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What are Cypriot women like?

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What are Cypriot women like?

Postby simonwjones » Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:47 am

We now all know what the men are like but what about the women???
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Postby Niyaz2137 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:33 am


but like most European women, they can be arrogant.
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Postby anastasiaC » Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:16 am

haha this is I said stereotypes are wrong!!
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:45 am

Cyprus mail....... “Perhaps the contemporary Cypriot man is intimidated by the modern Cypriot woman. It’s true that Cypriot males expect a more traditional role from their wives.”
Another problem, as Cypriot men see it, is the “unnatural attachment that local females have to their parents. Parents-in-law, according to the interviewees, are one of the main reasons that relationships fail. Many stated that their parents in law would interfere with the couple’s personal life and make small everyday problems seem enormous.

I personally think that the over involved family dynamics is a problem, i have a friend who is English Cypriot and was married to a native, and it was the in laws that really drove her crazy. She said she would be lying in bed with her husband on a sunday morning and in would walk her mother in law, mumbling something about borrowing a fruit bowl or some other thing. She said her father in law without even knocking walked in on her after she had had a shower asking her if she wanted the fruit trees watered.

And they would constantly interfere, and always take their sons side. And when they christened their baby, the mother in law showed up her other son in the church by telling him he wasnt dressing the baby right and took the baby away and did it herself berating him in frount of 50 other people. So for one, i think many cypriot mother immasculate their sons.

And two they are too involved, and i know many people who have rented appartments from Cypriots and found the owners uninvited in their homes, same thing isnt it.?

And three, many men i have spoken too say that their wives and girlfriends are too materialistic, and that mothers encourage their daughters to get what they can from the relationship, and its even worse if the daughter has provided the house., as they feel its owed to them... And i think many do not live in reality, and they nag and sound like harpies.

My neighbours voice would be enough for me to leave home if i was her husband, i know soaps in tv are characatures, extreme versions imitating life, but there must be some truth in it why they talk and act like they do in these soaps. I can see now why the women in my appartment building treated me so badly, when i first came here, a blonde single woman alone.. Perhaps they thought i would encourage their husbands away.. God forbid...
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Postby anastasiaC » Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:50 am

well thats one case - my inlaws are cypriot and they would never do that but they do irk me in other ways hahaa....we do live overseas though so that could be different.
I guess your friend needs to set boundaries if she feels this a problem for her - they'd probably get offended though........

Im sure that is just one example and Im sure there are many cypriot couples who are very happy with their spouse and marriage and just trying to get on with their life!

i dont think its only cypriot women who nag and are materialistic - I see it here in Australia too
who has the latest IT handbag, the cutest clothes, the chicest apartment blah blah.......I just think each person is an individual and should be treated that way.......
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:03 am

yes i agree, its individuals but i think its a problem when a majority rather than a minority have similar traits. If something is endemic then its a problem and not just a generalisation.
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Postby anastasiaC » Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:05 am

yes but dont u think thats because they live on a small island so people will just follow suit rather than face being different or an individual or even outcast?? i dont know........its complex
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Postby NeverSayGoodbye » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:26 am

unique_earthling wrote:Cyprus mail....... “Perhaps the contemporary Cypriot man is intimidated by the modern Cypriot woman. It’s true that Cypriot males expect a more traditional role from their wives.”
Another problem, as Cypriot men see it, is the “unnatural attachment that local females have to their parents. Parents-in-law, according to the interviewees, are one of the main reasons that relationships fail. Many stated that their parents in law would interfere with the couple’s personal life and make small everyday problems seem enormous.

I personally think that the over involved family dynamics is a problem, i have a friend who is English Cypriot and was married to a native, and it was the in laws that really drove her crazy. She said she would be lying in bed with her husband on a sunday morning and in would walk her mother in law, mumbling something about borrowing a fruit bowl or some other thing. She said her father in law without even knocking walked in on her after she had had a shower asking her if she wanted the fruit trees watered.

And they would constantly interfere, and always take their sons side. And when they christened their baby, the mother in law showed up her other son in the church by telling him he wasnt dressing the baby right and took the baby away and did it herself berating him in frount of 50 other people. So for one, i think many cypriot mother immasculate their sons.

And two they are too involved, and i know many people who have rented appartments from Cypriots and found the owners uninvited in their homes, same thing isnt it.?

And three, many men i have spoken too say that their wives and girlfriends are too materialistic, and that mothers encourage their daughters to get what they can from the relationship, and its even worse if the daughter has provided the house., as they feel its owed to them... And i think many do not live in reality, and they nag and sound like harpies.

My neighbours voice would be enough for me to leave home if i was her husband, i know soaps in tv are characatures, extreme versions imitating life, but there must be some truth in it why they talk and act like they do in these soaps. I can see now why the women in my appartment building treated me so badly, when i first came here, a blonde single woman alone.. Perhaps they thought i would encourage their husbands away.. God forbid...

Did the mother in law check the bed sheets for any blood stains the next morning after the wedding? :)
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Postby anastasiaC » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:36 am

oh thats gross - only a guy would say something like that
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Postby NeverSayGoodbye » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:40 am

anastasiaC wrote:oh thats gross - only a guy would say something like that

Joking... :roll:
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