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hello from the other side

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hello from the other side

Postby jazzy1 » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:34 pm

Hi Guys

I am here at long last. ( Larnaca) Got here on Wednesday 23rd August. Leaving rainy England behind me.

just saying hello.

This is soooo weird for me. what a big step.

The heat is dreadful but hey I am sitting here with no aircon on at the mo and coping.

How did the get together go on the 20th? did it happen?

jazzy xxx
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Postby Hazza » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:55 pm

Jazzy, welcome to Cyprus :D

I too have no aircon and have survived for 2 years without it, so it isn't all bad. Just leave all windows and doors open and you get a nice breeze circulating! What are your thoughts so far about Cyprus? Have you found your way around yet?

Don't think the meetup happened, though I'm sure somebody will prove me wrong:D

Anyway, seeing as you have just got to Larnaca, here's a small list to help you along. This is just from the top of my head, though I will add more once they come to me.
Places to shop:
There's a very cheap importer at the top of the road where Anorthosi is. The food there is all imported from non-EU countries so the prices are kept to a minimum. For the life of me, I can't remember what its called. The road name that its on is "Kokkines" which isn't too far from wher you live.

Aloma - Again its cheap food and household bits and bobs, same road as Chris Cash & Carry/Carrefour or whatever they call themselves these days.

Fruit/Veg - Directly opposite Chris Cash & Carry/Carrefour, very fresh.

Shoes - Ioannou opposite Chris Cash & Carry/Carrefour. Very cheap with a huge selection of shoes both mens and womens.

Electrical goods - Kleima, on the road going out of Larnaca towards Nicosia. Massive place. Extremely cheap.

Cars - Mandilas, can't knock them, they have been excellent in the aftersales, especially Demitri Mandilas. They are on the Dekhelia Rd.
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Postby jazzy1 » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:21 pm

Cheers Hazza, this is great. got to try and keep costs down to minimum so I will check these places out.

Going to see that car place tomorrow as quite a few peoplpe have recomended him.

what doctors do you use?
have you seen the big polyclinic called Holycross. its 2 mins from la stampa shoppoing centre

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Postby Hazza » Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:01 pm

I've heard of Hollycross but never actually been there. I'll ask around if anyone knows of it. At the moment, if I need a doctor, I go to the one opposite Anorthosi football stadium, above Masterchef bakers. He's not a bad doctor.
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