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Rape in Pafos ??

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Postby GG » Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:17 pm

unique_earthling wrote:No woman asks for it regardless of her behaviour, dress or whether drunk or otherwise... It is utterly disgusting that some people actually believe that a woman is "asking for it" just because of the clothes she wears...

Nobody said that any raped woman asks for it. But precautions need to be taken. If I walk through a ghetto in South London with a Rolex on my wrist, I am not asking to be mugged but i must realise that there is a higher probability of it happening and that it'd be wiser to take another route or leave the Rolex at home. Its not an ideal world and we all need to be smart and protect ourselves. I scream at my girlfriend all the time when she comes home alone on public transport sometimes.
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Postby GG » Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:20 pm

G.Man wrote:A friend of mine left cyprus this year, as his wifes cypriot gynacologist <sp> thought it was acceptable to kiss her breasts during an examination and tell her how beautiful they were... (

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Please tell me this got reported!!!!!!!!

If this guy is still in business then this woman is disgrace to her sisterhood. She owes it to other women to get him struck off.
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Postby G.Man » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:09 pm

I actually dont know, its very difficult to be taken seriously reporting any crime in Cyprus when you are a foreign national...

You never know who ones contacts are and what might happen in the fallout...

I know what should have happened, but somehow, I doubt it...

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Postby reportfromcyprus » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:16 pm

It would be her word against his, and that's a tough one to prove. Also a disheartening situation in general, really, she probably preferred never to see the guy again instead of suing him.

I would make sure that the gynaecologist had a nurse present during examinations. Besides that, Cyprus doesn't have a properly developed system of handling complaints against the medical profession.
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Postby rulla » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:41 pm

oh my god if the doctor did that to me id smile at him sit up and punch his nose so hard and smash it to smitherines but there you go not everyone has my personality
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Postby simonwjones » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:50 pm

I live in a small town not far from the Welsh borders and recently we have had a very sad incident happened. The house was used as a massage studio (had been for many years, and no once minded(inc police). The day England played Portugal a man entered the house and left 12 minutes later - in this short space of time he murdered two females. You may of heard about this on the national news. For this to happen in our town is awful and very chilling. Crime happens everywhere we go - we just have to look after ourselves and be careful.
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Postby GG » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:50 pm

reportfromcyprus wrote:I would make sure that the gynaecologist had a nurse present during examinations.

Thats the law over here.
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:33 pm

I have to check whether it's the law here, pretty sure it's not.

Still, the good ones have a nurse around.

That's awful swj, that someone just walked in and killed two women. You know, no matter what a woman does for a living, rape or violence against them is wrong and illegal.

I hope they find whoever did it and put them away.

Until not so long ago, it was legal for a husband to rape his wife in Cyprus if he wanted to - he didn't have to have her consent.

Things are changing in that sense, too, which is positive. It's now illegal for a man to rape a woman, no matter what relation she has to him.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:39 pm

No its not the law in cyprus to have a nurse present, i have had an examination where no one other than the doctor was present, infact a few years ago i broke my pelvis synthasis in an accident and unable to move i had a bed bath by a male nurse alone who roughly pushed my legs open and didnt even know what was wrong with me, the action caused a great deal of pain, needless to say i complained and was allowed to choose the nurse of my choice.. which was a kindly russian woman that had treated me previously... if you put up with the insensitivity then you have only your self to blame.. i found that nursing here in the general hospital was never about a vocation only about a wage.. sorry but true, the concept of caring about js is very limited in Cyprus... i have to say.. one question, why did they wait so long to put a baby on a drip that was dehydrated, i work with animals and i can recognise one that is suffering from this, and always recommend a drip first without consultation or any other procedure.. God dont get me started on ill equipt ambulances.. some thing out of the dark ages...
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:42 pm

And you say things are why has it taken the rest of europe to make them see they are so backward in their lack of care for another human being????
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