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Is Cyprus "too Greek"?

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Postby twinkle » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:13 am

Piratis wrote:
First inhabitants were traced back to Chirokitia, near Larnaca/Limassol dating back 7000BC and they were from Assyria, Egypt and Persia .

Your source? The first settlements were indeed about that time, but there is nothing that links the people of that time with the Egyptians, Persians etc.

In fact, during the centuries, Cyprus was evacuated and repopulated a couple of times due to Plague outbreaks. Most people went to Syria as it was the closest country by boat.

Fact is there is no pure race anywhere anymore, unless you go to somewhere like the Amazon Basin. Even tribes in Africa have been intergrated with other tribes, especially with all the wars and forced migration that goes on. Face facts, Cyprus has been used by ever nation.

Totally disagree with unique_earthling. How can someone sound Arabic?? And what are the characteristics of Arabic DNA???
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:54 am

I like to add my two cents here. There is a very good chance that, Cypriots have a good mixture of "GENES" from all the nations from Middle East to European countries who were able to sail and trade with each other from beginning of time. Before GPS, which is found on all boats and ships as well as in cars today, in order to find one's way around in the old days, celestial navigation was used by ships. Without a correct time piece (watch) , to find the "Longitude" from , either East or West of Greenwich (GMT), navigators were able to sail on "Latitudes" which was easy to determine ones position along those lines, using the "North Star". Cyprus, an island in the Med. would have been one of the reference points to a navigator going or coming from the Middle East and rest of Europe. Nedless to say,"a girl at every port to a sailor" was true back then, as it is today. Cypriots are truly "International".
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:57 am

uniqueearthling asked ?
"""why is it offensive? whats wrong with Arabs? """
Absolutely nothing , if you are an Arab.

To the best of my knowledge here are some basic differences.
1 Cypriot women do not have to sit at the back of a bus BY LAW !
2. Cypriot women do not have to cover up from head to toe !
3.Cypriot women who become victims of rape do not have to be killed by family members. (widespread in Jordan)
4. Cypriot women can enter a public place unaccompanied , be it a restaurant or a bar and are not arrested .
5. Cypriot culture does not accept honour killings. (Stoning is PROHIBITED )
6. Cypriots are governed by elected leaders , not dictators.
7. Cypriots do not send their children to become suicide killers .
8. Cypriot children interact at schools , boys and girls.
9. Cypriots enjoy the sea and women can wear bikinis or go topless .
10. Foreigners in Cyprus can follow whatever their faith is .

Now , where the hell do you see any similarities between the Arabs and the Cypriots ?
Do let us know so that I can post a further million differences , as obvious as your dislike of Cypriots !
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:03 am

Kikapu , missed your wit , where have you been .
Do you ever come to London ?
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:10 am

miltiades wrote:Kikapu , missed your wit , where have you been .
Do you ever come to London ?

Girlfriend and I drove to Salzburg, Austria, for a long weekend, to visit the sites of my favourite films ever, "The Sound of Music". Well, that was not the only reason, but it was a plus. I was in London last month for a weekend visit of the family, but the next visit will be sometime in November, a stop over, to or from a visit to San Francisco from Zürich.

It's niced to be missed.!!!
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Postby alexISS » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:55 am

unique_earthling wrote:just ask the Greeks what they think Cypriots are then?

I am a Greek and I disagree with you. Leaving all historical proof aside, why would the people of Cyprus (GCs), that are so far away from Greece, have so many in common with the mainland Greeks, if they are not Greeks themselves?
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Postby sadik » Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:27 am

Piratis wrote:
why is it offensive? whats wrong with Arabs?

Nothing is wrong with Arabs. What is wrong is your "understanding".

If I start referring to G.Man as a "she" and to you as a "he" (in person not in a forum) then you wouldn't wonder why the hell I refer to you in that wrong way?

Or maybe you would be called "sexist" if you dared to question such an obvious mistake?

Cypriots are not Arabs. Thats a plain fact. Nothing more and nothing less. I simply corrected your mistake, and you better start learning a think or two instead of just trying to offend others with your wrong assumptions.

Cypriots are not Arabs, but it does not mean that they are not related to some Arabs.

Arabs themselves are not a homogenous group of people. Original Arabs are people from Arabian Penisula. Later they conquerred and Arabized other areas as well, such as Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Algeria, etc... They don't look the same. They all don't have the same culture. Like there are black Arabs in some countries, but especially in Lebanon,Syria and Palestine you will find many with fair hair and blue/green eyes.

We can say the same things for Turks and even Greeks to an extend.

Cypriots (both Greek and Turkish) look a lot like people from Syria, Lebanon and southern parts of Turkey, to the extend that you usually cannot tell the difference.

Lets not forget that our national identity has not always exactly meant the same thing all through the history. We did not always have the religion that we have today. And that the history of the region is not only the recent history of the region. In this ancient part of the world, what people look like mostly corrolates with geography, not their ethnic identity.
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Postby EUropean666 » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:12 pm

Lebanese are not arabs, they are phoenicians, though there had been a muslim invasion and occupation throughout the years, the native ones have managed to stay alive.

The first greex that arrived in cyprus were achaians and settler from crete. In addition there were settlers from arcadia (source: Ulrich, 1953 and EAP,2001).

Whenver i worked in cyprus i found many similiraties with the british way of making business. I am not saying for race or whatever, i am talking on how they may make business. It was like been in britain.
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Postby G.Man » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:50 pm

One of the reasons brits love cyprus I guess..

Also for its friendly people...

The periptero bears an uncanny resemblence to a "british" corner shop as well...

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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:04 pm

we can not deny some arab influence on our culture.
our traditional uniform is arabic :wink:

thats what makes cyp such a beautiful place. it is not the "one" culture, but the number of cultures that we have (even if we dont want to admit it)
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