Piratis wrote:Then by the same token, the TC's were ethnically cleansed from the south then.. they were forced to relocate...
The TCs went to the north to achieve their dream of partition, not because they were forced. If the Turkish invasion didn't happen nobody would be forced to became a refugee.
As I understand it, the military is protecting TC's from losing their portion of the island, it is not trying to break the country apart any further...
G.Man, we already established that your understanding on many things in Cyprus and in general (e.g. what "ethnic cleansing" means) is not very good. So better educate yourself before you talk.
TCs are 18% and they never had any portion of Cyprus as exclusively their own. The Turkish army is illegaly keeping
our homes, not protecting the properties of TCs.
There are still GC's living in the north as far as I am aware, so they have not been ethnically cleansed at all
Out of the 200.000 there are probably less than 1000 left. Or maybe according to your 184 IQ if not every single person is ethnically cleansed that means that ethnic cleansing didn't take place?
most of them fled agreed
"fled agreed"? This is a black joke right?
Talat is committed to the re-unification of Cyprus so what is the holdup in the south?
Talat is committed to the
word unification. Have a look here to understand what he and his similars mean with this word:
There are 1000 left in the north, so they werent all forced out at gunpoint... They chose to stay and still do...
Most people fled, afraid of being killed, which wasnt the case...
"Most people fled, agreed" means I agree, most left the area.. I apologise for my lack of punctuation and the closed mindedness that made it an issue..
TC's never had any portion of the island eh? What even up until the British took control at the time of the first world war? The Ottoman empire must be a myth then yes?
Yes I am not cypriot, but I live here as well... although I know some cypriots will always hate me for being british and not a cypriot... Just as well I never had the same attitude to all the cypriots in Britain who I have been friends with for 40 years... Turkish and Greek...
SBA's have a symbiotic relationship with Cyprus for the most part, but there will always be some who want them out because they are British and feel its some kind of colonisation... I am sure when re-unification happens they will go anyway..
I have no need to read any more of your rhetoric, I have read it at length in the past...
I await with baited breath your next patronising reply