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Postby Simon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:43 pm

Thats rich Miltiades, considering you have made more spelling errors on this forum than I've had hot dinners. When you said deceases, did you mean diseases?

You was around when an eathquake hit your village 503 years ago? Boy, you must be old. Did you see any dinosaurs? :lol:
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Postby Simon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:25 pm

This is a good question Richard B and one that I myself do not really have an answer to, mainly because I do not have the scientific knowledge to form any real opinion. However, I have stumbled upon this article, which may be of interest.

"The story we have all heard from movies, television, newspapers, and most magazines and textbooks is that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. According to evolutionists, the dinosaurs ‘ruled the Earth’ for 140 million years, dying out about 65 million years ago. However, scientists do not dig up anything labeled with those ages. They only uncover dead dinosaurs (i.e., their bones), and their bones do not have labels attached telling how old they are. The idea of millions of years of evolution is just the evolutionists’ story about the past. No scientist was there to see the dinosaurs live through this supposed dinosaur age. In fact, there is no proof whatsoever that the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old. No scientist observed dinosaurs die. Scientists only find the bones in the here and now, and because many of them are evolutionists, they try to fit the story of the dinosaurs into their view.

Other scientists, called creation scientists, have a different idea about when dinosaurs lived. They believe they can solve any of the supposed dinosaur mysteries and show how the evidence fits wonderfully with their ideas about the past, beliefs that come from the Bible."

So basically, I suppose it is down to a question of faith. Neither can be proven as fact it seems, so it just depends on what the individual believes.

Let me ask you a question: Who do you think Jesus was? If he was just a great moral teacher, as seems to be the modern view of unbelievers, then how could he do miracles? How could he speak with such amazing authority, which still bewilders people today? Why did so many others give their lives for him? How could he have been raised from the dead, just as he predicted! How could he have fulfilled so many prophecies from the Old Testament, that were written hundreds of years before his birth? Have you ever read Psalm 22:16. 'For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.' A prophesy fulfilled when Jesus was crucified? There are many such prophecies like this. A simple coincidence right?
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Postby RichardB » Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:56 pm

Simon you ask who I think Jesus is?
Well I think maybe you are going to class me as one of the modern unbelievers.
I think that Jesus was a man who existed at the tine the Bible tells us he did.
I think he was a great scholer and teacher who had an ability to lead men.
As for the miracles he was said to have performed well I'm going back 35 years at least now and I remember a debate we once had in RE (Religious Education) at school Where a a gentleman came in to our class and spoke on the subject of miracles performed by Jesus.
Now bear in mind I'm 50 years old now and this was when I was 14-15 years old but I do remember he put forward lots of logical explanations for various miracles.
Ones that spring to mind if I remember correctly are the sharing of the fishes and bread amongst the thousands gathered and I remember he said that it could have been Jesus leading by example and sharing his food which lead to the others in the crowd sharing what they had and therefore everyone getting fed.
He also gave possible explanations for old testament miracles such as the parting of the red sea (due to tides). The burning bush (apparently this was a regular occurrence due to the heat and still happens today)

You ask how he could speak with such authority that let thousands give their life for him, I could put this down again to the fact that he was a great orator and leader and please don't take offence with what I am going to say but so were other people throughout history. A certain Mr A Hitler comes to mind (and no I'm certainly nit putting them in the same category)
I guess that what I believe is that Jesus was a real person with a great ability to lead his people and that down through history people have followed his example to make Christianity what it is today.
Whether he is the son of God I don't Know
I've tried to be as honest as I can with my answers Simon
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:56 pm

You are so naive , in saying how could he do miracles ?? What bloody miracles , the ones that the Bible tells you ,
Raised from the dead ?? And pigs fly too.
Are you a religious nut , it seems so. " Ellas Ellinon Xristianon " no doubt you prescribe to this crap.
The " prescribe rs " to this nonsense caused the biggest catastrophe our Island has ever endured. The corrupt and morally indefensible bunch or religious and nationalistic demagogues invited the invasion of our island.

On this forum , two T/Cs , after being reminded that they are Cypriots and that their avatar of a foreign flag , that of Turkey, should be substituted , did so , this is a sign of maturity and acceptance of the internationally recognised fact that the Cyprus flag IS the flag of Cyprus. Not it appears when it comes to religious fanatics who close their beady little eyes to reality and sing the praise of a foreign nation.
As far as my statement of 5O3 years ago the zero was intentionally inserted to highlight your common sense , I knew you would comment on that zero .
Wake up and encourage our Cypriot compatriots to join us in establishing an independent Cyprus where peace , prosperity and secularism are the order of the day.
Kifeas ., Piratis , and many more Cypriots , and I ought to say I have on many occasions disagreed with their views , are never the less Cypriots. You are a KALAMARA.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:09 pm

Richardb , you have always been very level headed and have argued , or rather have put you arguments forward in a sensible and mature fashion.
You wrote:
"Whether he is the son of God I don't Know "

We the people made this prophet the son of God , we the people attributed miracles that never happened , we the people crucified him and then brought him back to life.
Only when you see the light do you see that there was , there is , there will never be a GOD , a creator a designer .
I often ask religious people if God existed and had created the moon and the sun and the abyss why did he create
natural disasters that wipe out so many of his innocent creations , why do we have so many imperfections on earth , would for instance a creator design a solar system that works so precisely and yet create bloody parasites that spread ""deceases "" (for Simon to check ) "and death. Tsunamis , floods , anemostrovilous (another one for Simon to check ) I wonder .
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Postby EUropean666 » Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:14 pm

interesting...mohammed married a 14 yeard old girl named aisha (he was 50 years old) he did war and order his followers to kill all jews and kafis...i guess this how mo and his buddies perceived peace and tolerance.

What about today? suicide bombs, women's rights on the spot and etc. From my point of view i only admire Greek religion and not this shite about christianity and islam.

Islam proved how shity it is during cartoon's dispute.

human beings can determine their destiny. Religions are a piece of shite, mostly islam and its fascist ideology

and here the historical elaboration btwm islam and Nazism. Muslim made "Haksar" Waffen SS killed thousends of christians in the Balkans in the name of Islam.
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Postby RichardB » Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:25 pm

Fair point militades.
I think the term 'Son of God' is a metaphor put on him (Jesus) by the people who believe that he was the chosen one to spread the word of God. I say a metaphor because I certainly don't believe in the virgin birth.
I certainly accept your points re disasters etc
But as a historical fact I believe that the Man Jesus existed and that he believed in the words he preached.
And I also believe as an historical fact that he was crucified for his beliefs.
I think he was probably a great leader of his people at the time.
And at the end of the day there is only one way to find out the truth about the existance of God , Heaven and the afterlife and I'm not ready for that just yet
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Postby EUropean666 » Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:31 pm

by the way... bible is just a finctional book..dont try to so hard to intrerpret is just a book. this charlatan from nazareth never existed. It is just that some nations and ppl could not accept that the greco-latin civilization was so advanced that could explain many natural phenomena without using the "divine" explanation like that god did this and those barbaric civilisations used the paradigm of the charlatan from nazareth to fight the greco-latin civilisatoin.

thats why in 50 a.d. during the jewish revolt they killed scores of greek and romans in jerusalem. They could not accept the fact that their religion and ideolgy was crap....and of course jews-christians were never sent to be eaten from lions...jews - christians used many lies to bring down the glorious greco-lating civilisation.
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Postby RichardB » Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:39 pm

Just out of interest EUropean666 is there any significance with the number 666 after your name which just happens to be the Christian number for the Devil??
Just interested thats all
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Postby EUropean666 » Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:45 pm

naw.. i was just playing with numbers on hotmail in order to get an account. i am an atheist so for me numbers are just numbers with no meaning. Nevertheless shaitan and eosforos had nothing to do with the "negative" force. Christians and Islamists wanted to create enemies to make wars against them, just like Mo did in the arab pensila and genocided jews. It is interesting to read the is about wars and peadophillia

YUSUFALI: Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.
PICKTHAL: And there go round, waiting on them menservants of their own, as they were hidden pearls.
SHAKIR: And round them shall go boys of theirs as if they were hidden pearls.

This guy married his 14 years old nephew....what a scum
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