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is it against the law??

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is it against the law??

Postby villasbyandy » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:48 pm

answers on a postcard please!!

is it against the law to ride a motobike without a crash helmet??
is it the duty of a policeman to stop people from breaking the law?
if he sees the law being broken , should he or her reprimand the law breaker or breakers?

Then!!! why do i constantly see police ignoring these lawbreakers!!
motorbikes being ridden with no helmets!

its a joke.
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Re: is it against the law??

Postby GG » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:51 pm

Well there is one theory. Riding a motorbike without a helmet is a crime that that can only end in the offenders death or injury and is not a crime that will directly injure inncocent people and so they turn their resources to crimes that create victims, dink drivers, speeders, drug pushers etc.

The other theiry is they just can't be bothered.
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Postby villasbyandy » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:54 pm

sounds about right!! cant be arsed to stop them! unless they think they can get a decent backhander for not giving a ticket?
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Postby Hazza » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:59 pm

You see alot of them wearing their helmet around their arms. How is the highway code written in Cyprus? Does it specify that they have to wear the headgear on their heads, or is everyone using an extremely dodgy loophole?

I've seen loads of old men wearing builders hardhats whilst riding their mopeds. Would that be legal or illegal?
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Postby Biker » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:03 pm

It's against the law to ride a motorcycle (of ANY size) without an EU approved crash helmet. The fines is £50 and 2/3 points on the license.
It's also against the law for a passenger to ride without a helmet, the passenger is responsible and will be fined £50...but not the rider.
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