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Postby rulla » Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:34 pm

heres hoping that someone on here knows how to make TRAHANA i dont mean how to make the soup i allready know how to make that i mean how to make trahana itself please if someone knows tell me many thanks
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Postby dms007 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:09 pm

what is TRAHANA?
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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:18 pm

Coarse ground Greek pasta made from semolina grain, which is traditionally combined with wheat flour, milk, and eggs to make a side dish similar to soup.

Used to be made in most villages and sun dried on the roof

Buy it in a supermarket its far easier
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:02 pm

trahana is made out of wheat and sour milk. you need to buy the milk and put it in a koumni (clay pot) for 2-3 weeks till it gets sour. you then let them cook till it becomes really sticky. you let it cool during the night, and you wake up at 4 in the morning carry it in the roof and let it in the sun till it dries.

(i think you should do sth with the wheat as well, and i am not really sure as to what kind of milk you use. let me as ask grandma)

my grandma is making some the coming sunday of monday on the village (troodos area) if you are interested. but that would be kind kind of far from derynia.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:08 pm

To confuse matters more roulla a trend at the moment in to sweeten the trachana to make sweet fruit flavoured soups

'nouvelle cuisine a la village' is nothing sacred?
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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:13 pm

RichardB wrote:To confuse matters more roulla a trend at the moment in to sweeten the trachana to make sweet fruit flavoured soups

'nouvelle cuisine a la village' is nothing sacred?

(i think you should do sth with the wheat as well, and i am not really sure as to what kind of milk you use. let me as ask grandma)[/quote]

wheat is added after milk (goats) has gone sticky it then moulded and dried
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Postby Natty » Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:36 pm

My auntie made some last year (she lives in the mountains) and I remember it being laid out on the table, covered in a mesh cloth. I have to say, although I love Trahana (the finished article that is.....mmm..nice big chunks of Halloumi!! ;)), before it's cooked, I think it smells kind of like, well to put it bluntly..... Sick!! :shock: ....or is it just me?? :oops:

:lol: :lol:
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Postby Hazza » Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:06 pm

Natty wrote:before it's cooked, I think it smells kind of like, well to put it bluntly..... Sick!! :shock: ....or is it just me?? :oops:

No, I'm sure you don't :lol:

Seriously though, I refuse to even taste it, purely because of the way it smells.
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Postby Biker » Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:32 pm

rulla wrote:HI GUYS
heres hoping that someone on here knows how to make TRAHANA i dont mean how to make the soup i allready know how to make that i mean how to make trahana itself please if someone knows tell me many thanks

Of course... First the preparation

Buy and put on a pair of Marks and Spencer winter White Y Fronts (the thick ones), put on top a pair of nice thick corderoy trousers and at around mid-day go for a good long run, while running dig the Y fronts up your arse to mop out the sweat, when you've finished the run go for a nice long bicycle ride, try to sit on the saddle as the y fronts absorb more sweat this way, after this you'll be tired so go and sit on a scooter that's been out in the sun all day.
In the evening go dancing and walk home afterwards, for the next week do the above everyday, if you find it difficult, get an outside job on a Cypriot construction site or a farm, try to eat as much spicey food and drink as many fizzy drinks as possible, don't worry the farting helps later, also, during this week limit your self to 1 square of toliet paper per crap taken.
It is very important that during the week of "Preparation" the Y Fronts are not taken off (the experts even keep the trousers on as well) and that you do not attempt to wash yourself below the navel or above the knees.

At the end of 7 days peel the Y Fronts off (if you can keep them in one piece, so much the better), and put them in a medium sized saucepan filled with warm water and plenty of salt, bring to the boil slowly and on a LOW heat, stir gently and leave simmering for a couple of hours, at this point the real experts will throw in a handful of well used cat litter.

Finally serve in a large soup bowl with plenty of fresh bread.....

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Postby rulla » Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:05 pm

ok biker that may be the way you like your soup but it doesent mean we do GO SUCK A LEMON
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