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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:06 am

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Don't always believe all that you read in the papers!

Postby venus » Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:38 am

Before I say anything, I would like to point out that I do not in any way condone what happened to that poor girl.

To start at the beginning, my husband was incarcerated in Nicosia Central Prison alongside the three individuals for some time(but that's another story)He got to know all three of them and was struck by how kind and thoughtful these supposed evil monsters were, one in particular helped him cope in there and he will be forever grateful to him for that.When I went to visit him on one occasion this lads girlfriend was visiting too and we were introduced.After the visit was over, we went for a coffee and a chat.She told me that she had known them all before this happened and described each of the men to me.
Her boyfriend was kind, gentle, treated her like a princess but did have a temper and if it had been a man that had been killed then she wouldn't be sitting talking to me now as she believed that his temper could get the better of him.One of the other two had also spoken to her boyfriends mum, he had said he was very sorry for dragging her son into this but he wasn't as involved as himself and the other one and the courts would realise this.
She said of the one that spoke to her boyfriends mum that she got on well with him but he had a drinking problem.She had also found out that the girl that had been killed was his ex-girlfriend which was never revealed.
Of the last one she did not say much, just that she thought he was a little strange and had never felt very comfortable around him.

After meeting this young girl and my husband spending time with the three'SCUMBAGS',it made me realise that all the papers do is embellish their stories to sell their papers at the expense of other people and from that day to this I have never bought another newspaper and never will.

Make of this what you like but all I know is that I like to make my own opinions of people rather than jump to conclusions based on what somebody else has said or written
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Postby lysi » Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:49 am

venus wrote:Before I say anything, I would like to point out that I do not in any way condone what happened to that poor girl.

To start at the beginning, my husband was incarcerated in Nicosia Central Prison alongside the three individuals for some time(but that's another story)He got to know all three of them and was struck by how kind and thoughtful these supposed evil monsters were, one in particular helped him cope in there and he will be forever grateful to him for that.When I went to visit him on one occasion this lads girlfriend was visiting too and we were introduced.After the visit was over, we went for a coffee and a chat.She told me that she had known them all before this happened and described each of the men to me.
Her boyfriend was kind, gentle, treated her like a princess but did have a temper and if it had been a man that had been killed then she wouldn't be sitting talking to me now as she believed that his temper could get the better of him.One of the other two had also spoken to her boyfriends mum, he had said he was very sorry for dragging her son into this but he wasn't as involved as himself and the other one and the courts would realise this.
She said of the one that spoke to her boyfriends mum that she got on well with him but he had a drinking problem.She had also found out that the girl that had been killed was his ex-girlfriend which was never revealed.
Of the last one she did not say much, just that she thought he was a little strange and had never felt very comfortable around him.

After meeting this young girl and my husband spending time with the three'SCUMBAGS',it made me realise that all the papers do is embellish their stories to sell their papers at the expense of other people and from that day to this I have never bought another newspaper and never will.

Make of this what you like but all I know is that I like to make my own opinions of people rather than jump to conclusions based on what somebody else has said or written

venus, how would you feel if your young daughter was abducted, raped and beaten to death by 3 drunken BRITISH SOLDIERS who are now free to walk the streets & get on with there lives ?
These 3 BRITISH SOLDIERS are evil rapists who should be kept in prison forever, so dont defend these SCUMBAGS.
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Postby lysi » Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:50 am

[quote="lysi"]The murdering scum british soldiers have been according to this sundays cyprus mail released one by one on the quite.
This has outraged the parents of the poor girl ( louise jenson ) who these soldiers raped & beat to death.
The names of these scumbags are :
What do other forum members think about these scumbags ?

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Postby toggle31 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:20 pm

I think these murdering scum should have been locked up castrated and the key thrown away. Lets just ask ourselfs why Venus is husband was locked up with them??????? Venus you obviously are not a parent, just think what those poor parents have had to endure so far and will have to for the rest of their lives and now the scum who murdered their daughter are free, coming home and no doubt will be treated like royalty, SCUM!
Of course according to Venus what they did was justifyed as the poor girl used to be a girlfriend to one of these animals so that seems to make everything alright.
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Re: Don't always believe all that you read in the papers!

Postby andri_cy » Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:41 pm

venus wrote:Before I say anything, I would like to point out that I do not in any way condone what happened to that poor girl.

To start at the beginning, my husband was incarcerated in Nicosia Central Prison alongside the three individuals for some time(but that's another story)He got to know all three of them and was struck by how kind and thoughtful these supposed evil monsters were, one in particular helped him cope in there and he will be forever grateful to him for that.When I went to visit him on one occasion this lads girlfriend was visiting too and we were introduced.After the visit was over, we went for a coffee and a chat.She told me that she had known them all before this happened and described each of the men to me.
Her boyfriend was kind, gentle, treated her like a princess but did have a temper and if it had been a man that had been killed then she wouldn't be sitting talking to me now as she believed that his temper could get the better of him.One of the other two had also spoken to her boyfriends mum, he had said he was very sorry for dragging her son into this but he wasn't as involved as himself and the other one and the courts would realise this.
She said of the one that spoke to her boyfriends mum that she got on well with him but he had a drinking problem.She had also found out that the girl that had been killed was his ex-girlfriend which was never revealed.
Of the last one she did not say much, just that she thought he was a little strange and had never felt very comfortable around him.

After meeting this young girl and my husband spending time with the three'SCUMBAGS',it made me realise that all the papers do is embellish their stories to sell their papers at the expense of other people and from that day to this I have never bought another newspaper and never will.

Make of this what you like but all I know is that I like to make my own opinions of people rather than jump to conclusions based on what somebody else has said or written

You have to be kidding me...
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:53 pm

I have heard this all to often.. maybe this mentallity has helped her cope with her husbands issues.. example..' he is really sweet, when he isnt angry and drinking' he really does have a good side'... i think low expectations and low self esteem count for a lot.... as if its normal to have someone in prison amonst those that are not dysfunctional.........
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Re: Don't always believe all that you read in the papers!

Postby TaraT » Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:40 am

venus wrote:Before I say anything, I would like to point out that I do not in any way condone what happened to that poor girl.

To start at the beginning, my husband was incarcerated in Nicosia Central Prison alongside the three individuals for some time(but that's another story)He got to know all three of them and was struck by how kind and thoughtful these supposed evil monsters were, one in particular helped him cope in there and he will be forever grateful to him for that.When I went to visit him on one occasion this lads girlfriend was visiting too and we were introduced.After the visit was over, we went for a coffee and a chat.She told me that she had known them all before this happened and described each of the men to me.
Her boyfriend was kind, gentle, treated her like a princess but did have a temper and if it had been a man that had been killed then she wouldn't be sitting talking to me now as she believed that his temper could get the better of him.One of the other two had also spoken to her boyfriends mum, he had said he was very sorry for dragging her son into this but he wasn't as involved as himself and the other one and the courts would realise this.
She said of the one that spoke to her boyfriends mum that she got on well with him but he had a drinking problem.She had also found out that the girl that had been killed was his ex-girlfriend which was never revealed.
Of the last one she did not say much, just that she thought he was a little strange and had never felt very comfortable around him.

After meeting this young girl and my husband spending time with the three'SCUMBAGS',it made me realise that all the papers do is embellish their stories to sell their papers at the expense of other people and from that day to this I have never bought another newspaper and never will.

Make of this what you like but all I know is that I like to make my own opinions of people rather than jump to conclusions based on what somebody else has said or written

Does it matter that the woman was the murders ex-girlfriend? So what if they papers did not release that piece of irrelevance. It's amazing how 'sweet and gentle and caring' one can be when it means they get time knocked off their life sentence. I cannot believe that one of those men were dragged into committing a murder. Mr. Kind and Gentle, Treats Me Like a Princess has a temper but was dragged kicking and screaming to commit murder. What crust! I'm sure they were all pointing the finger at the other guy.

The newspapers did not kill that girl, nor were they the judge and jury that heard all the horrible details. You think that the newspapers embellish at the expense of those fiends. That is truly appalling.
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Postby ukofamnesia » Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:43 am

The comments above from venus seem a bit confused at best. These men tried hard to avoid any punishment on technicalities and by challenging every piece of evidence presented to the court, inflicting further suffering on Louise Jensen's family. The points above about them having aids or one of them being a former boyfriend of Louise are just unsubstantiated gossip.They ve never expressed an ounce of genuine remorse and at least one of them had a history of unprovoked GBH. So the appeal courts reduction of sentence is a travesty.

A murder conviction would have stood in the UK thought i m not sure they would have got the whole-life sentence they deserved.

The Cypriot people and the whole of Europe have been badly let down by the Cypriot so-called justice system as these 3 are out after 12 years and free to take up residence in any of 25 EU countries totally unsupervised, not even registered as sex offenders.

Some Brits think they may be bought to account in the UK. Keep an eye on the blog for a possible online petition to the European parliament amongst others. Sign any that appear there and link this and any other relevant blogs to the one above.

A cypriot motorcyclist was rammed and killed the same week 2 of these men were released. Some incidents are meant to tell us something. Make sure your politicians and lawyers feel the heat on these early releases so nothing similar can happen again.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:28 am

I dont understand the judiscial system, where by a judge can give a length of sentence at his own whim. Life should mean life, not half a sentence for good behaviour. The mother of the woman has been given a life sentence of pain and heartache, and a woman was deprived of 60 years of her life so the remainder should be the sentence the men should get. I dont think judges or juries are objective enough... I heard a woman the other day looking at a photo in the paper of abductor of a child, that he looked so like her nephew, and her face softened... I think these animals can manipulate, and win points and others forget the wicked crime that has been committed. If that makes sense?
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