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Why are the British SBAs still in Cyprus?

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Why are the British SBAs still in Cyprus?

Postby ukofamnesia » Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:10 pm

Its obvious the so-called British Sovereign Base Areas have been ceded in one of those unequal treaties so beloved by western colonialists,
just like Hong Kong island and Guantanamo bay (USA).

But ALL of Hong Kong went back to china, as Guantanamo will go back to Cuba.

These bases could be handed over for UN use for UNFICYP and the reinforced UNIFIL.

Now the Cyprus Republic is in the EU,how much longer will it wait for the return of these territories?

What do southern Cypriots think about this occupation of their country?
Are you just more scared of those folks up north?
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Postby Piratis » Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:35 pm

Its obvious the so-called British Sovereign Base Areas have been ceded in one of those unequal treaties so beloved by western colonialists

I agree 100% with that.

What do southern Cypriots think about this occupation of their country?
Are you just more scared of those folks up north?

Just to clarify, there is no such thing as "southern Cypriot". Greek Cypriots are the great majority in all parts of the island north, south east and west, but the Turkish invasion has ethnically cleansed Greek Cypriots from the northern part of their own country and it still insist on illegally keeping them away from their own homes.

Regarding the bases, they were given to the UK as part of the "Treaty of Guarantee" were the UK was supposed to protect the sovereignty of Republic of Cyprus.

As you said, such treaties are the ones that the powerful forces of the weak. However the UK didn't even bother to honor that treaty since the sovereignty of Cyprus is violated by Turkey for the last 32 years.

The game that is played is called "divide and rule". Greek Cypriots will never dare to question the British bases since they would be afraid that UK/USA will then recognize the pseudo state that Turkey created on the north part of our country.
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Postby ukofamnesia » Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:48 pm

I take your point about there being ethnically no South or North Cypriots. The term was just a geographical one meant to refer to where they re living now. Britain also has its 'Northerners' and 'Southerners' in that sense.
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Postby sajica58 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:40 pm

I don't want to seem to be picking on you ,as i am just an upstart newcomer,
but Wasn't the sovereignty of Cyprus violated by the Greek junta who kicked
makarios out? or were they invited over by the RoC?

Or is it that your GREEKNESS prevents you from remembering such small matters.
Going back to the original question though, i wonder where we would be now
if the British did send a large force over back in 1974.
Would Cyprus be divided now?
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Postby stuballstu » Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:59 pm

Piratis wrote
Regarding the bases, they were given to the UK as part of the "Treaty of Guarantee" were the UK was supposed to protect the sovereignty of Republic of Cyprus.

Piratis as you full well know Cyprus was a British colony and gave Cyprus independence in 1960 with the exception of the SBA areas. The bases where never given to the UK they already had sovereignty of Cyprus but then again you already knew that didn't you?

Piratis wrote
As you said, such treaties are the ones that the powerful forces of the weak. However the UK didn't even bother to honor that treaty since the sovereignty of Cyprus is violated by Turkey for the last 32 years.

It could also be argued that Greece also violated the Treaty but then again being selective in your posts you would also know that as well.

Same crap different day Piratis?
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Postby G.Man » Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:29 pm

Piratis wrote:
Its obvious the so-called British Sovereign Base Areas have been ceded in one of those unequal treaties so beloved by western colonialists

I agree 100% with that.

What do southern Cypriots think about this occupation of their country?
Are you just more scared of those folks up north?

Just to clarify, there is no such thing as "southern Cypriot". Greek Cypriots are the great majority in all parts of the island north, south east and west, but the Turkish invasion has ethnically cleansed Greek Cypriots from the northern part of their own country and it still insist on illegally keeping them away from their own homes.

Ethnically cleansed?? Really? So there are no GC's ever in north cyprus since 1974 then?

FGS stop trying to use such emotive terms, it lowers your IQ about 50 points!

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Postby Piratis » Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:56 pm

I don't want to seem to be picking on you ,as i am just an upstart newcomer,
but Wasn't the sovereignty of Cyprus violated by the Greek junta who kicked
makarios out?

Sure, in Cyprus there was a coup. Like the several ones that happened in Turkey. That coup was condemned and our president was in the UN declarign its illegality. How does that give a foreign country the right to illegally occupy 1/3rd of Republic of Cyprus for 32 years?

Piratis as you full well know Cyprus was a British colony and gave Cyprus independence in 1960 with the exception of the SBA areas. The bases where never given to the UK they already had sovereignty of Cyprus but then again you already knew that didn't you?

I agree, part of Cyprus still remains under colonial rule and had never be decolonized as it should have been according to UN resolutions. I agree with you.

It could also be argued that Greece also violated the Treaty but then again being selective in your posts you would also know that as well.

So what? Because Grecee violated the treaty once it means that other countries should invade Cyprus and occupy it for 32 years? So if tomorrow one country violated a treaty with the UK it gives the right to all other countries to invade the UK??

Same crap different day Piratis?

By you.

Ethnically cleansed?? Really? So there are no GC's ever in north cyprus since 1974 then?

Of course ethnically cleansed. How else do you call it when they put a gun on your head and force you out of your home and never allow you to return? This happened to all GCs that lived in the northern part of Cyprus (who were the great majority of the population). Only a few 1000s remained, and even them were gradually forced to live due to the inhumane ways they were treated.

FGS stop trying to use such emotive terms, it lowers your IQ about 50 points!

Even if my IQ was lowered by 100 points it would still be way higher than yours. If for you the crime that is committed against our country is nothing because you are a foreigner and you don't give a shit, then maybe you should think (if possible) that for the people that were ethnically cleansed this is indeed a very serious and emotive issue.
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Postby stuballstu » Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:06 pm

Piratis wrote
Piratis as you full well know Cyprus was a British colony and gave Cyprus independence in 1960 with the exception of the SBA areas. The bases where never given to the UK they already had sovereignty of Cyprus but then again you already knew that didn't you?

I agree, part of Cyprus still remains under colonial rule and had never be decolonized as it should have been according to UN resolutions. I agree with you.

UN resolutions to say that Cyprus was to be de-colonised? Are you implying or saying that the UN has passed resolutions against the UK telling them to "give" the SBA areas to Cyprus? If so please substantiate this or stop talking nonsense.

Piratis wrote
It could also be argued that Greece also violated the Treaty but then again being selective in your posts you would also know that as well.

So what? Because Grecee violated the treaty once it means that other countries should invade Cyprus and occupy it for 32 years? So if tomorrow one country violated a treaty with the UK it gives the right to all other countries to invade the UK??

So what indeed Piratis. That part faded from your memory and didn't comply with your argument then. Greece did try you are correct but if the military jaunta had their way and Cyprus became a Greek island would you still have the same arguments about illegalities that you have today? Probably not.

Your arguments are now bordering on ridiculous, without substance and full of Greek ideology. With people like you Piratis the Cyprus problem will continue for at least another 40+ years. Good on you.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:19 pm

UN resolutions to say that Cyprus was to be de-colonised?

Just you arguing that Cyprus should be an exception and not decolonized reveal your sick character and your support for illegalities and the exploitation of people by some fascist bastards like you.

Go here and read about decolonization: ... ration.htm

There you will find Cyprus as well, something that will probably surprise you since you believe that Cypriots are sub-humans and should always be under the rule of the colonialists.

So what indeed Piratis. That part faded from your memory and didn't comply with your argument then. Greece did try you are correct but if the military junta had their way and Cyprus became a Greek island would you still have the same arguments about illegalities that you have today? Probably not.

My friend, why when you are so ignorant you are trying to argue with me?
Makarios in fact had gone to the UN and condemned the illegal coup and asked from the UN to help Cyprus to return to legality.

But instead of that Turkey invaded Cyprus and today continues to illegally occupy part of our country with a lame excuse that expired 32 years ago.

Your arguments are now bordering on ridiculous, without substance and full of Greek ideology.

Look Mr. Car dealer, apparently you do not have the mental capacity to understand what I say, or even worst you refuse to understand what I say because your personal interests are served by the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of people and the illegalities that Turkey is forcing in Cyprus.

Go to your friends the Orams and the other criminals to tell your stories because here they don't pass.

With people like you Piratis the Cyprus problem will continue for at least another 40+ years. Good on you.

If what you mean is that the Cyprus problem will not be closed with the legalization of the illegalities, then you are right. It might take 40 years, but when it will be solved it will be truly solved.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:35 pm

sajica58 wrote:Piretis,
I don't want to seem to be picking on you ,as i am just an upstart newcomer,
but Wasn't the sovereignty of Cyprus violated by the Greek junta who kicked
makarios out? or were they invited over by the RoC?

Or is it that your GREEKNESS prevents you from remembering such small matters.

What a silly, foolish argument!

Listen to the logic of the above poster! S/he implies or is trying to insinuate that because there was an attempted violation of RoC sovereignty by the Greek junta in 1974, which began and ended in failure in just one week, this in his mind is enough reason and justification for Turkey to have subsequently invaded without a UN SC mandate or authorisation, and violated and to continue to do so the sovereignty of the RoC for 32 years now, and this is also enough reason to have given Turkey the right to have ethnically cleansed 200,000 indigenous GCs from the north part of their country and to have usurped all their homes and properties and bring its own people from Turkey to occupy them, or allow for them to be "sold" to foreigners.
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