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Why are the British SBAs still in Cyprus?

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Poll ended at Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:10 pm

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Postby stuballstu » Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:25 pm

Piratis wrote
UN resolutions to say that Cyprus was to be de-colonised?

Just you arguing that Cyprus should be an exception and not decolonized reveal your sick character and your support for illegalities and the exploitation of people by some fascist bastards like you.

Go here and read about decolonization: ... ration.htm

There you will find Cyprus as well, something that will probably surprise you since you believe that Cypriots are sub-humans and should always be under the rule of the colonialists.

Sorry Piratis i still cant find the resolution passed by the UN reference British involvement in Cyprus. Is that because it does not exist like you imply? Are you saying that the UK is ignoring a UN resolution? Tony would be horrified.

Cyprus has been de colonised with the exception of the SBA areas which the UK has kept, there is nothing illegal in that.

Me a "Fascist Bastard"? I have been called many things but that's a first. As a moderator you shouldn't need reminding of the rules but here is a reminder of the first rule of this forum.

Personal attacks are not allowed - Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully without insult and personal attack

If you apologise for the personal insult re "Fascist Bastard" I will not take it any further with admin or the moderator of this board.

Also i count some Greek and Turkish Cypriots amongst my closest friends and definately not sub-humans. You should include you apology to cover this as it is deeply insulting not only to me but also your fellow Cypriots who are my friends.

Look Mr. Car dealer, apparently you do not have the mental capacity to understand what I say, or even worst you refuse to understand what I say because your personal interests are served by the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of people and the illegalities that Turkey is forcing in Cyprus.

Go to your friends the Orams and the other criminals to tell your stories because here they don't pass.

Mr Car Dealer now?? very good Piratis :roll: Is that a step up the ladder from being as you call me a supporter of illegalities? :wink: . My mental capacity is very good thanks, just because i dis-agree with you does not mean that i don't understand what you write. I think its called respect something which at the moment you are showing a distinct lack of especially when insulting fellow forum members. As i have said before hand on other threads i do have business interests on both sides of the the green line and do legally own properties both sides so my only personal interest is a solution to the Cyprus solutions which suits Cypriots but according to you that means that i am in
support for illegalities and the exploitation of people by some fascist bastards like you
Your not very good a profiling so please stop it

And just for the record i have never met the Orams, so how can i be friends with them?

If what you mean is that the Cyprus problem will not be closed with the legalization of the illegalities, then you are right. It might take 40 years, but when it will be solved it will be truly solved.

I don't want to get off the thread however i feel compelled to answer your post. If the Cyprus problem does go on the next 40 years then permanent partition would be a reality by then.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:19 pm

Same crap different day Piratis?

Do you remember the above stuballstu? You (and G.Man) have personally attacked me for no reason. Oh, I forgot, sub-human Cypriots should just take the insults and not reply in kind. Thats what you believe isn't it?

I stand by the 100% of what I said because it is nothing less than the truth. Now go and complain that a sub-human Greek Cypriot dared to reply to you in kind.

Sorry Piratis i still cant find the resolution passed by the UN reference British involvement in Cyprus. Is that because it does not exist like you imply? Are you saying that the UK is ignoring a UN resolution? Tony would be horrified.

You mean you can't read either?
I gave you the link with the resolution which also includes Cyprus (explicitly) along with the other colonized countries. If you can't read and you prefer to believe your imagination instead of the truth thats not my problem.

As i have said before hand on other threads i do have business interests on both sides of the the green line and do legally own properties both sides so my only personal interest is a solution to the Cyprus solutions which suits Cypriots

:lol: Which suits Cypriots? But my friend here you support the violations of the human rights of 100.000s of people just to serve your personal interests and then you are telling me that you want a solution which "suits Cypriots?". If thats what you want then why are you trying so hard with propaganda and lies to support Turkey and her crimes in Cyprus?

Come on my friend, it is crystal clear what you want and were your interests lie. Don't bullshit us.

P.S Orams are not your friends? How come? You don't know all the criminals that illegally bought GC properties in occupied Cyprus, only most of them?
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Postby sajica58 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:28 pm

So you think mine is a silly foolish argument,
Well if you think that the Greek junta coup failed in a week, you might like to tell me how and why it failed, NO?

Wasn't it because Turkey invaded that it failed. The Greek junta didn't fancy
a war with turkey so it collapsed. I know it would have suited you to be part of greece, but i don't think the turks would have liked that idea.
If there would have been any left,if Nicos sampson had his way that is!
And another matter ,you are in no position to know what is in my mind or not,so don't put words in my mouth.

My point was that the sovereignty of cyprus was violated by the junta first.

Simple really, no junta intervention = no turkish invasion...[/quote]
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:59 pm

sajica58 wrote:Kifeas,
So you think mine is a silly foolish argument,
Well if you think that the Greek junta coup failed in a week, you might like to tell me how and why it failed, NO?

Wasn't it because Turkey invaded that it failed. The Greek junta didn't fancy
a war with turkey so it collapsed. I know it would have suited you to be part of greece, but i don't think the turks would have liked that idea.
If there would have been any left,if Nicos sampson had his way that is!
And another matter ,you are in no position to know what is in my mind or not,so don't put words in my mouth.

My point was that the sovereignty of cyprus was violated by the junta first.

Simple really, no junta intervention = no turkish invasion...

Sajica, what is it that you want to say?

Do you want to say that the Turkish invasion and the subsequent occupation, property theft and ethnic cleansing by the invading country are legitimised because the Greek junta ordered the mainland Greek officers seconded in the Greek Cypriot National Guard to overthrow Makarios? Is this what you want to say?

Are you trying to tell me that my ethnic cleansing from my place of birth and living in the north, which continues up to this day, and the theft and the usurping of all my properties in the north, together with those of another 200,000 GCs, are a legitimate or a legal situation, simply because the Greek junta made the coup against Makarios 32 years ago? It this what you are trying to imply? Is it the Greek junta that occupies my country and my properties for the last 32 years and up until now, or it is Turkey? Are you serious?

Are you trying to tell me that because someone attempted to rape his cousin, and the neighbour across the road intervened, supposedly in order to save her from the hands of the rapist cousin, that the prospective “saviour” was /is also legitimised to rape her instead, and to continue to be doing so ever since, for 32 years? Is this the idea you are trying to sell us here? Please enlighten us?

Please help us to realise that you are not indeed fucked up by the Turkish pervasive propaganda!
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Postby sajica58 » Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:34 am

there you go again, putting words in my mouth, I am saying exactly what i more no less, stop letting your imagination run away from you. you're making a mountain out of a molehill. whatever the rights or wrongs of the invasion
and you have made your view quite clear, so don't repeat it, the point i was making and you can call me pedantic if you want is that the sovereignty of the RoC was violated by the junta first. or to use your allegory (as stupid as it is) the rapist cousin got there first!
I suppose you think that if the Junta got its way there would be a RoC now!
if your greek you support the greek view, if your a turk you support the turkish view. i've heard both views and they are all bigotted views. it reminds me of Ireland and their troubles started in 1915!!!
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:04 pm

sajica58 wrote: Kifeas,
….the point i was making and you can call me pedantic if you want is that the sovereignty of the RoC was violated by the junta first.

What made you feel the need to mention this “fact?” Do you think we do not know or we do not remember that the Greek junta organised coup against Makarios and attempted to end the RoC sovereignty? What was your motive or objective in mentioning this fact, if not to try and vindicate the Turkish invasion and ethnic cleansing, which the UK as a guarantor power had a duty to have tried to obstruct?

sajica58 wrote: or to use your allegory (as stupid as it is) the rapist cousin got there first!

Why is the allegory a stupid one?
sajica58 wrote:I suppose you think that if the Junta got its way there would be a RoC now!

And what makes you so sure there wouldn’t be a RoC? How do you know for certain what the outcome would have been? As far as I know from my own personal experiences then, the GC pro-democracy supporters were still fighting the coupists when Turkey invaded. Furthermore, the issue went to the UN SC that had a meeting on the issue just the evening before the invasion, and they were also going to deal with it upon Makarios request. Are you trying to tell us that the Turkish invasion was the only way to have ended the junta coup in Cyprus, before any other form or means of action were allowed or given time to take form and place?

sajica58 wrote: if your greek you support the greek view, if your a turk you support the turkish view. i've heard both views and they are all bigotted views. it reminds me of Ireland and their troubles started in 1915!!!

I am a Greek Cypriot! In which ways my views so far are bigoted views?
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Re: Why are the British SBAs still in Cyprus?

Postby lysi » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:54 pm

ukofamnesia wrote:Its obvious the so-called British Sovereign Base Areas have been ceded in one of those unequal treaties so beloved by western colonialists,
just like Hong Kong island and Guantanamo bay (USA).

But ALL of Hong Kong went back to china, as Guantanamo will go back to Cuba.

These bases could be handed over for UN use for UNFICYP and the reinforced UNIFIL.

Now the Cyprus Republic is in the EU,how much longer will it wait for the return of these territories?

What do southern Cypriots think about this occupation of their country?
Are you just more scared of those folks up north?

The british bases are still in cyprus because the cyprus government are weak & gutless, the cyprus government still think the british are there masters, all they have to do is close of the roads to the bases, that would be a start to there removal. :cry:
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Postby sajica58 » Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:41 pm

1. What made me mention this fact was that i was respondindg to a previous article, its not my fault that my post got in further down the line, maybe i should of used quotes,but i didn't, so shoot me! so your supposition is wrong.

I'm glad you mentioned the british as a guarantor, becouse it gives me a chance to challenge your selective recollection of events,which you only admit to when challenged.
I recall the turkish prime minister visiting callaghan and asking him to intervene,but he did nothing! he forgot his duty as you would put it.

2.Your allegory implies that the greek junta = rapist cousin,
the greek Cypriots = the raped person and turkey = neigbour
so what about the Turkish cypriots? and what about the british Govt who are they in your story?

3. Excuse me, but what is in the north since 1974. there is no RoC in the north. Seeing that the british did nothing when the turkish prime minister asked callaghan to intervene (see 1 above) then what makes you think the world would intervene in a greek power struggle, after all most people in europe see cyprus as a greek island!

4.Your views, and i mean GC and TC views are bigotted because you are all intolerant of views not agreeing with own

look at the way you jumped to conclusions and went all defensive because you misinterpreted what i had written and blown it out of proportion. You probably will find more implications that aren't there, despite my explanations.
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Postby G.Man » Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:53 pm

Piratis wrote:
I don't want to seem to be picking on you ,as i am just an upstart newcomer,
but Wasn't the sovereignty of Cyprus violated by the Greek junta who kicked
makarios out?

Sure, in Cyprus there was a coup. Like the several ones that happened in Turkey. That coup was condemned and our president was in the UN declarign its illegality. How does that give a foreign country the right to illegally occupy 1/3rd of Republic of Cyprus for 32 years?

Piratis as you full well know Cyprus was a British colony and gave Cyprus independence in 1960 with the exception of the SBA areas. The bases where never given to the UK they already had sovereignty of Cyprus but then again you already knew that didn't you?

I agree, part of Cyprus still remains under colonial rule and had never be decolonized as it should have been according to UN resolutions. I agree with you.

It could also be argued that Greece also violated the Treaty but then again being selective in your posts you would also know that as well.

So what? Because Grecee violated the treaty once it means that other countries should invade Cyprus and occupy it for 32 years? So if tomorrow one country violated a treaty with the UK it gives the right to all other countries to invade the UK??

Same crap different day Piratis?

By you.

Ethnically cleansed?? Really? So there are no GC's ever in north cyprus since 1974 then?

Of course ethnically cleansed. How else do you call it when they put a gun on your head and force you out of your home and never allow you to return? This happened to all GCs that lived in the northern part of Cyprus (who were the great majority of the population). Only a few 1000s remained, and even them were gradually forced to live due to the inhumane ways they were treated.

FGS stop trying to use such emotive terms, it lowers your IQ about 50 points!

Even if my IQ was lowered by 100 points it would still be way higher than yours. If for you the crime that is committed against our country is nothing because you are a foreigner and you don't give a shit, then maybe you should think (if possible) that for the people that were ethnically cleansed this is indeed a very serious and emotive issue.

Mines measured at 184 by mensa, i would suggest yours is a smidge lower


You say I dont give a shit, but I live here, and I see turkish cypriots working for greek cypriots everyday...

Guess they are happy to use them as a workforce while it saves them money...

I guess the fact that the turkish cypriots were being segregated and ill treated had nothing to do with the invasion either?

There is a thousand years of hatred between turks and greeks, imagine how the rest of europe would look if we treated germany in the same way...

As I remember, germany has claimed more british lives than cyprus lost to the turkish invasion.. Perhaps its time to start thinking about getting over it... its 32 years ago... you cannot ethnically cleanse a country with 1300-1600 deaths/missing... Perhaps you regard the twin towers as ethnically cleansing new york?

Posting all this emotive hatred can only further fuel division....

Its no better than palestine/lebanon/israel as it stands...
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Postby G.Man » Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:17 pm

Piratis wrote:
Do you remember the above stuballstu? You (and G.Man) have personally attacked me for no reason. Oh, I forgot, sub-human Cypriots should just take the insults and not reply in kind. Thats what you believe isn't it?

I didnt attack you, I said saying about ethnic cleansing made you appear stupid, as it was an emotive term that can only be used to fuel hatred...

I dont doubt for one minute you are an intelligent person, but your choice of terminology sometimes leaves a lot to be desired...

Be a part of the solution, not the problem...

There are enough of those already


And so you know my standpoint, I believe the rest of europe should be forcing turkey to remove all its troops and all its illegal immigrants before they ever entertain turkey joining the EU...

If they had any balls the rest of the world would have forced it years ago...

But for the american bases in turkey forcing their nuts to shrivel and hide away...
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