Kikapu wrote:Filitsa wrote:Once he finds the female that attracts him to her (almost all women ), then he needs to plan his moves. He needs to pursue, persuade, dominate and then conquer her, otherwise she will never feel she was really wanted by the Male, unless he goes through these steps.
You forgot "control," Kikapu ... "conquer then control ..."
I'm not a control freak like most men are from our part of the world. I know some men who do control their women. What's the point in doing that. I can assure you, that is not love, and I don't know why a woman stays with an idiot like that.
Filitsa wrote:My girl friend is in Budapest until tomorrow night. I wont be up this late again after she returns.
Feeling the need to answer your own question and justify why you're still up at this time, Kikapu?
TaraT wrote:Maybe you can tell me. Why would that guy challenge me to out drink him? I never had any guy do that before. It's left be baffled ever since.
TaraT wrote:Maybe you can tell me. Why would that guy challenge me to out drink him? I never had any guy do that before. It's left be baffled ever since.
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