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Younger man/Older woman

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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:00 pm

TaraT wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I did not make the rules, they are the reality. Reasons why a woman at 60 is worse of than a man at 60 are not important, when the man goes of with a younger woman.

Trust me, the reasons are very important to the 60 year-old woman. But you don't care about that. To you, its all about the man and what he wants. Do you have so little regard for women?

I don't mean the reasons doesn't matter to the 60 year old woman, it doesn't matter to the reality of the situation. If it mattered, the "old bastard" would stay home with the wife.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:11 pm

GG wrote:
TaraT wrote: The latest lip injection thing is just awful.

Like this, its sick, i heard that they actually suck the fat out of fatty areas like the buttocks and inject it into their lips, so in effect they are actually talking out of their arse.


I think this comment goes well with your post. It's when people argue and throw insults at each other, and one say to the other..."if my dog was as ugly as you, I would shave her butt and teach her to walk backwards..!!!
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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:04 am

almost all of my girlfriends were older than me ranging from 1y to 6years, but i guess i first liked them and then asked for their age :lol:

but it is true, age can become a problem and a matter of discussions.

despite being a clische , if both want they can make it work. as simple as that.
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Postby scowan00 » Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:46 am

I have been reading your views with great interest and have to tell you my story. I met a guy on holiday when I was 37, he turned out to be only 18 altho i did not know this at the time. We had a great time and kept in touch when we got home. I am now 41 and he is turning 22 and we are married, had the perfect wedding in Scotland with all his and my family together, my son who was 17 at the time of our wedding even gave me away. We are so in love and very very happy and are now trying for a child, hopefully we will be granted our wish to make our marriage and life even more perfect.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:37 am

woo hoo for you! you go! this is great! i am so happy for you. i hope you both have a long and happy life together. it gives me hope for my younger man....

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Postby scowan00 » Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:42 am

tell me your story, believe me it can work out
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Postby anastasiaC » Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:30 pm

Wow!! awesome story!! all the very best!!
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:03 am

unique_earthling wrote:here are some not so saggy gojakari.

cher born 1946, jane fonda born 1937, joanna lumley born 1946, sharon stone born 1958, meryl streep born 1949, to name but a few....Not forgetting Goldie Hawn of course...Ok so they may of had a bit of help but i think they are still cracking good lookers...


All these women in these pictures, look great to some degree, but lets examine the real truth about them. I think an old car will make a good comparison.

If you take an old car, say about 30 years old and give it a good paint job, and clean the seats, it will give the appearance of a new car. But is it a new car.?? No it's not. These women beneath their fancy make-up and nice clothes would look like an old car under the bonnet / hood. The engine and gear box would most certainly have worn down. The engine is much "looser" and has half the "horse power" left in them, from when it was new. The cylinders are worn out and the pistons do not have a tight fit, as a result, you cannot get a good friction to get good compression, even with a new set of piston rings and spark plugs. You need to keep the RPM's down a bit and don't rev her up too hard, otherwise, she'll end up overheating. The "old car" will most certainly will be dripping fluids from under the bonnet, and the elasticity from the tires would be gone, ending up dried with cracks. The exhaust pipe will back fire now and again causing a stink.!

The "owner" of this "old car", himself an "old fart", but sees himself deserving of a "newer car", does not want to deal with the "old car" anymore, so he parks her in the garage for sentimental value reasons and the fond memories he had with her, and gets a newer "car" that gives him everything the "old car " is lacking. This way, he can once again enjoy the sounds of a "roaring tight engine" at full throttle, eventhough, he can only keep it at that level at a very short time, due to lack of stamina. But this will not matter, as he will be the envy of most other man, seeing him with his "new motor".
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:23 am

scowan00 wrote:I have been reading your views with great interest and have to tell you my story. I met a guy on holiday when I was 37, he turned out to be only 18 altho i did not know this at the time. We had a great time and kept in touch when we got home. I am now 41 and he is turning 22 and we are married, had the perfect wedding in Scotland with all his and my family together, my son who was 17 at the time of our wedding even gave me away. We are so in love and very very happy and are now trying for a child, hopefully we will be granted our wish to make our marriage and life even more perfect.

Most of us had relationships with the "older woman", but not many of us get married to them. The oldest I was with for a year or two, was 12 years older. That was 22 years ago. She is now 63, and eventhough I visit her and maintain contact with her, as friends, there's no physical attraction there, at least not from me.

As I said on an earlier post, an ex-girlfriend at age 54 married a 24 year old last year in San Francisco. I see and talk to her often, and they are doing well, but she knows this relationship is for the short term, and will come to end soon. But she is happy, as long as it lasts.

I have questions about younger man getting married to a much older women, like in your case. I don't know which one of you is less mature. One is looking for a "mother" and the other looking looking to be "care taker". Perhaps you were looking for a "play mate" for your 17 year old son.! Your whole arrangement with your young husband, who is likely to be a "mummy's boy" is spelled with future disasters in your relationship. To make things even more difficult, you also want to have a baby with him.

Miracles do happen now and again. I hope for your sakes, you'll be one of them, to prolong your marriage beyond 5-10 years with your husband.!!
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Postby anastasiaC » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:33 am

Kikapu - I hope u re-read your posts because you are sounding pathetic right know nothing about the woman and you are asking her if she is immature or if she married a younger man to be her sons playmate??

You have a bad attitude towards woman....and I feel sorry for you.....
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