unique_earthling wrote:rape is thought of first then acted upon, most men are obsessed with sex, many have strange proclivities all have been pandered to by the porn industry, so much so that many men feel if they are not getting the full monty of possibilities they are being short changed by their wives and girlfriends, i still believe that the more you dwell on sex and porn, you will end up with an unballanced view of whats healthy and what is not..
Utter bilge...
Most men enjoy sex yes, but rape is not about sex it is a crime of violence and control...
I have never failed to stop myself when a girlfriend has said she doesnt want to tonight, and indeed have stopped myself when a girlfriend made me lose interest...
Porn is generally used as a source of eye candy for masturbation to tae the pressure off a long term partner without infidelity, or for single guys who DONT go out and rape women...
A mismatched sex drive is a problem, and one that should be cause to end a relationship unless its not a problem for either party, but generally it is and stems from a lack of communication or someones belief they can change the oher party..
I have seen too many relationships where the wife uses sex as a bargaining tool to get what she wants... Those women are no better than whores in my book, and if they dont enjoy sex with me, then they would be out the door before they finish the bribe!
Nobody above a basic IQ level believes sex is like a porn film, otherwise we would never trust the wives to get a plumber round to fix the sink...