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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:56 pm

Good luck mate , will have a drink when Im next in Cy.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:32 pm

Don't be surprised, when the required time for holding suspects in detention is up in the next few weeks, I doubt if anyone will be arrested, and more than likely, they will all be released for lack of evidence. All the government has is so called coded message provided by Pakistan. Now, there's a realiable source for you...NOT. Musharaf want's to be on the good side of the UK and USA, by torturing people for any information. Information obtain under torture is the MOST unrealiabe information you can ever get, specially if the person being tortured is innocent. He is just going to tell you anything and everything that you want to hear.

Our government will tell us, that they believe that the suspects are dangerous, but will need to let them go for lack of evidence, but the case will remain open, but we will never hear anymore about the case, because they will want us to forget about it. Bush got his 15 minutes in front of the cameras to tell us how he is still in this fight to protect us. Don't forget, the November elections are coming up, and all the bad news from Iraq is still pouring in, so the NeoCons are shit scared losing a lot of seats this year, which would mean, Bush can't be "King George" anymore.

Let me throw something out there for you people, knowing full well, I'm going to be buried with your negative replies, but here goes anyway. Why do you think, that Blair is always doing what "King George" tells him to do. What does the American Government have over the heads of the British Government.?? I always believed that Princess Diana was murdered in Paris, and not died as a result of a silly accident. What if the British government knows more than they are saying, and what if the American Government also knows more than they have said. Perhaps what they know may bury the British Government in Dianas death, and that is the reason, Blair is always bowing to Bush.
OK, I'm ready for the insults.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:54 pm

Kikapu , are you one of those fanatics who want to sharia law in the UK , BECAUSE MATE YOU SOUND LIKE ONE.
Are you really inferring that in order for these horrific acts to be committed we need the required terrorists to commit them and currently we do not have any in the UK. You totally amaze me , in view of the barbaric attack on innocent bystanders on July 7th, you expect our security forces to be inactive so as not to be accused by the likes of you that all they are after is to arrest a few people and release them subsequently. You are aware that a sizable minority of Muslims in the UK fully support the 7/7 suicide bastards , and you are no doubt also aware that these extreme misguided brainwashed barbarians are jostling to become martyrs. The security forces have an obligation to protect the citizens of the UK and to take what ever action is deemed necessary to carry out their duty, if in the process of doing so some innocent person suffers is very much regrettable .The safety of our nation is of paramount importance and all citizens have an obligation to support the efforts by the police to foil such diabolical attacks. For me July the 7th was the turning point in my outlook to extremists in our mists. Preaching be headings and advocating killing of non believers , inciting hatred in our streets is not on mate. They will get what they bloody well deserve. Can I just add that this is an attack on the fanatics , I do not give a monkeys what their religion is , I' m proud to have have seen the light and reject all notions of God , angels , after life and the usual bullshit that surrounds all faiths.
Long live the West for allowing me the freedom to express my views without fear , at least not yet , of persecution.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:09 pm


I'm not saying the police should have not arrested these people until they get to the bottom of the situation, but they could have done the whole thing on the quiet, and not cancel flights left and right. These people were already were in custody, so what was the "big airport shutdown show" was all about.

Now, you know me better than that to accuse me of being fanatic. I'm a non believer, same as you.

PS. What , no comment on Princess Diana.!!!
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:37 pm

Water under the bridge , like who killed Kennedy . But you want my honest opinion I will give it to you. I have never been a monarchist , I never took much notice of all the hype surrounding the late Princess. The royalty idea is archaic , irrelevant to today's world , hypocritical to say the least and frankly my dear I don't give a damn whether it was an accident or a well planned execution. It does not mean that the death of a human does not effect me , but to me she was just another woman that the masses called their Princess and lined the streets to catch a glimpse of her. She did lots for charity and I respect her for that, but getting screwed by Tom Dick and Harry is of no interest to me what so ever.
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Postby dancingbear » Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:07 pm

I am a monarchist and what has this and Diana's death got to do with the middle east other than she was shacked up with fayed's son. You believe what you want i will say again take of your tinted glasses and get real. Remember all this started in the main because of 9/11 and Bush had only been in power for less than a year and if you know anything about terrorism then you would know it actually started under the watch of the pervert Clinton with an attempted Bombing of the World trade center early 90's.


P.S If I would have wanted to kill Diana a road accident would not even entered the thought process. You just one of those sado's who thinks everyone and everybody are against you.
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Postby anastasiaC » Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:13 am

miltiades wrote:Typical anti west jibe , empty of substance and extremely naive .

Hey Miltiades - I can express an opinion just as much as you
no need to belittle me........

Your scaring me dude with your hate!!!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:06 am

Anastasiac , my philosophy of life has as its foundation the Western World democracy that gives all of us that most precious commodity that you can never buy with money .Freedom of speech the right to express your views within the boundaries of responsible behaviour , ie you can not incite violence or shout Fire in a packed cinema.
You have expressed views , and I respect your right to do so. I vehemently disagree with those views and I consider them naive , anti Western views and lucking of intellectual content.
As far as scaring you with hate , let me assure you that the only thing that I hate in this world is what every decent clear headed individual ought to hate , the indiscriminate killing of innocents perpetrated by criminals in the name of a cause because every cause must have a moral content that fits in with what a civilized ideology would find excusable. For some to justify 9/11 , 7/7 or the hundreds of other indiscriminate savageries is siding with the sick and perverted individuals who carry out these atrocious acts.
What drove me to subscribe to this forum , the first one in my life , was the immense anti Western sentiment expressed by my compatriots. The Hellenic decease of Americano daxtilo has engulfed Cyprus to its detriment, therefore I will stand up and protest when comments or statements that are a by product of the Anti Western sentiment are expressed.

Finally let me assure you that your not alone in nurturing these views , you are amongst the majority in Cyprus , close members of my family living in Cyprus have unfortunately succumbed to the daily indoctrination spewed out by the media and more so by the CYBC , as well as by the Schools and I believe , I could be wrong , the Church .
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Postby Mandie Sehmbi » Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:24 am

theresa wrote:Anastasia - thats an excellent point - why is it the USA and Britain in particular that are targeted? I would also like to know.

Cus the governments of both nations think they can rule the world would be my guess, and I am British, and live in England.

Both Bush and Blair should go. The second it happened Bush said it was Al-Kahida. How the hell did he know???

You cannot assume just because these people have done it once that there are not another nation waiting in the sidelines to have a go.

The names of the 23 suspects were put up on the Bank of England website, and on MSN news page. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty???
If at least 1 of those named is not charged, the poor man will have to live with being cast as a terrorist for the rest of his life.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:43 am

Our new comer wrote:
""You cannot assume just because these people have done it once that there are not another nation waiting in the sidelines to have a go. ""

Which nations would they be , France , Spain , Switzerland , Austria , Canada , maybe even China or Japan.
Hey I agree with you all of these nations and more are queuing up to have a go and bomb us to extinction.
Forgot to mention Cyprus of course and how about Zimbabwe they don't like us much either.

I bet you are a British passport holder , born in England and hate the country more than the terrorists do.

Has any one ever told that Spain , Indonesia, Mali , Canada , Australia , Egypt , Africa also suffered the results of these barbaric attacks.
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