I feel Cyprus should keep its uniqueness, perhaps maybe because it was so small, it felt vulnerable against invaders and so needed Greece to shield it. But now it doesnt need it, it should cultivate the mix of diversity it has intergrated over the centuries, instead of trying to be Greek, which it is not...
i believe Cyprus is more akin to the arabs, i read a book a long time ago where DNA was done and it was found that there was not any Greek DNA found... Cypriots are mainly very dark and swarthy, unlike true Greeks who are fair skinned and even blonde as in David, so many have occupied the island at different times, and certainly i would guess reproduced from coupling of various cultures that have ruled here, that its obvious to me that Greekness is in the mind and not in the DNA...
wtf huh?Read some history,actually just go on wikipedia or something,fast and easy lool.ThAts so stupid..my skin colour is white white,my friends colour is darker...do i have greek in my blood and does she have arab ?pls tell me!hahaha.Its nice to know some things right u know darling and not just say crap ur mind is making up!alright?haha goshhhh cyprus/cypriots r trying to be greek damn it,our history has nothing to do with stupid greeks so y y hahahaha go go unique_earthing im always readin ur posts!!!and laugh!