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Jesus & Mohammed

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Jesus & Mohammed

Postby MehmedII » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:00 pm

If you close your eyes to
WarS,politics,media,differences between cultures & beliefs and to provacations,

it is really very nice to see A Mosque in a greek town.
I think like this because, i feel so when i visit A greek building of Soumela Monestry in a turkish city of Trabzon.and meaningful..

I remember the Aga Sophie Chruch of Trabzon.And i remember the Jesus portraits on the walls.And i wanna tell u something true about islam about Jesus.

In islam, we believe that Jesus didnt die.we believe that when people crucifixed him to cross, god(Akkah) take him to the sky(We believe that god made same thing for Mohammed.and we know this event as ''Mirac'')

When doomsday came, people will be like army behind their leader.And their leader will try to help them.
If you dont have a leader like Jesus,Mohammed..(i mean, if you dont believe any of them but u believe in a creator like chenese budist people), you will not have a saver there.

We believe nearly same things about Jesus as christian & muslim people.
But i dont know what christians think about Mohammed.
But i understood somethings about your thought after i see the Danish cartoons of Mohammed.

If you will write me comments like a nationalist cypriot, i will not write answer to you.If you write me politely, i will answer u willingly.

Inform me about your thoughts about Mohammed.(seriously plz.)

Thankz :wink:

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Postby andri_cy » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:57 pm

I think that islam in paper is a very good religion. If all the Muslims followed the book to the letter, they would be considered a very peaceful people. But of course there are the fanatics like in any other religion. Mohammed had the right idea and he did try to teach his people respect for other religions. Thats why I dont understand why Churches in Instabul are so dirty and not taken care of. I know that it is considered Turkish land now but it would be nice for the authority figures to show respect to an other people's history and beliefs like in Cyprus we try to show respect to mosques in the South.
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Postby Rodosthenis » Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:06 am

What we Christian Orthodox believe is what God reveal to humans. Hierarchically, first it is God which is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then it is Virgin Mary, then the angels and the rest immaterial beings, then it is John the Baptist and finally all the Saints. Also there are the Martyrs who were killed (bodily) for their faith to Christ. There is no Mohammed in the revelations. However, if you have queries about all these including Mohammed and Christian Orthodox my brother 'Mehmed II' visit the excellent site:
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Postby garthur » Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:21 pm

I think if everyone showed respect and tolerance for others and their beliefs, the world would be a much better place.

On a personal level, I don't believe in Organised Religion. However, I do believe in Faith. I believe in Jesus and in Mohammed. I also believe in Buddha and other "prophets" and "teachers"

To me, Organised Religion is about control.
There are many paths that lead to the same place - which one we take will depend on the starting points of our journey.

Also, and this is only what I believe, as we are all known by many different names [e g I am known as Glenys, Mum, Nan, Daughter, Sister, Teacher, Mrs. Arthur etc] so is the Creator known by different names depending on who is speaking - i.e. God, Allah, Jahweh, Jehovah, etc.

I am not saying that I'm right - just voicing my opinion.

By the way, Jesus is in the Qu'ran and I suspect that there were mentions of future prophets in the ancient writings. We must not forget that the Bible has been very much adapted to suit the needs of the emerging Religious Authorities when the Romans realized that it was better to take control of the teachings of Jesus and adapt them in order to keep control of a growing populace of "bolshi" Christians!!! Who, at that time were a sect of Judaeism.....

I think.
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Postby G.Man » Sat Aug 19, 2006 9:26 pm


I am so with you on this one...

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Postby rawk » Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:51 pm

To those who have contributed i ncluding MehmetII. Welcome

Do you beieve in fairies? In spirits? in Ghosts, In demons? (They apparantly inhabit people who need excorcizing) In elfs, goblins, pixies, vampires, ghouls?

Do you believe in these things? The supernatural. The things you can't prove because you can't see them or their works. If so, all you can say is I believe in them and for me they are real.

That is your right, good luck with it.

I personally believe in a lucky accident, a rogue set of genes that gave the chimpanzee's cousin, our ancestor, his intellect and ability after several million years to progress to our current sorry state.

Carbon dating doesn't lie, our earth is ancient.

Picture the Empire state building, it represents the age of our earth, place a 12 inch ruler on the top, that represents how long life has existed on it, place a postage stamp on top of the ruler, that how long we have been around.

Try and move out of the mindset that dominates a desire for faith.

Angels and messiahs, fairies and demons. Supernatural mumbo jumbo? If you believe in something you cannot see, cannot prove, cannot explain, so that others understand, do you see fairies or are you dreaming to reassure yourself about you existance here?

If there is a supreme being, why should you worship it? If he is supreme, why did he make such a complete and utter hash of it?

Maybe its time for another species to assume the role that we gained on this planet? We have behaved like a virus destroying its host. Perhaps our obsession with a supreme being and what we will do to defend his will, (funny how its always a male, is there a Mrs God?) will destroy us.

Rodents are clever and resistant to radioactivity. Give another postage stamp on the ruler and the new species could be puzzling out who left those footprints on the lunar surface in several thousand years time.

By then I don't think poor old Mohammed or Jesus will get a look in, with any luck religion will not be a concept the new species would have to bear, we do not have the perogative here.

You can preach your faith to your heart's content but when your planet's resources are poisoned and disappearing around you, when its too hot to breathe outside during the day, when the oceans die and the forests are no more. No faith will save you.

The world will have moved on and will be looking to a new guardian.

The old bearded men who loved to rant in front of their audiences will have gone from heat exhaustion as the fighters avoid the midday sun in barren ruins of cities as temperatures climb to 70 centigrade.

No God, no angels, no saviours, quite a lot of radioactivity and no hope.

Perhaps the fairies can save you?

Oh and have a nice day.

Last edited by rawk on Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Simon » Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:21 pm

So rawk, you believe in evolution. But what about this:

[quote]What does the fossil record really teach concerning the theory of evolution? Do the fossils demonstrate the progression from simple structures to complex organisms? The following facts need to be considered:

Abrupt appearance of animals. All the different, basic kinds of animals appear abruptly and fully functional in the strata - with no proof of ancestors. "Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them." (David Kitts, paleontologist and Evolutionist) Darwin was embarrassed by the fossil record. It contains no proof for macroevolution of animals.

Plants appear abruptly, too. Evolutionist Edred J.H. Corner: "... I still think that to the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation." (Evolution in Contemporary Thought, 1961, p.97) Scientists have been unable to find an Evolutionary history (beginning to end) for even one group of modern plants.

Animals unchanged. Contrary to common belief, most fossils are not of extinct types of animals. Most fossils are very similar (and often totally identical) to creatures living today. It is said there are many more living species of animals than there are types known only as fossils. If Evolution is true, one may wonder why the case is not just the reverse! Evolutionary history is supposed to be filled with temporary, intermediate stages of Evolution, from amoeba to man.

Sufficient fossils. There is a continuing lack of evidence for Evolution despite an enormous number of fossils. Although scientists will continue to discover new varieties of fossil animals and plants, it is generally agreed that the millions of fossils already discovered (and the sediments already explored) provide a reliable indication of which way the evidence is going. That is, there will continue to be little or no fossil evidence found to support Evolutionism.

Fast strata formation. There is increasing evidence that many sedimentary rocks, which some thought took thousands or millions of years to accumulate, almost certainly were deposited in only months, days, hours, or minutes.

Rapid coal formation. The old Evolutionary theory about coal forming in swamps is wrong. There is increasing evidence that massive coal deposits were formed in deep flood waters. Various coal layers in the U.S. consist mainly of sheets of tree bark abraded from huge masses of uprooted trees. The bark layers were buried in mud and carbonized into coal. Coal formation is relatively quick when heat is applied.

Fossilization requires very special conditions. Dinosaur and other fossils could not have formed in the way suggested by most Evolutionary books. Animals almost never fossilize unless they are buried quickly and deeply - before scavengers, bacteria and erosion reduce them to dust. Such conditions are highly unusual. In almost all cases, the very existence of the fossils, in the types and numbers discovered, strongly indicates catastrophic conditions were involved in their burial and preservation. Without such conditions, there seems to be no plausible way to explain their existence. Huge dinosaurs, huge schools of fish, and many diverse animals are found entombed by massive muddy sediments which hardened into rock. Almost all fossils are found in water-laid sediments.

Wrong order for evolution. It has been reported that "80 to 85% of Earth's land surface does not have even 3 geologic periods appearing in 'correct' consecutive order" for Evolution.

The fossil record does not provide evidence in support for Evolution. "Fossils are a great embarrassment to Evolutionary theory and offer strong support for the concept of Creation." (Dr. Gary Parker, Ph.D., Biologist/paleontologist and former Evolutionist)[/quote]

Scientific PREDICTIONS are not always right. :wink:
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Postby rawk » Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:36 pm

Thamks Simon

Great post. I will reply to it, but need a bit of time to check sources.

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Postby Natty » Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:50 pm

Hey, can I just ask about the Orthodox churches stance on Evolution? I believe that they do not discount it, but I'm not too sure...
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Postby garthur » Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:06 am

Hi Rawk!
"Do you beieve in fairies? In spirits? in Ghosts, In demons? (They apparantly inhabit people who need excorcizing) In elfs, goblins, pixies, vampires, ghouls? "
Come on!! I'm from Cornish stock! Of Course I believe - well, at least in "positive and negative energies". As you know everything gives off an electric field of energy.....

""I personally believe in a lucky accident, a rogue set of genes that gave the chimpanzee's cousin, our ancestor, his intellect and ability after several million years to progress to our current sorry state. "

Genes can be such rogues, I agree :wink: On a more serious note I have to agree that we have reached a sorry state and I am often ashamed to be human! As you say we are poisoning our planet and those in power seem to lack the foresight to realize that they are effectively destroying themselves ...but there again those with any understanding, unselfishness, enlightenment (even faith - in whatever!) realize we cannot worship "God" and "Mamon"...There is too much wealth, power etc., in the hands of the few and the more wealth, power, etc., they can acrue then the more selfish and centred on their own wealth and power they become. Instant gratification and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"God" or the Divine Being has not always been seen as male, by the way. Goddess worship far out-dates many other "religions". Anyhow, if there is ONE great creator then such an entity, being, energy (whatever) must surely have been androgynous? Also, in terms of the major religions - Judaeism, Islam, etc., those references made to the Spirit - the actual energy - are made in the feminine in the original writings....

But I know what you mean, I could get so very angry and bitter at the way we as a species are destroying our enviromnent - not to mention the harm we are causing to innocent creatures. We've only been here for a brief instance in time and look at the damage we have wreaked.
When I was younger I used to get angry, bitter and vocal about things like man's (and women's) inhumanity to man. Now I try to learn lessons from what is happening (?) and attempt to lead by example.

Simon, yes, there are great gaps in the fossil records but much of that is attributable to soil types etc., Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks - I Think - so igneous etc., may not contain such records.

I believe in evolution - I think that we are very arrogant to assume that we, as a species, have reached the pinnacle of that evolution. However, I also think that there are such things as "rogue genes" - and cells that can transmute and change as required.
We only have to look at the way a cold virus can change!!

I don't think accepting evolution excludes having faith in the "spiritual" nor vice versa. I don't believe the two theories are mutually exclusive. Again, I suspect it may be a case of "I'm right so you must be wrong". Why must there always be this battle of opposing ideas?

Maybe the idea of "god" comes from knowing the "self"? Sometimes people need the idea of someone/thing to lean on, to blame, to call out to because they cannot find that strength etc., within themselves? Or think they can't.
We ALL need to heal ourselves and find the god within ourselves before we can go poking sticks at others! None of us are perfect and what is perfection anyway? Who sets the criteria for that! :roll: :?:

Gosh, this is getting as long as War and Peace!! Sorry
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