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Why are the British SBAs still in Cyprus?

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Should the SBAs stay ?

Poll ended at Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:10 pm

Total votes : 25

Postby EUropean666 » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:57 pm

I beg your some history= invasion occured after the coup failed.
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Postby rotate » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:41 pm

MarsdenCuckoo wrote:Miltiades: tut tut, such bad language for a 'lecturer'!?

And, as for Rotate: If you really believe (and more to the point... accept) the Councils are seriously considering what you suggest, then might I suggest you stand as a local councillor and really see where all the money goes?!?


Seriously Christine!
Reported on BBC Radio 4 'Today' programme in July 06, Medway Council have undertaken a feasibilty study into the proposal to switch off night time street lighting in order to avoid increasing council tax charges to residents and to conserve energy. The result of the study is awaited by other UK councils, all of whom are trying to keep down rising energy costs to council tax payers.

I'm not attacking the councillor's who have been forced into considering this matter, energy even for public use has to be paid for and the money has to come from somewhere.
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Postby sajica58 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:47 am

EUropean666 wrote:I beg your some history= invasion occured after the coup failed.

EUropean 666, I suggest YOU read some history ,,,.

As Sisco negotiated in Athens, Turkish invasion ships were already at sea. A last-minute reversal might have been possible had the Greeks made concessions, but they did not. The invasion began early on July 20, 1974. Three days later the Greek junta collapsed in Athens, Sampson resigned in Nicosia, and the threat of war between NATO allies was over, but the Turkish army was on Cyprus.

see EUropean666,
3 days after the invasion the junta collapsed,
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Postby rotate » Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:24 am

miltiades wrote:rotate , think of all that money that can be saved by withdrawing from all overseas commitments.
We can have lots more asylum seekers to look after , as well as thousands up on thousands of more immigrants , we can invest in more hospitals to take care of them and invite half the Indian sub continent to join us.
And with all our savings we can have schools to teach the ignorant natives Urdu ,Farsi , JAPORATEE ??? Chinese , Japanese stick your n..s !! Those natives who dont like it piss off to Cyprus and Spain. Englanistan can do with out them .
Just imagine a new generation of English children happily singing" peri peari soura te kokkisi nazare na leye."
That's bye bye black ship in Urdu.

Like it or not the UK is a multi cultural society and no I dont recall any UK government asking the electorate if thats what they wanted no more than in the days of Empire any UK government asking the natives if they wanted the 'benefit' of being part of the Empire. Come to think of it the only UK politician of any standing who had the 'balls' to talk about immigration was Enoch Powell in his now infamous 'Rivers of Blood' speech which promptly relegated him to outer reaches of British political life, since then only Norman 'on your bike' Tebbit managed to raise the question in his ridiculous 'Cricket Test' challenge. Prophetically Enoch's words have come true, no one even now dares to give him the credit that he deserves but then who in Islington polite society would give credit to a man who rose from a private soldier who wrote spoke and read both modern and classical Greek to Brigadier in less than six years!

However we are as they say where we are and a large section of our population (I still pay UK taxes and maintain a home in the UK so I have not completely abandoned my duties as a citizen by pissing off to my wife's country) who are by no means all immigrants object to Britains foreign policies and perhaps more importantly for the benefit of this thread to the continued maintenance of the Cyprus SBA's made all the more irritating or insulting if you prefer by Britains lack of intervention in 1974. As much as I would have liked the British military to have intervened and perhaps saved me from losing my home in 74 I can see clearly the objections to the shedding of more British blood on the island of Cyprus on behalf of a people who really dont like us at all, who did their utmost to see us quit Cyprus and who treated their fellow citizens like something stuck to the sole of their shoe, add to this the Gordian knot of the British military killing EOKA 'B' fighters renegade Cypriot National Guardsmen and Greek soldiers in order to restore the legal government of Cyprus and the British would have been marginally less popular than they are now Treaty of Guarantee or not.
Being a firm believer in not staying where you are not wanted and in truth the British are not really wanted anywhere, the abandonment of the SBA's would be at the very least an act of atonement for past misdeeds and as a bonus a large saving in UK tax payers money in maintenance and operating costs which would be better spent in re-equiping the British military to counter threats closer to home. Clearly the commitment of British forces to UN operations is a waste of resources as all that is for the most part ever acheived is the temporary keeping of one side from the throats of the other, as Churchill said at the end of the Greek civil war we can no longer afford to be the worlds policeman, yet another prophetic statement that British politicians and society has chosen to ignore.

If British intervention/invasion/occupation is about oil, sorry I meant democracy what does the average Briton care about democracy in the middle east? very little I would imagine providing there's fuel to be had at a reasonable price and who really cares if its the product of an intolerant or murderous regime, it doesnt seem to matter to the rest of Europe so why waste British lives when all thats required is a fist full of dollars.

Congratulations on the Urdu from one old Fakir to another :roll:
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