Hi Rawk!
"Do you beieve in fairies? In spirits? in Ghosts, In demons? (They apparantly inhabit people who need excorcizing) In elfs, goblins, pixies, vampires, ghouls? "
Come on!! I'm from Cornish stock! Of Course I believe - well, at least in "positive and negative energies". As you know everything gives off an electric field of energy.....
""I personally believe in a lucky accident, a rogue set of genes that gave the chimpanzee's cousin, our ancestor, his intellect and ability after several million years to progress to our current sorry state. "
Genes can be such rogues, I agree
On a more serious note I have to agree that we have reached a sorry state and I am often ashamed to be human! As you say we are poisoning our planet and those in power seem to lack the foresight to realize that they are effectively destroying themselves ...but there again those with any understanding, unselfishness, enlightenment (even faith - in whatever!) realize we cannot worship "God" and "Mamon"...There is too much wealth, power etc., in the hands of the few and the more wealth, power, etc., they can acrue then the more selfish and centred on their own wealth and power they become. Instant gratification and a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"God" or the Divine Being has not always been seen as male, by the way. Goddess worship far out-dates many other "religions". Anyhow, if there is ONE great creator then such an entity, being, energy (whatever) must surely have been androgynous? Also, in terms of the major religions - Judaeism, Islam, etc., those references made to the Spirit - the actual energy - are made in the feminine in the original writings....
But I know what you mean, I could get so very angry and bitter at the way we as a species are destroying our enviromnent - not to mention the harm we are causing to innocent creatures. We've only been here for a brief instance in time and look at the damage we have wreaked.
When I was younger I used to get angry, bitter and vocal about things like man's (and women's) inhumanity to man. Now I try to learn lessons from what is happening (?) and attempt to lead by example.
Simon, yes, there are great gaps in the fossil records but much of that is attributable to soil types etc., Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks - I Think - so igneous etc., may not contain such records.
I believe in evolution - I think that we are very arrogant to assume that we, as a species, have reached the pinnacle of that evolution. However, I also think that there are such things as "rogue genes" - and cells that can transmute and change as required.
We only have to look at the way a cold virus can change!!
I don't think accepting evolution excludes having faith in the "spiritual" nor vice versa. I don't believe the two theories are mutually exclusive. Again, I suspect it may be a case of "I'm right so you must be wrong". Why must there always be this battle of opposing ideas?
Maybe the idea of "god" comes from knowing the "self"? Sometimes people need the idea of someone/thing to lean on, to blame, to call out to because they cannot find that strength etc., within themselves? Or think they can't.
We ALL need to heal ourselves and find the god within ourselves before we can go poking sticks at others! None of us are perfect and what is perfection anyway? Who sets the criteria for that!
Gosh, this is getting as long as War and Peace!! Sorry