by miltiades » Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:41 pm
Nothing of the sort Sadic06 , I'm merely pointing out the fact that most if not all of the terrorists attacks , ie 9/11 , 7/7 , Madrid , Bali , Indonesia , Russia etc , were committed by people bearing Muslim names. I did not suggest the ridiculous assumption you make """" have you ever seen in history that some one is on trial because of his name? """
Sadik06 , read carefully and understand what I said , I know that English is not your first language but my comments were crystal clear.
Since the authorities in Britain and the USA will use "profiling " as a means of selective security checks ,they are highly unlikely to include names like Miltiades , Smith , Brooks , John , Terry , Larry etc.etc.They will concentrate on Muslim names , this does not suggest that any one with a Muslim name represents a terrorist threat , absolutely NOT.