heres hoping that someone on here knows how to make TRAHANA i dont mean how to make the soup i allready know how to make that i mean how to make trahana itself please if someone knows tell me many thanks
(i think you should do sth with the wheat as well, and i am not really sure as to what kind of milk you use. let me as ask grandma)[/quote]RichardB wrote:To confuse matters more roulla a trend at the moment in to sweeten the trachana to make sweet fruit flavoured soups
'nouvelle cuisine a la village' is nothing sacred?
Natty wrote:before it's cooked, I think it smells kind of like, well to put it bluntly..... Sick!!....or is it just me??
rulla wrote:HI GUYS
heres hoping that someone on here knows how to make TRAHANA i dont mean how to make the soup i allready know how to make that i mean how to make trahana itself please if someone knows tell me many thanks
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