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Health Care for EU Pensioners

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Health Care for EU Pensioners

Postby Dexter » Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:19 am

As a new member considering moving to Cyprus, can anyone help.
The notes that accompany the application form for a medical health card for paying patients are confusing. A couple over the age of 65 on EU pensions whose total income exceeds CY£22000 have to pay for all medical treatment in full. However, it appears that in-patient fees are capped according to income. For example, a couple whose annual income is between CY£20001 and CY£25000, the percentage charge on annual income is given as 25% with a maximum charge of CY£400 + CY£1250. I am unable to reconcile the percentage value with the sums unless I am missing something. Do these charges perhaps relate to each illness or is it the total for each year per person or per couple. Whilst we intend to take out private medical insurance any condition arising which requires ongoing treatment will not be covered.

Some other quick questions:-
1. Anyone know when the proposed new National Health Scheme is likely to be up and running?
2. Are Volmax tablets (4mg salbutamol sulphate) available in Cyprus. I couldn't seem to find them on my last visit.
3. Silly question, but are Andrews Liver Salts available?
4. Why are there so many "almost new villas" for sale?

Sorry for so many questions but I need to cross these off my list before considering our move to Cyprus.

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Postby nhowarth » Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:05 pm

Hi Dexter,

I can answer some of your questions.

Regarding the healthcare system, see: ... thcare.htm

I believe that if your incomes fall below CYP 18,000 p.a. treatment is free; between CYP 18,000 p.a. and CYP 22,000 p.a. healthcare is subsidised; more than CYP 22,000 you pay the normal rate.

Private medical insurance cover is not mandatory - the immigration authorities accept E106, E109, E121 & E123 as medical insurance (although it may be wise to have private cover, particularly if you want medivac).

Why are there so many resales around? Some people upsize, others downsize, some move to other parts of the island more to their liking, others discover Cyprus is not the place for them and move elsewhere.

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Location: Erimi, Limassol District, Cyprus

Postby Dexter » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:34 am

Hi Nigel
Thanks for the reply. I was aware of the various income bands but what I need to know is how the calculations are made for the maximum amount paying patients have to pay. As explained in my original question there is a cap on the maximum payment but the notes on the health card application form are confusing. Insurance Companies will not pay for a serious and expensive ongoing illnesses and individuals (unless seriously rich) could not afford the ongoing treatment. I suppose my best bet is to write to the Ministry of Health direct. Whilst our health at present is good we don't want to be in a position in the future where we have to sell our property to pay for health. This may well be the sticking point for our move to Cyprus and I wonder whether there are any older expats there who are on higher pensions who have resolved this issue.

Best regards
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Postby nhowarth » Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:51 am

Hi Dexter,

> the maximum amount paying patients have to pay

That I don't know - as you say, your best bet will be to speak with the Ministry of Health.

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Location: Erimi, Limassol District, Cyprus

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