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Is Cyprus "too Greek"?

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Postby saudijane » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:23 am

Militades, there you again like a broken record on your completely inaccurate facts on the Middle East. After your one fleeting visit in 1981 (25 years ago!!) you base all your assumptions on that. To clarify yet again as you seem to have trouble in understanding Yes Saudi women DO have the choice to wear what they like when they visit other Arab states (including Kuwait) which means they can also wear a bikini on the beach - wow! You seem to think that their husbands/boyfriends are control freaks!! With regards to me quoting "you seem to think every Arab is a potential terrorist..." well you have just mentioned it in your last post by stating "out of the 19 or so terrorists how many were Saudis?" - there you go again tarring a whole nation with the same brush. Oh and it would be nice to get a pay rise from my "Saudi masters" but unfortunately I am employed by Americans. My recommendation is that you just stick to writing about the Cyprus Problem as you are obviously totally clueless on affairs of the Middle East. So in your words I think you should just "shut up".
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Postby alexISS » Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:11 am

Limassolean wrote:We also have Cypriots program presenters who " kalamarizoun" thinking its is more fashionable to do so and they think they feel superior to the masses for speaking in a Greek accent.

Is it just the program presenters that do that, or is "kalamaradika" Greek the official language of the Republic of Cyprus? I believe all the official documents of the state are written in Greek and all the politicians also speak in Greek. And I think it's not all the program presenters that "kalamarizoun", it's just the newscasters
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:34 am

EUropean666 cyprus i only heard some low quality oriental music with greek lyrics such as skiladika that are not greek music but a junk.

there are a number of not skyladika songs around.
you just need to search for them.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:12 am

SAUDIJANE , your views , and they are just your views , are contradictory to what is commonly accepted in the West that the current level of terrorist activities has its roots in the Middle East. You are quite ludicrous in rejecting an acknowledged fact and you amaze me with your denial and your statement that Saudi women DO have a choice what to wear , but you make it clear by adding " when they visit other Arab states."
Today's terrorists , were yesterdays plane hijackers , murderers of the innocents worldwide , USA , Britain , Spain , Indonesia, Turkey , Iraq , Bali. Most were from the M.E , by saying this , TRY AND GET IN YOUR HEAD , I m not saying that all Arabs are terrorists and neither were all Irish terrorists, but most Irish terrorists came from Ireland , and most of today's terrorists come from the M.E .
""you are obviously totally clueless on affairs of the Middle East. "" You are obviously referring to your self!!
Look at this you wrote:""their husbands/boyfriends are control freaks!! """ Where in Saudi are you ?? and since when did Saudi women have boyfriends , you are utterly laughable , it is obvious that the only Saudis that you know and interact with are the "western type " in the safety of their exclusive villas. BOYFRIENDS IN SAUDI ???
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Postby Strahd » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:25 am

alexISS wrote:
Limassolean wrote:We also have Cypriots program presenters who " kalamarizoun" thinking its is more fashionable to do so and they think they feel superior to the masses for speaking in a Greek accent.

Is it just the program presenters that do that, or is "kalamaradika" Greek the official language of the Republic of Cyprus? I believe all the official documents of the state are written in Greek and all the politicians also speak in Greek. And I think it's not all the program presenters that "kalamarizoun", it's just the newscasters

The official greek language of the Republic of Cyprus is not kalamardika or whatever you want to call it but "Dimotiki" this is the official greek used in all documents, spoken in the house of commons taught in schools and of course in all public speeches etc. The newscasters and presenters are not trying to be fashionable they are required to speak Dimotiki.

Cypriot is not a language. Is a very beautiful greek dialect of the Greeks who originate from the island of Cyprus. Unfortunately because the intellectual level of Cypriots is low mainly due to the circumstances and the distance from the intelectual centers of hellinism they did not manage to document it properly and now it is going to be lost.

That is the beauty of the Greek language! The diversity and immense vocabulary. In mainland Greece only there are more than 50 different dialects. Different words are used for the same things in Athens and different in Salonica. The Rhodian dialect is almost the same to the Cypriot.
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Postby Ascot » Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:39 pm

The answer to the question is YES.

It should be too Cypriot instead!
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Postby kyprea » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:46 pm

Its funny because i am a second generation cypriot (parent came here from the war)
the way you guys speak of lost tradition is exactly how i feel when i hear about the way it is in cyprus now
my parents, not having had the influence that the cypriots in cyprus hav had, hav actually held up most of the traditions they had when they lived there!!!!
i hav not actually been to cyprus but im hanging out until i get the cahnce!!!!
at home we speek cypriot we fast and we have remained with the old calander (which is hard stay tru to sometimes but we
its funy how the traditions which we keep alive have actually died bak in the mother land
i am a proud aussi but without the traditions my parents keep alive through their kids i would feel empty....
neway sory for my rambling but i find it realy intresting how the cypriots here that i know (mostly my very large family :lol: ) are so proud and wouuld never choose saying their greek over saying they are CYPRIOT
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Postby Mickleham » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:51 pm

kyprea wrote:Its funny because i am a second generation cypriot (parent came here from the war)
the way you guys speak of lost tradition is exactly how i feel when i hear about the way it is in cyprus now
my parents, not having had the influence that the cypriots in cyprus hav had, hav actually held up most of the traditions they had when they lived there!!!!
i hav not actually been to cyprus but im hanging out until i get the cahnce!!!!
at home we speek cypriot we fast and we have remained with the old calander (which is hard stay tru to sometimes but we
its funy how the traditions which we keep alive have actually died bak in the mother land
i am a proud aussi but without the traditions my parents keep alive through their kids i would feel empty....
neway sory for my rambling but i find it realy intresting how the cypriots here that i know (mostly my very large family :lol: ) are so proud and wouuld never choose saying their greek over saying they are CYPRIOT

I am very proud Cypriot myself!

I comment you for your pride and the way you think!
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