In Indonesia, the Moslem majority voted to deny the people of East Timor, who are predominately Christian, the right to independence, even though the people of East Timor democratically voted for independence. Which one was the most democratic? If you believe in democracy above all else, then, since the idea of democracy is majority rule, the larger the majority the more legitimate its rule. Therefore wouldn't the larger majority trump the smaller? If the ethnic majority doesn't have the right to deny minority ethnic groups their independence in East Timor, then why can't the Kurds be independent of Turkey? Why does the world not demand that Russia stop its aggressive war of subjugation against Chechnya? Why can't the Basque be independent of France and Spain? What gives the right to Mexico to hold the Amerindian majority of Chiapas? What gives the right to the United States to deny Amerindian nations secession and independence?
You say those are examples of extremes of democracy and that democracy must be moderated and include respect for minority rights? Such an idea is a fraud and an impossibility. You can't have majority rule and minority rights at the same time. Democracy is by definition the rule of the majority imposing its will on the minority. It is the systematic tyranny of the majority over the minority. The only way you can have minority rights is if the vote of the majority is not binding on the minority. Otherwise the minority will always be subject to the majority and the minority's rights will always be violated by that majority. The only difference between democracies is in degrees, it is the degree to which the majority takes power and the degree to which the minority's rights are violated.
The United States, and their allies, have fought wars, committed acts of terrorism and supplied weapons to others to fight wars to impose democracy. They presume to justify this by saying it's all in the cause of democracy, as though it were some magic word that immediately absolves themselves of all sin. The end does not justify the means, especially when the end is the evil of democracy, mob tyranny. They claim that the atrocities they have committed or supported are not the same thing as the very same atrocities committed by fascists and communists because its all in the cause of democracy. How foolish do they think the world to be, first of all, democracy is an evil, immoral, political system just like fascism and communism, the fact that the mob rules makes it even more of a comprehensive tyranny and often harder to change. Theft, terrorism and political tyranny is immoral no matter what motivates it. Is being persecuted, enslaved or murdered less wrong because it's for the cause of democracy? Horribly, I really believed there are some deranged people who actually believe this, those who do are the moral equivalent of fascists and communists. These wars for democracy are just democratic imperialism, to impose their own illegitimate and immoral system on others.
The only political system that can ever be justified is Libertocracy which cannot be forced on people, nor can it be created or supported by committing crimes against the human rights that it serves. Just the track record of the many evils of democracy compared to the ideals of Libertocracy stands as the best example to all people which is right and which is wrong.
Ironically, the United States and their allies are not even democracies, they are republics, their claiming to be democracies is fraudulent. They commit or support crimes against people in other countries to impose democracy when they don't even have it in their own country. Still even more ironic is that while the United States supports fighting wars to impose democracy, they have a track record, since the end World War II, of undermining democracy and supporting right wing military dictatorships. The propaganda of fighting for democracy is just a lie used to promote their own brand of imperialism.
The United States and other countries who are not democracies themselves say they have an interest in promoting democracy, because, 'it's the right thing to do', that the people are better served by it, they're better off for it and they have a national interest to do so because it's consistent with their values and promotes American interests. This is a clear declaration of political imperialism, they fight wars, perpetrate acts of terrorism, oppress individual rights, attack freedom, commit crimes against humanity all to impose their own corrupt and illegitimate political system on others -- and, its not even a democracy . They impose economic sanctions which harm innocent people, cause famine and cause people die by denying them access to medicine all to impose their own political cartel which is just another form of political tyranny, it's only a difference of degree, a style of political policy between democracy, oligarchy, dictatorship, communism, fascism, they all commit more or less the same crimes with the only difference being their degrees and procedures, they are all illegitimate, they are all wrong, they are all evil, and their adherents are filled with a self righteousness (that disregards rights and what is right) that makes what they do even more dangerous to more people throughout the world.