by jazzy1 » Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:39 pm
Cant wait to leave.
There is too many people, no space to move
I hate the fact there is so much crime, I can not send my kid to a decent school, and things like electric seem to be rising, I had a bill for £500.00 for the quarter a couple of months ago, and thats just 4 people who are out most of the day!!!
The council Tax is £125.00 per month and rapidly rising.
Then there is the NHS. most people can not afford private medical care, therefore if you have a problem and need to see someone specific it takes 6 months to get seen.
The hospitials are fighting for beds and people are left in corridors waiting to onto a ward for hours.
If you go to accident and emergency you may as well take breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 days!!!
My Husband had a problem with his neck and was sent a letter to be seen by a specialist with a date for 1 years time as this was apparantly the quickist he could be seen!!!!!
The poor people who earn mimium wage (i thinnk its about £4.70 now)
cant even buy a studio flat, its just ridiculous
Its great for shops, and , its very easy to get absoultly anything you want.
you can great bargains on furniture and clothes etc as well as designer stuff.
Everything is plentiful and you can find somebody for every problem.
I can see the appeal to tourists as there is soooo much to do, you have to visit again.
other than, family, friends and my Doctor. I wont miss a thing