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Cypriots and the art of selling

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Cypriots and the art of selling

Postby Niki » Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:16 pm

Just got back from Limassol - fantastic city (atmosphere, restaurants, people) apart from :- the driving (oh my God!), a few tacky areas, ridiculous prices for 'beach front' villas (Athanasiou - how much!!!!!!) and humidity.

The best thing (we ended up laughing as it was just so extreme) was that so many Cypriots we met tried to sell us something whether it was the garage man with his tomatoes, the waiters who all had cousins who sold and rented houses and best of all the guy who owned the villa we rented who set up an elaborate scheme that lasted 2 days ending up in the realisation that everything he had done had been leading to him trying sell us his house.

Many more examples but too many to mention.

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Postby anastasiaC » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:31 am

so did u buy anything - did they manage to sell u things??
glad to hear u had fun!
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Postby Niki » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:41 pm

We decided to rent when we move so we can work out who is genuine.

Having said that we did meet a few lovely people as well who I believe were genuine.

Bought some nice jewellery and got a good price after some haggling.

I guess the sales talk is just a way of life there??

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