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Poem:I Can't Tell(translated by MehmedII)

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Poem:I Can't Tell(translated by MehmedII)

Postby MehmedII » Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:13 pm


Aglasam sesimi duyar misiniz,
Dokunabilir misiniz,
Gozyaşlarima, ellerinizle?
Bilmezdim sarkilarin bu kadar guzel,
Kelimelerinse kifayetsiz oldugunu
Bu derde dusmeden once.
Bir yer var, biliyorum;
Her seyi soylemek mumkun;

Epeyce yaklasmisim, duyuyorum;

Yazar:Orhan Veli Kanik


I Can't Tell

If I cry, can you hear my voice,
In my lines;
Can you touch,
My tears, with your hands?
I didn't know that songs were this beautiful,
Whereas words were this insufficient
Before I had this trouble.
There is a place, I know;
It is possible to say everything;

I am pretty close, I can feel;
I can't tell.

Writer:Orhan Veli Kanik
(Translated from Turkish to English by MehmedII)
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Postby rawk » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:26 pm

Merhaba! With a bing and a bang, and a buzz,buzz,buzz!


Orhan Veli Kanik
(1914, Istanbul - November 14, 1950, Istanbul)

I buy old clothes.
I buy old clothes and cut them into stars.
Music is the food of love.
I love music.

I write poetry.
I write poetry and buy old clothes.
I sell old clothes and buy music;
If I could also be a fish in a bottle of booze...

Orhan Veli Kan

A man after my own heart. Possibly Strongbow!


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Location: Larnaca on Sea, Cyprus

Postby MehmedII » Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:40 pm

theshekkur too. Thankz to be interested.
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