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Rape in Pafos ??

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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:24 am

The only men that carry out the horrendous crime of rape are those who are perverted , sick and violent individuals. Men with a healthy sexual appetite do not rape neither do hungry men steal food, or poor men rob banks. The healthy man of today is not the beast of thousands of years ago , that like his predecessors , would hunt the female for copulation , not unlike what the apes still do. There are women who have had unpleasant experiences in their relations with men and such woman , unless severely damaged , recover and carry on with their lives without harbouring bitterness and mistrust towards men in general.
Provocative dressing by women is by no means an invitation for some pervert to satisfy his urges. There hundreds of daily "provocations " , nice cars , nice cloths , nice food , but you have to earn them in order to enjoy them , the same with women. Earn them , dont hurt them , respect them and they will respond I'm sure of that , though being married for 40 some years I dont know what the fuss is all about, at least with a good bottle of wine an hours enoyment is guaranteed !
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Postby GG » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:45 pm

unique_earthling wrote:so are you saying, many men cant control themselves if a woman dresses and acts provocatively?????

Well Yes because if all men could control themselves then there would be no such thing as rape.! And quit with this whole "men" thing, you talk as though all men are rapists. And as reportfromcyprus says, unless you plan on moving to "Lala Land" quite soon then you gotta read the papers and have a reality check.

Yes many women with a strong or feminist streak will insist they have the right to wear what they want whenever they want and yes I do agree with that but do NOT get shocked with the outcome.
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Postby TaraT » Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:59 pm

Both men and women have responsibility. Men have to know that what a woman wears, how she wears, how much drinks is not an invitation or a justification for bullying or forcing women to have sex. Women have to know that men may intrepret her manner of dress to mean she is willing and that drinking too much seriouls impairs judgement.

What Men and Women Need to Know About Date Rape

Remember, date rape is a crime:
Forcing sex is a violent crime, not a sexual act. Every person has a right to set their OWN LIMITS or change their mind … each individual maintains the RIGHT to decide what happens to their OWN BODY.
Don't justify rape with sexist beliefs:
Often victims are accused of causing their own rape by dressing sexy, drinking alcohol, walking or partying alone, or agreeing to be alone with a man … none of these actions are criminal acts, these acts NEVER justify rape. Rape is a violent act which uses sex as a weapon to exert power over someone, and humiliate or violate someone.
Err on the side of safety and stop at "No":
If someone says no verbally or appears distressed, scared, uncomfortable, cries, pleads, or begs — YOU NEED TO STOP!! Again FORCING SEX without CONSENT is RAPE.
Always get full informed consent:
Don’t take advantage of someone who is drunk, passed out or high, underage or otherwise mentally or physically unable to clearly verbalize or communicate this is what they want.
Be cautious with drugs and alcohol:
Don’t ever use being drunk as an excuse for rape. Be aware that when you are drunk or high it is harder to be in control and think clearly … particularly in a group situation.

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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:00 pm

svetlana rape is about power and control, and some men use women because of their physical weakness, for sexual acts, to put them in their place....ok think about this.. why do some men in prison rape other men, even when they are heterosexual? why do men in war rape the women of those they are fighting? Its to to put them down, humiliate, take, use, hurt, violate, own, win. Do you know dogs do the same thing, not complete the act, i see hundreds of dogs hump another dog, go through the motions of thrusting on another dog and the other dog can be male or female, with males or females, its a show of dominance, telling the other dogs or bitches that they are in charge. And we as the human animal still have some of that trait, to a more or lesser degree. I believe those that are inadequate in some way, rape... it appears to be a punishment of some kind. A psycologist said... Psychologists who work with rapists say many men view forcing sex with a woman as a validation of their manhood. Some experts, including feminists, now say that in our culture sex is so interfused with violence that powerlessness and power themselves have become eroticized.... Hence my reference to porn etc....He went on to say that........Many rapists begin as voyeurs, peeking into windows, before actually breaking into homes. Their fantasies about rape eventually escalate to planning and committing rape. Thoughts first actions after...

p.ix John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 1991
"Approximately one in four women in the United States will be the victims of rape or attempted rape by the time they are in their mid-twenties, and over three quarters of those assaults will occur between people who know each other."
This is a stunning figure and one supported by FBI records.......

Questions to ask yourself..
• Q. Why are patriarchal cultures so widespread?
• Q. Why haven’t women established female dominant cultures?
• Q. Why is rape of women by men nearly universal?
• Q. Why are women sexual aggressors so rare?
• Q. Why do men rape women and not vice versa during war?
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Postby eternal » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:23 am

I do feel that women have to be careful in what they wear, but it wasn't the case with my friend, she was in jeans and a respectable top, so it goes to show that this person went out with the intention of rape in his mind, and the worring thing is that this person is still out and about in the Paphos area! :evil:
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:10 pm

reportfromcyprus wrote:That's assuming that women know that there's potential danger. What if they're told that it's lala land and they don't have to worry because it's so safe? As GG said, a woman in London would be considered crazy if she went off with some guy she'd met a couple of hours ago.

It's unrealistic for this myth of perfect safety to be continually pushed by the government. It's simply not true!

Hmm, I feel an opinion piece coming on...

Love this forum, it's so thought provoking. :)

Do you always believe what you are told? And even if it were Lala land dont you think you still owe it to yourself to be as careful as possible?
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:34 pm

"Safety in Cyprus

Crime in Cyprus is, comparatively, at a very low level. The Police is always ready to assist anyone who needs help. In case of emergency, one may telephone 199 or 112 (in all towns). All policemen speak good English."

Taken from

Check under the section Facts on Cyprus.

No, I don't believe everything I'm told. But if I were a tourist, I might be less on guard, especially after reading that, the CTO official website.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:48 pm

A rapist is a criminal , a degenerate pervert utterly sick and would attack and rape a woman if she was dressed in in a pair of baggy trousers with a heavy overcoat down to her toes . Women are entitled to wear what ever makes them feel comfortable be it a pair of jeans or s mini skirt with out the fear that some idiot of a pervert would launch an attack.
Men are in control of their most important bodily functions , these nonsense that a man is unable to curb his urges is sheer rubbish , after all , just like women , he is blessed with the power of taking the matter to hand .
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