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Postby garthur » Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:28 pm

Simon, that is so bad for her! I used to work with adults who had behavioural/learning problems. I've been punched on the nose a couple of times! It hurts. Unfortunately, it goes with the territory. Your partner is a wonderful person for working in this area.

GG and Bambina, "in the book" just means that I have a book of healing that I use for popping in requests for healing when I do the Reiki distance healing. Don't worry - first names only and no details!! Just found it was easier to keep track of than a box with bits of paper...

(just dashing off to start a Reiki 1 class!)
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:47 pm

garthur wrote:GG and Bambina, "in the book" just means that I have a book of healing that I use for popping in requests for healing when I do the Reiki distance healing. Don't worry - first names only and no details!! Just found it was easier to keep track of than a box with bits of paper...

(just dashing off to start a Reiki 1 class!)

I THOUGHT that is what you meant! and I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. are you a reiki master? i am only a reiki 1, trying to get a reiki 2, but having a heard time to find a master and the time right now....
Blessings to you!
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Postby anastasiaC » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:03 am

simonwjones wrote:
anastasiaC wrote:no way!!! thats awful!! why did she get kicked?

She looks after traumatised children that have had no real up bringing, she went to restrain a kid then wallop in the eye - little s**t!

woahhhh rough kid!!
bravo to your woman for doing such a job - i bet she is a wonderful person
its not the kids faults.....really!! I feel really sad for kids with f*cked up parents and who then go to become society's victims!!
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