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Turkish Cypriots are no more than a minority

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Natty » Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:35 pm

I think people need to calm down, I can undertand your frustration Kifeas, and why you feel that, when talking to people that seem to be pro-partitionist, Cyprus being reunified in a peacefull way is not very likely. However I think people in Cyprus are fed up with so called 'wars', including you, and I honestly beleive that, if the GC's decided to take back the N'Cyprus by force, the Turkish propagandists would probably turn the scenario around, and say that this just proves the GC's are violent, and want to attack the TC's, etc....and then more people would become how people have twisted the aims' of the original EOKA (even though I'm not saying it was a 'perfect' organisation, and it did dig a few of it's own holes, so to speak), and the Turkish invasion.....although thats just my opinion....Although again I can understand your frustration...

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Postby Kifeas » Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:52 pm

mrfromng wrote: Kifeas, your sig says "Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people!". Are TC's included in this? Please elaborate.

My signature indeed says that Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people, and it includes all those Cypriots -including those TCs, that regard themselves as Cypriots first, and regard all other Cypriots as their compatriots. It excludes all those "Cypriots" that do not regard themselves as Cypriots, above all. People like Viewpoint, which you unfortunately rush to support and back up from time to time, do not regard themselves as Cypriots, but only as TCs alone, and they do not regard all other Cypriots as their compatriots! Naturally therefore my signature doesn't include such people, and if you are one of them, then it doesn't include you either! Are you one of them? It will be good to know.
mrfromng wrote:Your comments on Miltiades are totally out of order and unnecessary.. You are losing all credibility.

Mrfromng, what makes you so confident that you are in a position to judge my credibility? With what capacity do you make the above assertion? Is it your deep knowledge about the Cyprus issue and its history? Is it your education? Is it the tens of books and hundreds of articles you have read about Cyprus? Is it your very own several "positive" posts in this forum? What?

As far as I am concerned, I do not think I should regard you as someone I should seriously take his comments on my credibility into a lot of consideration!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:14 pm

The voice of Extremism has spoken ""
"""Oh c'mon, ...shut up! You know damn nothing! Zero! ...Shut up! I do not have the stomach to even read your arrogant, ignorant, superficial comments above, set aside to comment on them! You know nothing!

Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people! WHAT A HYPOCRITE !!!

Kifeas , believe me I could tear you to pieces intellectually with one eye closed and fast asleep. You are a frustrated looser and I recognise that you are one of a tiny minority who are hell bent on committing mass murder in order to correct the injustices on our people in Cyprus. You are sending out a very stark message , I just hope that every one realizes that you are undermining our efforts to bring about a climate of change in stereotype behaviour and views formulated by fanaticism. I reprimanded you for using inflammatory and immature language , I now know that your vulnerability to adverse comments provides a very intelligent man , like VP , with ample ammunition to use against the unification of our island by merely pointing to your disgraceful comments .
Let me just remind you once again that we , G/Cs could never win a war against Turkey , we could inflict heavy losses on them but we would be the losers for ever along with our T/C compatriots.

You accuse me of knowing nothing , I agree that your knowledge of the Cyprus problem is very impressive , but the little knowledge that I gained , bearing in mind I left Cyprus in 1961 , is directed towards avoidance of dreadful errors made in the past by both communities and it is a useful knowledge not a labyrinth of information offering nothing constructive towards a peaceful solution .

Finally let me say , that you Sir , have disappointed many on this forum who held you with high esteem , you have been extremely rude to me , I , like every one else on this forum has a right to express my views and I challenge you to point to the slightest incosrtincency in my 990 postings as regards my positionon the Cyprus issue. I have been consistent in my views , never once did I deviate from that position.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:16 pm

Mrfromng, what makes you so confident that you are in a position to judge my credibility? With what capacity do you make the above assertion? Is it your deep knowledge about the Cyprus issue and its history? Is it your education? Is it the tens of books and hundreds of articles you have read about Cyprus? Is it your very own several "positive" posts in this forum? What?


I apologise. I should not have commented or questioned your credibility. I'm not an educated person nor am I as well read or as well informed as you may be. I'm however able to judge good from bad and right from wrong. I was merely trying to calm you down and perhaps be a little more tolerant with us all, especially Miltiades who happen to be a sixty year old delightful gentleman he shows respect to all on the forum and deserves some back.

I left Cyprus at the age of 11, I'm 53 now. There has not been a single day when I do not think of my home. Circumstances dictate that we are now divided and you live in the south and I in the north. My dream is for re-unification and peace for our country.

So the answer to your question is of course I am Cypriot and my heart beats for all Cypriots and Cyprus as a whole.
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Postby Kifeas » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:19 pm

Natty wrote: However I think people in Cyprus are fed up with so called 'wars', including you, ...

Unfortunately, pending a peaceful solution, the above is an option we are obliged never to rule out, in view of the greedy, illegitimate, pro-usurping and pro-partition attitude of a large section of the TC society and leadership and the fascist and imperialist attitudes of the Turkish kemalist and militaristic regime. We are condemned by our history never to completely rule it out, in spite of all the odds against it!
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Postby Kifeas » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:29 pm

miltiades wrote:
Kifeas , believe me I could tear you to pieces intellectually with one eye closed and fast asleep. You are a frustrated looser and I recognise that you are one of a tiny minority who are hell bent on committing mass murder in order to correct the injustices on our people in Cyprus. ....

Sorry Miltiades but, despite your self-acknowledged and self-proclaimed intellectual "superiority," allow me to say that your above comments alone show that you are nothing more than an intellectual dwarf that doesn't know what he is talking about!
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Postby Kifeas » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:45 pm

Miltiades, you have fallen into Viewpoints trap! I am sure that as soon as you discover it, and this will only occur as soon as you discover who Viewpoint really is and what role and agenda he /she is deliberately serving, you will regret the fact that you decided to confront me on this issue! I will not continue arguing with you, simply because I realize how much you are deceived for the time being!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:51 pm

Kifeas there is no point denying that you are an intellectual , I may very well be a dwarf , but you Kifeas is an intellectual fool. I shudder at the thought that other Cypriot intellectuals might share your aggressive streak as well as your extreme theories on prospective wars. Your recent posts are an indication of your distorted ideology regarding the prospects of a Cyprus solution.
You failed in most of your posts to persuade even ONE T/C that we are on the same side , your intolerant and venomous attack on VP IS the CRITERIA FOR MEASURING A CIVILIZED PERSONS INTELLECTUAL WISDOM , AND YOU FAILED MISSERABLY .
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Postby Kifeas » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:01 pm

I never claimed to be an intellectual! It is you the one that has claimed to be so, and a superior one I may add!
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:11 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:[NB. Bananiot's statements -because they come from a GC- have 100 times more weight than an identical statement coming from a TC. Knowing such statements are false, makes Bananiot very very distructive against his own people.
:evil: :evil:

Bananiot is a Cypriot, therefore, if he is being "destructive against his own people", then he is being destructive against the TC's and GC's.

Is this your understanding also.!!!
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