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Postby Simon » Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:12 pm

To be honest, I'm surprised by you being shocked. Cyprus is a small mediterranean island, what did you expect? A huge bustling metropolis?
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:14 pm

twinkle wrote:
The majority of Cypriots work longer hours. The bank workers are not in that majority!!!!

Well no they arent lol
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Postby TaraT » Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:20 pm

Simon wrote:To be honest, I'm surprised by you being shocked. Cyprus is a small mediterranean island, what did you expect? A huge bustling metropolis?

Simon, have I offended you in some way? To be honest, I didn't know much about Cyprus before I did some research right before I visited. I have any expectations. It's just I had to remind myself that I wasn't in London, or New York, or even Louisville Kentucky when I went to shop or to the bank. When you are so used to certain things you take them for granted regardless of where you are so you have to stop and remind yourself that you are in a different place with different ways. No better or worse just different.
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Postby Simon » Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:38 pm


Don't be so touchy. I was just surprised that you thought Cyprus would be like London or the USA. But if you didn't know much about Cyprus beforehand, then I guess that explains it. :wink:
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Postby garthur » Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:21 pm

It's just a case of adjusting your life-style to fit the hours. My family over there have few problems. My nephew works for a huge paper company and works from dawn til dusk etc., as does his wife who is a receptionist in a hotel. They manage to fit in payment of bills, shopping etc!!

H'mm, let me think. How ever did we manage (and it wasn't that long ago) without Sunday opening hours, late-night and 24 hr shopping, banks open until 5.30 and also Saturdays? I think we planned ahead in terms of bills and shopping.
Problem is we WANT all the trappings that go with the fast, money grabbing life styles but then wonder why we have no time! Even our leisure time is taken up with things we are "told" we must do. It's as if we have to fill every waking moment with SOMETHING.

I'm with European666 on this, folks.
Cypriot people still have time for family and relaxation.
If you live over there (and I envy you!) just accept it. It was your choice and you don't have to stay.....

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Postby simonwjones » Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:46 pm

Newformz wrote:Why is it everytime i need to go shopping or banking everywhere is F***ING SHUT!!! Im letting my anger out here cuz i've had it up to here with this country! It's no wonder the economy is so low here, no one can be arsed to get up of there arses and do some frigin work!! .

This is a bit harsh I think. perhaps they like to work different hours

.[/quote]I mean how hard is it to work a full day shift in an air conditioned area, i aint taking no heat excuses cuz i work and many other English people i know work from 9 - 6 and usually much later. I work 8.30am - 7.30pm doing web/graphic design i hate to have holidays or breaks cuz i love to work..[/quote]
Thats well sad sorry mate, anyone who loves work over holidays needs there head reading, do you not have a social life?

.[/quote]How are people supposed to do shopping, banking and important things when everywhere closes all the time. Also why so many holidays?? Ive never seen so many holidays in my life, it's like an excuse here not to work. Theres always some weird holiday or bank holiday..[/quote]
Internet banking? Find out when they are open then go and see them! Holidays are important to most people but not if your a freak!

.[/quote]I had 2 really important things to do today but cuz i work i have to go at lunch time, but wait....everywhere closes at lunch so how the hell do i eat?? Also the banks close when people are free from work to go, by the time people finish work they cant do anything..[/quote]
Ask your boss if you can pop out for a second, I'm sure he does. If it really is that bad im sure he/she wont mind! Get your partner to make you lunch...thats if you have one...or better still make one yourself, by something before work like most people. Plus I'm sure not every food shop is closed. I cant believe that.

.[/quote]Saturdays!! OMG...The weekend is the most important time for people to do there shopping and places are closed. If everywhere stayed open all day Sat & Sunday Cyprus would be making a fortune..[/quote]
You are one big moaner that will never be happy. I don't believe its that bad.

Ok enough of my rantings, i would love to hear your views and expressions on this matter! :wink:

If you don't like it there - move.

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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:03 pm

Chill out newformz if lifes that bad for you why you still in Cyprus
Take a chill pill and think of the shit in Uk
If you think you've got in hard in the cities think of us poor yokels in the mountains we manage to carry on with our day to day life
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Postby Newformz » Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:54 pm

WOW i thought this would turn into a huge debate!! Thats why i posted to see cuz it been annoying me for some time!

I have a very active social live, when i finish at the office im also a drum & bass DJ / producer, i dj around Limassol (just starting a new d&b scene here) so watch out cuz were gona change the crappy mainstream scene here!

Im always out and about, i not saying i hate holidays but living here IS a holiday! :P Im not saying i hate it and i am kinda stuck here cuz i left everything behind in England (i just booked a flight and went - literally 1 way ticket). I like it here but like others have said, you get used to the eay of life in other places, i dont expect it to be like anywhere else - it's just hard to accept. Im real homesick, i love England and im from a small city called Derby nothing fancy like London but i really miss the music scene and accesibility!!

The creative / design careers are very hard work and often long hours but you get many bonuses for that. I can come into work and leave when i want, i have total freedom to do as i will (to certain extents) :lol: But in the UK everywhere fits into your scheldule, im just far too busy to go and do my shopping or banking in work hours and the way the city's are developed is aweful. I know they still re-building etc but you cant just go into town and go from one shop to another or go to some big shopping centre (like Bullring in Birmingham).

Anyways im going back home for Christmas so i be happy again and get some nice cool fresh air with lots of rain!! Yeeeeeeeeeeahhhh! :D
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Postby Biker » Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:03 pm

Newformz wrote:. If everywhere stayed open all day Sat & Sunday Cyprus would be making a fortune.

How do you work that out?

I wouldn't eat EXTRA meals, nor would I buy something I didn't want (and I've got everything I want and can afford) just because a shop was open.... :?

Let's be honest, you can't be arsed to get to the shops during their opening times, presumably because you can't tear yourself away from your oh-so-fucking-important-life-saving-job, so you start screaming you want the system changed and then try telling us it's for the benefit of CYPRUS :lol: .

I'll vote for 24/7 when I see emaciated bodies outside Orphanides on Monday mornings, until that happens I suggest you get a life and a taste for KFC. :roll:
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Postby tom » Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:24 pm

I FOR ONE LOVE CYPRUS!!!!!!!!!!!LOL :lol:
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