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Jesus & Mohammed

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Postby Cypriotatheart » Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:19 am

Mohammed is not mentioned in the Bible since he arrived around 700 years after the bible. Simply I see thatJews were waiting for a "Special One", when Jesus Christ was alive many people acknowledged him as this Saviour, Messiah or Christ which ever name you like to use. The Christian Church started after his resurrection. The jews acknowledge Jesus as a prophet but do not believe he was the Final Chosen one where as the Christians do.
Then about 700 years later Mohammed was acknowledged as a leader and his followers have always acknowledged the bible and Jesus life but they think of him as a prophet and Mohammed as the chosen one. All three religions look to the one God or Allah. It is only recent times when the Islam faith seems to have a violent fanatic element. I have spoken to people of this faith and they are against the problems being created by these people. Wouldn't it be a lovely world if all agreed to live together in peace and acknowledge that other faiths all have their good points and we should learn from them.
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Postby garthur » Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:38 am

Amen to that!!

Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we could achieve that.
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Postby Simon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:14 am

Garthur says:

"Simon, yes, there are great gaps in the fossil records but much of that is attributable to soil types etc., Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks - I Think - so igneous etc., may not contain such records."

Precisely! So evolution really is based on very little evidence then isn't it? There is perhaps more evidence based on (dare I say it) the existence of God?
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Postby Simon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:30 am

By the way, the word usually is important here. They are NOT only found in sedimentary rocks.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:26 am

Rawk wrote:

""Angels and messiahs, fairies and demons. Supernatural mumbo jumbo? If you believe in something you cannot see, cannot prove, cannot explain, so that others understand, do you see fairies or are you dreaming to reassure yourself about you existence here?
If there is a supreme being, why should you worship it? If he is supreme, why did he make such a complete and utter hash of it? """

The believers of all that you mention above also believe that the creator dispatched his Angels to deal the Egyptians a murderous hand by straggling the first born child .To disbelieve in some religions the sentence is death . Science continues to make progress mostly in destructive areas , but also in areas that produce cures from decease that the human race has been suffering with since the beginning. Natural disasters occur every now and then thousands perish and yet the saviour always appears , the Red Cross and all other human creations that come to the aid of the dispossessed and alleviate the suffering. There is NOT one iota of evidence of the existence of a creator, any more than there is for as you say "messiahs, fairies and demons "
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Postby RichardB » Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:41 am

Messiahs . Fairies .Demons . Fossils???
I can honestly say I'm not sure what I belive in.
But on the subject of evolution and the bible I was once asked and I've haerd this question since
'Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible?'
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Postby Simon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:08 pm

The Bible mentions animals were created, in genesis, it did not go through each and every animal that was created. But:

"In the Bible, in Job 40:15-24, God describes to Job (who lived after the Flood) a great beast with which Job was familiar. This great animal, called ‘behemoth,’ is described as ‘the chief of the ways of God,’ perhaps the biggest land animal God had created. Impressively, he moved his tail like a cedar tree! Although some Bible commentaries say this may have been an elephant or hippopotamus, the description actually fits that of a dinosaur like Brachiosaurus. Elephants and hippos certainly do not have tails like cedar trees!

Actually, very few animals are singled out in the Bible for such a detailed description. Contrary to what many may think, what we know now as dinosaurs get more mention in the Scriptures than most animals! So dinosaurs—all the different kinds—must have lived alongside of people after the Flood.

Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in Ancient Literature?
Interestingly, the word ‘dragon’ is used a number of times in the Old Testament. In most instances, the word dinosaur could substitute for dragon and it would fit very nicely. Creation scientists believe that dinosaurs were called dragons before the word dinosaur was invented in the 1800s. We would not expect to find the word dinosaur in Bibles like the Authorized Version (1611), as it was translated well before the word dinosaur was ever used.

Also, there are many very old history books in various libraries around the world that have detailed records of dragons and their encounters with people. Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly for creationists), many of these descriptions of dragons fit with how modern scientists would describe dinosaurs, even Tyrannosaurus. Unfortunately, this evidence is not considered valid by evolutionists. Why? Only because their belief is that man and dinosaurs did not live at the same time!

However, the more we research the historical literature, the more we realize there is overwhelming evidence that dragons were real beasts, much like our modern reconstructions of dinosaurs, and that their existence has been recorded by many different people."
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Postby Simon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:10 pm

Miltiades, there were good reasons why God did this to the Egyptians. But I get the feeling that trying to explain these to you would be pointless. :roll:
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Postby RichardB » Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:55 pm

Thanks for the excellent answer Simon.

What would your answer be to the question that evolution experts agree that 'dinosaurs were wiped out 60 million years ago, way before 'God' created man

I understand what you say about ancient litirature and I agree with you that the word dinosaur was not used until the 1850s

But how could Man have battled with dragons/dinosaurs if they were wiped out millions of years befor God created Man

Please note Simon I'm not trying to start an argument just want to know your opinion.

As I said in my previous post I dont know what I believe in but I'm open to find out more of peoples opinions on this subject

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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:56 pm

The God who created the heavens the earth the seas and yet had to revert to cold blooded murder in order to make the Pharaoh change his mind. The God all mighty who separated the sea to allow safe passage for HIS people and lured the Egyptian army to follow , and drowned them all. The god that created all living things , man , animal , ruts , mice , flies mosquitoes germs deceases . Wake up !!! Or are you perhaps , as you called me " dillusional " ?? What does it mean any way ?
Finally let me just say that when an earthquake struck my village some 503 years ago , the priest went round telling us all that it was the Will of God. I was 7 , just saw my mother killed and this halfwit tells me that it was God's will. !!! Stop being so delusional .
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