I try to look on the bright side when I feel down. It doesn't always work - there are still the awful "black dog days" - but most times it helps.
Music, fresh air and [I wish!] sunshine....can help enormously.
I practice REiki and try to live by the 5 principles which basically are:
Just for today.....
I will not worry - worry is a wasted emotion. What we are worrying about may never come to pass and, if it does, worrying will not have prevented it! Deal with the issues as they arise.
I will not anger - anger is a waste of energy. When we are angry it is usually about something that has already happened, something that we cannot change. It is easier to accept it and learn from it.
I will earn my living honestly and do my work to the best of my ability, today.
I will respect all others today. By respecting and honouring others I will gain respect and honour for myself.
Today I give thanks and show awareness of the many blessings in my life. These blessings can be as simple as a roof over the heads of my family and myself and food to eat. There are so many, many people today who have neither.
But there are still times when I feel sad. For what might have been. For not having said all those things, done all those things, to and for people I have loved and who are no longer in my life etc. At these times, I try to use a Gestalt technique and "talk" to those no longer with me.
Suddenly I will find joy again in something as simple as sunshine breaking through a cloudy sky!
PS it is always good to share your sadness if you can - it helps to dissipate it.