Simple mathematics:
Since TC are the 28% are one of the iland´s minorities...
I am not surprised by your remarks. What I'm saying is that if you are going to strike, you should plan this secretly, because the natural instinct of the other side will be to strike first.
Turkey, by occupying the northern part of the island, have fullfilled all her startegic needs as she sees it, so she will not strike again under normal circumstances. However, it will be a different situation if your scenario comes to life. So, this scenario actually is risking another attack and the complete annihaliation of the island for an uncertain gain. Hence, this is an extreme position to defend, under the circumstances.
Defending your country is a noble cause, but it should be done when you actually can defend your country.
Plus, defence is not only by military means.
Biggest defence for Cyprus is solving the Cyprus problems as soon as possible, without postponding it until an uncertain time that the circumstances will be more favorable.
During the negotiations in 60s and 70s, the TC side had accepted all the 13 points that Makarios had made in 1963.
However, Makarios thought that he would even get a better solution in time. Not closing the problem in 1972, made 1974 possible.
The Turkish side also accepted the Gali set of ideas and the Annan Plan, which were both rejected by the GC side eventually.
This is just to show that there are instances of the Turkish side accepting solution plans!
It is not true that there is no hope for an agreement. Occassionally a government in Turkey with the intention of solving the Cyprus problem will come to power (like when Erdogan's AKP first came to power). In that case we should sieze the opportunity, not postpond the problem.
Since TC are the 28% are one of the iland´s minorities
Rubbish. How can I be a minority in my own country. I have as much right in Cyprus as you do. If you do not pull your socks up and see the realities of the situation you will leave me no choice but to forget a settlement or reunification and leave thing just as they are. I'm an equal individual in the TRNC, why should I give that up knowing full well I will be a second class citizen in the company of the likes of you. Thank you but no thanks.
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