.

Does that mean, the law allows people, to have the right to kill dogs, if it wonders off the owners property, or did you mean to say some thing different.

I am not sure what the law says exactly. However as far as I know killing a cat or dog that enters your property is not illegal. Laying poison outside your property probably is. Driving over a cat with your car, I guess is not. (although I hate those that do that intentionally)
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Postby Piratis » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:21 pm

They really don't like to be told they are wrong

And may I ask who are YOU to tell me what is right and what is wrong?

What have you managed in your life so far in order to become so arrogant to believe that your ways are the only right ones and everybody else should follow them?
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:40 pm

Piratis wrote:I am not sure what the law says exactly. However as far as I know killing a cat or dog that enters your property is not illegal. Laying poison outside your property probably is. Driving over a cat with your car, I guess is not. (although I hate those that do that intentionally)

I'm sorry to say, it sounds like, there's definitely a disconnect in emotions between peoples mentality and pets (animals) in Cyprus, if the above is mostly true.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:52 pm

"However as far as I know killing a cat or dog that enters your property is not illegal.

WRONG. It is illegal. Noone under any circumstance is allowed to take the life of a cat or dog. If a stray dog was to enter your garden, then it would be your job to contact the police, who will then in turn contact the pound at the mucipality, and they will handle the situation accordingly. Maybe you think it's lawful and an acceptable thing to do in your head.

Driving over a cat or dog with intent, IS illegal. But those are the laws in the books, and noone is enforcing them.

And no Piratis... the police doing their job does play a MAJOR part in this conversation, because it is the governments and police's fault that Cypriots are still continuing to kill animals. Because the police aren't setting examples, and letting people know that it's illegal, and morally
wrong to kill cats and dogs! Maybe the weather is just too hot here, that leaves them with very little energy to do their jobs right?

Now for the 'who am I' part. I am just a girl, brought up in a country where the parents teach their kids to hate cats and dogs because they are dirty animals. They don't know anything about showing affection to dogs. I was taught as a child to love animals, and treat them with respect. I commend my mother for this. It's so wrong that parents are instilling fear into their children whenever they come within close proximity to a dog. Why not let your child stroke a poodle? The poodle isn't going to bite if it's with it's owner. If parents encouraged children to love cats and dogs, then their kids wouldn't grow into animal hating monsters.

And Piratis, you are the hypocrit for one minute showing that you are civilized, by saying yes, it's wrong for people to poison dogs. They should be punished. And then the next minute, you call me a bitch because you disagree with what I am saying.

Would you call a woman a bitch if you were to have a real life conversation with her, and her opinions opposed yours? Or would you call her a 'poushto engleza' behind her back as she walked away?

This mentality is driving me mad!

So what you're basically saying here Piratis... is that because I consume pork and beef, I shouldn't be allowed to attack Cypriots for the way they treat cats and dogs? Animals that I love? I shouldn't want things to change in my country, so it's more civilized? Your points of views are very ignorant. I can find faults with many countries, but this one bothers me the most because I live here, and I can't stand the things that go on here. It effects me directly. And why should I leave Cyprus because there are Cypriots that are still living 200 years behind me?

They should be sent away, not me. NOONE should have to accept the poisoning of animals here, and be told that you either accept it, or leave.
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Postby Olga » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:38 pm


I won't even bother reacting to your remarks about my education and my parents.

To the topic:

You know, when I read your replies I really feel that you don't understand what you're reading or maybe you just don't read at all, do you? Because it seems to me you just pick up one word from the whole post and don't even see in which context it was used. You see the word "poison" and you immediately say that the member supports poisoning of the animals etc.

Read carefully my posts, please.
And here once again I will repeat my position, specially for THOSE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND:

I am AGAINST the poisoning, torture of the animals.
But I don't understand why it's right to feel pity about the killed pets (and I don't say it's not right) but to feel pity about so called animals for food is something extraordinary.

And second, I am aware of the problem in Cyprus. Don't waste your time searching for articles so I will get "enlightened"; I've read such things, I've heard about such things. What bothers me a lot, though, it's how you present the situation. You said before there are reports of torturing animals every day. Coming from your words, all dogs in Cyprus should have been all killed already by now.

You throw these accusations, and at the same time cannot even remember right the surname of this your government vet.

You admitted yourself earlier that dogs and cats are killed in the UK also. But when it's about killing the animals in the UK, you say "well, it happens", and when it's about Cyprus, you shout how evil Cypriots are.

I read some of your posts in different topics. And it's always, according to you, Cypriots are so bad. You hate Cyprus and Cypriots, don't you? What are you doing here?
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Postby Olga » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:43 pm

And then the next minute, you call me a bitch because you disagree with what I am saying.

Would you call a woman a bitch if you were to have a real life conversation with her, and her opinions opposed yours? Or would you call her a 'poushto engleza' behind her back as she walked away?

I think he called you a bitch because of these your words:

Piratis wrote:
doglover wrote:And Olga... if I were to meet you in person, I would grab you by your hair and shake you about...

Shut up bitch. (=female dog-lover)
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:54 pm

Olga, again you come across as being uneducated.

If you look at your postings from last night, you said that animal poisoning in Cyprus does not occur here on a regular basis! And that totally contradicts what you're saying now... that it DOES happen often, from things you've heard or read. You are too blind to see the truth, or you simply don't want to agree with me because I hit a nerve about you being uneducated.

Don't come on here and try to use big words, in the hope that you will look educated, because you won't. You are incapable of stringing together coherent sentences.

"But I don't understand why it's right to feel pity about the killed pets" You don't understand why people grieve, and feel sorry for their pets after they have been poisoned?? What on earth are you saying, woman? Once again, I will say that this thread is about 'PETS' not farm animals! Pets, such as dogs and cats, that are loved by civilized people, in civilized countries.

And yes, that's right, people report their pets being poisoned on a regular basis. Dogs and cats are being poisoned every day, and in some cases, these dogs and cats do not have owners that will report these cases to the appropriate authorities.

I gave you a credible source to contact. The Paphiakos dog shelter, and the government vet. Call them instead of spewing bullsh** from your mouth, and learn the FACTS.

I did not say that ALL Cypriots are bad. I said that there are far too many Cypriots that poison dogs and cats, thus creating a big problem in Cyprus. Animal cruelty.

Everything those news articles say actually back up my comments. What can you back up your comments with, Olga?
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:58 pm

Olga wrote:
And then the next minute, you call me a bitch because you disagree with what I am saying.

Would you call a woman a bitch if you were to have a real life conversation with her, and her opinions opposed yours? Or would you call her a 'poushto engleza' behind her back as she walked away?

I think he called you a bitch because of these your words:

Piratis wrote:
doglover wrote:And Olga... if I were to meet you in person, I would grab you by your hair and shake you about...

Shut up bitch. (=female dog-lover)

Yes, that is a term often used when someone wants to shake some sense into someone.

I guess you're all for men calling you 'bitch', as you are trying to justify Piratis calling me one. I'm sure your Cypriot husband calls you that.

It's quite sad that the moderator deleted several peoples posts earlier in this thread. They were ranting on about how much of a stupid woman you are.

Don't you have kids to put to bed, or borscht to make?

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Postby Olga » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:00 pm

Olga, again you come across as being uneducated

The one who called you a bitch was soooo right

I didn't want to go personal but since you insist....
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