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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus :(

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Postby lysi » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:15 pm

doglover wrote:Also... we might want to think twice before we start arguing with Piratis and Sotis. They might have friends in Cyta who might be able to tell them our location from our IP address, seeing as Piratis is dangerous and can get that information. He might come and poison our dogs... or throw a grenade into our living room window, as this so often happens here.

doggy lover, they eat dogs in CHINA & KOREA dont they ? what do you think about that.
Also the BRITISH RSPCA are overworked with the thousands of animal abuse cases they have to deal with. :cry:
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:20 pm

Yes, I am far more educated than you are, so of course I am aware of the Koreans consuming dog meat. I'm also not insular, so I have an interest in affairs that go on elsewhere in the world.

Noone said there aren't any cases of animal abuse in the UK, and I praise the RSPCA for what they do to protect these animals. At least there is such an organization in the UK working with the police to punish those responsible! Unlike other countries in the world... like CYPRUS.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:29 pm

Look doglover, you are the one who started the offenses, and you continue doing it.

I have simply expressed my opinion on the matter, and I have the right to express any opinion including posting relevant images of food made of dog meat, a meal that in other countries is just like beef is for us.

Unfortunately you are so closed minded that not only you are unwilling to accept that different cultures can have different customs regarding animals, you (and some others) are quick to attack and accuse anybody that doesn't share your opinion.

Go and have a look back at this thread and you will see that Sotos was attacked first (hang him from his balls etc), I was then immidietly attacked and accused when I expressed my opinion, and then you even attacked Olga with the most racist remarks when she dared to support our point of view.

When you start a thread in here you have to accept that it will not be just bitching and accusing Cypriots and Cyprus, but you might also have to hear an opposing point of view.

If you and some others can not handle a different point of view on a subject then go to other forums were ex-pats can bitch about Cyprus alone. There are several of them.

I don't have grenades, just a G3. However, unlike you, I don't want to silence the opposing view. What I want is open minded logical discussions. Unfortunately such kind of discussions are not possible with people like you.

And just to set things clear for once more I do not support the poisoning of any pets, and of course I have never done such thing. What I am arguing here is that some people might not share our likes and dislikes in animals. Since we are responsible for the deaths and tortures of animals as well it is hypocritical if we judge others in such a negative way.

Yes, you have the right to disagree with me if you want and tell me that pets and farm animals are different (and explain why) etc. But if you personally attack me, then you should expect to get a response of the same kind.

Some time ago you asked if we have been to Canada, UK US etc. I have, yes. Now I will suggest to you to take a trip to Asia and Africa. The world is not just the "west" and it doesn't mean that what you are used to believe as being right (killing a mouse, cow, fish) and wrong (killing dogs, cats) should be necessarily the same in the whole world.

(Now I said mouse, I remember that when I was child we caught a mouse in a trap. I insisted, and in the end we took the mouse and released it in the woods. Now of course by our "western" standards, it would be fine if that mouse was killed by those other kinds of traps that smash their body, or by poison.)
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:38 pm

THIS thread was about PETS. Dogs and cats in Cyprus. I think you'll find in most civilized countries dogs and cats are kept as pets. Just because they consume dogs and cats in Korea, does not necessarily mean that it is right. And forget India where they worship cows... they are treating cows with respect, which isn't really a bad thing. The koreans eat dogs, because they think of dog meat the same way we would think of pork and beef for dinner. Although I think it's very wrong, they aren't doing it out of malice. Whereas some Cypriots are poisoning dogs and cats for no reason! they are just making the pets and the owners of these animals suffer for no reason. That's what is wrong... the evil intent behind it all. The unnecessary slaughter of a animal that is kept as a pet in most civilized countries.

I did not ask you or others if the consumption of farm animals is right or wrong. Because my initial posting wasn't about that!

Now, you could have easily said "yes, it's wrong to poison dogs and cats." and left it at that, considering there are some very upset people here that have lost a pet due to them being poisoned. but no, you insisted to call us all hypocrits because we love our pets and want them to live in a safe environment!

This is why you have upset many people. You are calling us all hypocrits because we love our dogs, and find it very upsetting when we, or a family member, loses one that has been poisoned by a Cypriot. If you can't get past the 'hypocrit' thing, then stop posting here, because you're really starting to annoy a lot of people.

And for you to argue with us, can only mean that there is a small part of you that agrees with the poisoning of cats and dogs in Cyprus.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:54 pm

"(Now I said mouse, I remember that when I was child we caught a mouse in a trap. I insisted, and in the end we took the mouse and released it in the woods. Now of course by our "western" standards, it would be fine if that mouse was killed by those other kinds of traps that smash their body, or by poison.)"

Is this the same kind of poison Cypriots use to poison dogs when they have run out of Lanate?

And how come Lanate is banned in every single European country, EXCEPT Cyprus? I'll tell you why... because the government can't be arsed to put a ban on it!
Last edited by doglover on Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby betting guru » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:55 pm

Sotos wrote:I butcher dogs to feed myself and my pet python. I am a pet lover too!! ;)

Says it all really.

Piratis dont misquote me. I said that there would be no point hanging Sotos by his balls because he probably hasnt got any. THATS WHAT I SAID. So dont twist MY truth into YOUR truth, they are completely two different things.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:57 pm

For you to argue with us, can only mean that there is a small part of you that agrees with the poisoning of cats and dogs.

I argue with you because I oppose your hypocritical and racist attitude towards anybody that doesn't share your set of beliefs regarding animals.

I think you'll find in most civilized countries dogs and cats are kept as pets.

Another example for what I said above. China and Korea have some of the greatest civilizations ever existed, yet you class them as uncivilized because they don't share your beliefs.

Now, you could have easily said "yes, it's wrong to poison dogs and cats."

What I say is that I don't like it when dogs and cats are poisoned. However since for us it is OK to kill other animals (e.g. a mouse by poisoning) then I am not in the position to judge others and tell them what is right or wrong on this issue. In the same way you can have your own beliefs, but you have no right to force them on others telling them that your ways are right and their ways are wrong.

As I said before, keep your pets with you and within your property and do all that law requires. Within your property you can have your set of beliefs regarding animals. If somebody brakes in your property to harm your pets, then that person would have broken the law and he will have to pay the penalty for this.

Outside of your property, what counts is only the law, not your (or mine) subjective opinion about what is right and wrong.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:59 pm

Yes, he will say anything in his favour, to try to justify his statements. I came to this forum so I could discuss the poisoning of dogs and cats with other animal lovers. It's something that upsets me every day... and I am being constantly reminded of it every time I see a stray walking along the road.

I didn't come here to 'police' the forum, and be argumentative just for the sake of it, as Piratis is clearly doing.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:02 pm

"As I said before, keep your pets with you and within your property and do all that law requires. Within your property you can have your set of beliefs regarding animals. If somebody brakes in your property to harm your pets, then that person would have broken the law and he will have to pay the penalty for this."

Yes, but in most cases, Cypriots trespass, and plant poison in their neighbours garden! If you don't have proof, then the police won't do anything about it! The police don't even care! You make it sound like the police enforce these laws here. What a load of crap. The police told my brother when his poodle was poisoned "there's nothing we can do if you don't know who did it"

So I guess that if we civilized people wish to have pets in our gardens... we must first pay hundreds of pounds for security systems, that will hopefully alert us if someone trespasses, and if not, record the person poisoning our dogs? We shouldn't have to live in fear. Those Cypriots need to be sent to the UK or US, and be educated from scratch.
Last edited by doglover on Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:03 pm

Piratis wrote:Outside of your property, what counts is only the law, not your (or mine) subjective opinion about what is right and wrong.

Does that mean, the law allows people, to have the right to kill dogs and cats, if they wonder off the owners property, or did you mean to say some thing different.??
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