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Postby Snad » Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:38 am

miltiades wrote:is he , laptanige , an English nose picking , beer drinking sun reading arse shower mother f....r peasant , then I apologise for thinking he might be a civilized T/C . Bet he gets pissed every day on cheap beer , smokes 400 a day , has no idea where afsdrteher is and thinks the sun shines out of his arse when not obstructed by some other intrusion,.

OMG is it any wonder that the GC & TC don't get on, if you speak about each other like this! :shock:


I do think Laptanige avatar is quite provoking, after all this is a Cyprus forum.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:30 am

Snad , please read my post again , I'm talking about an English peasant pretending to be T/C , it is a very clear post. I asked if laptanige is a T/C , I was informed that he is an English bloody hooligan and I responded as I would respond to crap .
"""OMG is it any wonder that the GC & TC don't get on, if you speak about each other like this! ""

Do me a favour , you have been on this forum long enough to know my views . An apology is in order.
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Postby Snad » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:44 pm

miltiades wrote:Snad , please read my post again , I'm talking about an English peasant pretending to be T/C , it is a very clear post. I asked if laptanige is a T/C , I was informed that he is an English bloody hooligan and I responded as I would respond to crap .
"""OMG is it any wonder that the GC & TC don't get on, if you speak about each other like this! ""

Do me a favour , you have been on this forum long enough to know my views . An apology is in order.

No offense was meant, I can assure you and if you took it that way I am sorry.

I am English, does that make me a peasant too??
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Postby Hazza » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:04 pm

But was there any need for....

an English nose picking , beer drinking sun reading arse shower mother f....r peasant

I'm sorry but what ever your views are, personal insults are uncalled for.
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Postby lysi » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:46 pm

Kifeas wrote:Laptanige, since I am sure you have no clue about the place you are living, here is an interesting website for you to learn a bit about it, and what it means to its 5,000 ethnically cleansed inhabitants who and their ancestors have had a continues historical and cultural existence and heritage of thousands of years in the place, until the crime whose you seem to be a collaborator took place in 1974. Do not hope we will ever give up!

LAPTA NIGEL, why would i want to mix with a gang of thieves like you lot ? you mugs think you can steal greek cypriot owned land & get away with it , dont you ?.
Well i hope you and the other WANTED BRITISH THIEVES,DRUG DEALERS & SEX OFFENDERS enjoy living in the OCCUPIED PUPPET STATE that you live in.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:54 pm

No it does not , neither does it make you a hooligan , a binge drinker throwing up every weekend , having punch ups with your mates and showing your naked ass to passers by .
My wife of 40 plus years is also English and my children have English blood flowing in their veins , now , if you pay attention and listen to what I'm saying there would be no need for misunderstandings.
The English , as I stated in an earlier post , have in their mists the finest and most civilized humans in the world , also they have amongst them , or should I say amongst us , the worst specimen of an uncivilized human , which normally manifest its self amongst football hooligans who have for years terrorised Europe , beer swelling social misfits who would not hesitate to stab you in the face should you look at them the wrong way. Have a look in the daily press in the UK , you will see an abundance of such behaviour by these morons.
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Postby Snad » Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:09 pm

miltiades wrote:No it does not , neither does it make you a hooligan , a binge drinker throwing up every weekend , having punch ups with your mates and showing your naked ass to passers by .
My wife of 40 plus years is also English and my children have English blood flowing in their veins , now , if you pay attention and listen to what I'm saying there would be no need for misunderstandings.
The English , as I stated in an earlier post , have in their mists the finest and most civilized humans in the world , also they have amongst them , or should I say amongst us , the worst specimen of an uncivilized human , which normally manifest its self amongst football hooligans who have for years terrorised Europe , beer swelling social misfits who would not hesitate to stab you in the face should you look at them the wrong way. Have a look in the daily press in the UK , you will see an abundance of such behaviour by these morons.


I can assure you I am paying attention and cannot find {quote}the English, as I stated in earlier post {unquote} any where in this thread.
As Hazza says there is no need for name calling. I know there is good and bad in every race. If you want to have a go at laptinage, be my guest, but other people will have opinions too.
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Postby laptanige » Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:33 pm

miltiades avatar changed ............... Now lets get to the crux of the matter are CYPRIOTS a friendley warm

harted people or hate filled backwardlooking rascist bigots ??/ I would like to think its the first but some members of the forum do make me wonder.

Why resort to name calling and insults when you disagree it does shoe your lack education and lacing of normal inteligence.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:00 pm

Laptanige , you have my sincere apologies , let me make clear what lights my fuse and makes me explode.
I consider any separatist , divisive , Unionist , partitionist ideas on Cyprus , whether they derive from my G/C or my T/C brothers to be a total anathema to what I and thousands of genuine Cypriots want which is one Cyprus united under its own identity , its own flag its own equal parliament where majority and minority issues are a thing of the past and all Cypriots are equal citizens in their own land , the land of Cyprus. You will recall other "fracases " that I had with other members both G/C and T/C who expressed divisive views. Of course they are free to post what ever they like , but can do so unchallenged , no way. My Cyprus belongs to the Cypriots it is not part of Greece , Turkey or Britain. This forum is called CYPRUSNET and hopefully we all can all be instrumental in building the bridge to trust and mutual respect. Through this forum , I have met and befriended the most genuine and decent Turkish Cypriot MRFROMNG , who also introduced me to my dear friend Ahmed , both of these guys are Cypriot and DECENT.
I look forward to meeting many more , as I already have numerous T/C mates , business acquaintances etc.
Interacting with each other , encouraging others to interact its the most important part that those of us without any political cloud could have and could influence our leaders to march ahead for a peaceful solution.

Finally laptanige , once again , I offer my sincere apologies for my out burst and I'm grateful eternally to you for making me humble.
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Postby laptanige » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:47 am

Top post , many thanks . As an immigrant to this lovely island I would seek to assimilate into the CYPRIOT community .

Hopefully we all can all be instrumental in building the bridge to trust and mutual respect.
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