andri_cy wrote:Kikapu wrote:andri_cy wrote:For me perfect match is when a man is about 5 years older, because they mature so much slower...
I don't know, if that means I'm still maturing or that I have matured too much, in my relationship.!!!
You are an exception....Dr Kikapu

A good friend of mine in San Francisco, who works at Stanford University on the Linear accelarator (nuclear) had deviced a men/women formula which goes like this.
Men's age divide by 2 then add 7 to find the right age woman for you.
eg. Man age 40, divide by 2 = 20 add 7 = 27 should be the woman's age.
I'm 51 divide by 2 = 25.5 + 7 = 32.5 years should be my girl friends age.
She just turned 37 few days ago. She's getting too old, according to my friend. When we met 11 years ago, it was 40-27, which was a perfect match.!!!