anastasiaC wrote:G.Man wrote:I think women of the world might wanna look at why their men stray...

oh please! and that is not a predictable comment?? blame the women....
not all men stray mate...
I didnt blame the women, perhaps a bit of paranoia?
Men are not inherently monogomistic, but likewise why is it that so many women let themselves go after they are married?
Why do they feel they dont have to make the effort anymore?
Not all women are like this, sure, some marry assholes... but i would like nothing more than to feel loved by the woman I married and for her to make the effort not to put on 30kg's in weight and slob about in sweat pants...
Yeah not all men stray, and not all of those that do get caught...
Some of them are serial cheaters... if they got at home what they wanted...