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Marriage between Brits and Cypriots

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Postby dinos » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:22 pm

^^ The way I see it, we can buy our Easter supplies at 75% discount the day after Catholic Easter. Not bad, eh? 8)

And on the language barrier - an aunt who was born stateside moved to Cyprus with my uncle and their kids a few years ago. She's getting used to the language and owns a small medical practice there. Bit of an accent, but a great doctor. So it's definitely a hurdle that can be overcome...

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Postby tinamassaad » Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:22 pm

Hi Colinos,
This happens everywhere. My husband is Lebanese and I am British, and he came to England with me to live and marry me. My family (brothers mostly) weren't over keen on the idea, but we have been together now 15 years and our marriage has outlasted most of theirs! They were fine once they could see that he genuinely loved me. We moved to Lebanon two years ago and as he got me and our sons out and over to Cyprus on the 2nd day of the war, he is a hero to them all now! From experience of living in Lebanon, if you learn Greek and take an obvious interest in the Cypriot culture it will really help you to be accepted, even if they all speak English. It is true that some parents here still like to chose the husband for their daughters and I had Greek cypriot friends in London who were forbidden even to date "foreign" boys (non Cypriots!).
Interestingly, I have noticed some animosity here in Cyprus from local women when they see us together because people always assume he is Cypriot and married to a blonde girl. It doesn't bode well, but if you are happy together you will cope with it.
Good luck and have a Great Big Fat Greek Wedding. Better still, get married over here and invite all your friends from UK. Cypriots invite hundreds of people who all normally give cash. You will make a fortune and please all the rellies at the same time!
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