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Postby ukofamnesia » Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:33 am

Yes you are making sense unique earthling, as are most of the posters here.
Its worth remembering that the strategy of these 3 from the start was to imply the "the others" had done it without actually pointing the finger in court. We ve heard a lot of unsubstantiated gossip from inside prison but in court not one of them said a word. Their police statements were read out in court after every legal trick was pulled to try to get them and other evidence disqualified.
They hoped that as it was impossible to prove who struck Louise the fatal blow they would "beat the rap". They didnt beat it entirely but they did pretty well in getting a manslaughter verdict from the judge only court and a whole-life sentence reduced to 12 years!

None of them has contacted the family to apologise. No contrition whatsoever there.

(Whats happened to your avatar, i liked that?)
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:19 am

And what about the Cypriot guys that rape foreign women here, because they didn't say 'yes' to their sex proposal. How many taxi drivers have raped girls here? Would it be fair of me to condemn Cypriots for this, and call all men rapists here? The answer is no.
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Postby lysi » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:23 am

doglover wrote:And what about the Cypriot guys that rape foreign women here, because they didn't say 'yes' to their sex proposal. How many taxi drivers have raped girls here? Would it be fair of me to condemn Cypriots for this, and call all men rapists here? The answer is no.

DOGLOVER, put there names on the forum, all these rapist cypriot taxi drivers you mention.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:38 am

How could I possibly remember their names? It was only a few years ago, when I was still a teen, and it was all over the news. My mum would urge me not to get in taxis.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:23 pm

i have been accosted 3 times in cyprus, once when i went to episkopi village walking with my dogs, with a camera man in toe, he went off to get the car and i was slowly walking down the hill to the main road, i stopped to look at a new building that had an been built in cypriot style but with a modern facade of stone. An old man of about 65-70 came up to me and i pleasantly said kalimera, he proceeded to tell me he had built this house and often had english people to stay there for holidays, he asked me to have a look inside and proudly showed me around it, i told him i must go as my camera man would wonder where i was. As i went to go to the door he grabbed me roughly and tried to kiss me and grope me.. I yelped in surprise and pushed him away and ran out of the building shocked. When i got to the car, the shock left me and was replaced by anger, i told my Cypriot boss and he just laughed and said perhaps the old mans wife was not interested in sex, so the old man takes the opportunity where ever he can find it... Not a word or even a glimmer of understanding that this was sexual molestation and wrong. And my boss is an educated man too. My friend worked at a leather shop in Kato paphos opposite Pinguino's and the old man constantly touched and groped her, even with his wife in the other room, she eventually told his wife and it was the daughter that came and apologised to my friend and said that it wont happen again. I could go on with stories like this, many women are accosted at work, i was many times inappropriately touched, but now i have learned you just curtly nod to them and even though most english chat and smile and are friendly, unfortunately you dont do that, it makes the men think you are interested in them. I am talking about women alone, if with your husband its usually no problem...
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:04 pm

Yes, some Cypriot men can be very sleazy. It really upsets my dad whenever I go shopping with him. Some of the Cypriots will just stare at me, in a really sleazy way. They will walk past you, and stare at your boobs, really obviously! Just like it's the normal thing to do! The cheek. Have you noticed that there are many people here that will just stare at you? Some of them like to stare at foreign women... almost as if they are aliens and very peculiar looking.
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:25 pm

Nah, it's the mentality that is the problem here.

I love going to England. It's nice not being stared at for a change!

My fiancees sister (student in thessaloniki, Greece) is always telling me how laid back the people are there. She enjoys going to cafes and bars more in Greece, as people don't generally stare there. Noone cares what anyone is wearing! Unlike some Cypriot women.... :roll:
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:28 pm

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Postby anastasiaC » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:10 am

unique_earthling wrote:i have been accosted 3 times in cyprus, once when i went to episkopi village walking with my dogs, with a camera man in toe, he went off to get the car and i was slowly walking down the hill to the main road, i stopped to look at a new building that had an been built in cypriot style but with a modern facade of stone. An old man of about 65-70 came up to me and i pleasantly said kalimera, he proceeded to tell me he had built this house and often had english people to stay there for holidays, he asked me to have a look inside and proudly showed me around it, i told him i must go as my camera man would wonder where i was. As i went to go to the door he grabbed me roughly and tried to kiss me and grope me.. I yelped in surprise and pushed him away and ran out of the building shocked. When i got to the car, the shock left me and was replaced by anger, i told my Cypriot boss and he just laughed and said perhaps the old mans wife was not interested in sex, so the old man takes the opportunity where ever he can find it... Not a word or even a glimmer of understanding that this was sexual molestation and wrong. And my boss is an educated man too. My friend worked at a leather shop in Kato paphos opposite Pinguino's and the old man constantly touched and groped her, even with his wife in the other room, she eventually told his wife and it was the daughter that came and apologised to my friend and said that it wont happen again. I could go on with stories like this, many women are accosted at work, i was many times inappropriately touched, but now i have learned you just curtly nod to them and even though most english chat and smile and are friendly, unfortunately you dont do that, it makes the men think you are interested in them. I am talking about women alone, if with your husband its usually no problem...

how awful!!! sorry to hear that happened but I too had a similar thing happen when I lived in Larnaca
the old man was probably around 70 and so frail - he grabbed my breasts as I was looking at some of the items in his shop!! I was so shocked but gave him a good telling off....
he's probably dead now...that was 10yrs ago!
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Postby The Microphone » Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:44 pm

For once I agree with Lysi......... only once mind! Well in part.

Lysi, these rules should apply to ALL, not just those you identify as BRITISH SOLDIERS! What they are or were is an irrelevance. Murder should mean a lifetime behind bars or execution!

I trust you will no doubt be on the trail of ALL murderers, regardless of nationality, released early from their sentence! I would back you 100% if you were to follow this path of action.
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