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Athanasios of Lemesos... the next Archbishop?

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Postby Niyaz2137 » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:55 pm

Maria28 wrote:Niyaz if you don't mind me asking, what are you?

Judging from your nick name I thought you are Turkish Cypriot but this post of yours confused me.

LOL!!! Yeah, the name CAN be confusing seeing as it looks Turkish and all. It's not though, it's Persian. It means "Yearning" as in "Yearning for God"... lol I got it from a CD. I'm actually Greek Orthodox (I converted)... My father is from Argentina and my mother of German descent. Half of my friends are Cypriot, inclding two of my closest friends so....... I know Cypriot food... culture... and I can speak some Cypriot (Greek dialect) and I've been there before. So I'm like... and honourary Cypriot... a "Cypriot at heart" one can say.

Rodosthenis wrote:Pray to God to show you who is the right one to become the Archbishop of Cyprus.


cypezokyli wrote:i must admit that i dont like priests , and i dont support any bishop. the more the time for the electios is approaching all the bishops are showing their true face and character Rolling Eyes
but since we are talking about a specific person :

i just visited the above website. "father" athanasios could inform the team that supports him , that the above title they chose is kind of misleading. unless , "father" didnt want that website to be created and he has no clue about it

To be honest with you... he probably didn't know about it. The man has stated sevaral times that he does not wish to be Archbishop.

But the man has done SO MUCH for the people. He opened up cafes to talk wit the youth. He sees people whenever. One of my best friends goes to him for advice and confession and he sometimes has to go at like 3:00AM because Athanasios is SO BUSY... and yet he STILL will see him. Not to mention he helped open up one of the only drug clinics in Cyprus.

And we all know the rediculous corruption that plagues the Church of Cyprus... Athanasios we be so good at fixing it up... I mean... look at what he's done for Lemesos... the man publishes the financial records of the Metroplis every month for all to see.

The only downside would be his availability. As soon as he is Archbishop, he will no longer be accessable to the public.

I know he doesn't wantto be Archbishop... but you know what? Those people who don't want it are usually best for the position.

Rodosthenis wrote:I have recently been to Mount Athos (Agio Oros) with another 37 people from Pafos and all the monks there told us that Father Athanasios is the right candidate for the position of Archbishop. They told us that God will guide Cypriots see that it is him they have to vote for. Amen!

I've metAthanasios before... he came to America once. It's as if you didn't even know he's a bishop!! He ALWAYS smiles and complete love flows from this man!
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Postby astroboy » Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:59 am

One thing you guys havent mentioned... Father Athanasio never said he doesnt want the position. He has always said, "if its God's will..." !!! I too believe there is no one better for this position but as one of his spiritiual children I worry about the stress and anxiety that this position will lay upon him. I am very positive though that if selected, he will do whatever is needed to set things right! And regardless of the often fixed polls (marketing rule #1-create a positive image for your product!) when the time comes the Cypriots will vote for the right person!
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