The only men that carry out the horrendous crime of rape are those who are perverted , sick and violent individuals. Men with a healthy sexual appetite do not rape neither do hungry men steal food, or poor men rob banks. The healthy man of today is not the beast of thousands of years ago , that like his predecessors , would hunt the female for copulation , not unlike what the apes still do. There are women who have had unpleasant experiences in their relations with men and such woman , unless severely damaged , recover and carry on with their lives without harbouring bitterness and mistrust towards men in general.
Provocative dressing by women is by no means an invitation for some pervert to satisfy his urges. There hundreds of daily "provocations " , nice cars , nice cloths , nice food , but you have to earn them in order to enjoy them , the same with women. Earn them , dont hurt them , respect them and they will respond I'm sure of that , though being married for 40 some years I dont know what the fuss is all about, at least with a good bottle of wine an hours enoyment is guaranteed !