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What are Cypriot men like?

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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:09 pm

OK Ok I agree that every woman wants that.
But how many get it?? Is all the above something that you can say a certain race of man can provide? English? Italian? Your sescription is a little fairy tale like.

Is it fairy tale like GG? Because if it is why is it that i know i am that person and i know many women that are like that, so you tell me why its so hard for you to believe a man can be like that too????
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Postby Natty » Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:25 pm

Cypriot men....urm...well, yes they do tend to be quite spoilt, and may come off as being kinda 'immature' so to speak...but they are also quite hard working and protective.....You know what I don't know what to say, I guess you can't generalise people, or steriotype people....I'm sure, just like all the men in the world, their some that who are lazy, some who are hardworking, some who are 'players', others who are romantic, etc....

Although looks wise, their not all that bad.... I have to admit...;) :D
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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:49 pm

(Although looks wise, their not all that bad.... I have to admit.)

True natty, they are a very attractive race when young.... Imagine living with a man whose work defines him, who works very hard, but to put in that many hours then its about money and not about a good relationship with his wife, i can honestly say that if i found a man that truly knew how i needed to be lloved then i would not care about money i could live a simple life, because to be known for all and i mean all of who i was and to truly know him even his dark side and was able to talk about it openly, and know he wanted to be known and i to him and still be loved and not hurt, then i would be happy to live a simple live. because i believe that possessions are something that makes up for the loss of being truly known and loved.. and i guess many here will not even begin to understand that concept and will argue the point. but i believe materialism is a compensation for what we need and dont have and thats real love..
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Postby simonwjones » Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:23 pm

sal wrote:Ok here goes!

I met a Cypriot man who has really made maximum effort (well, for the first 3 and half months) texting me constantly, calling ALL the time (over 30 times in 24 hours as I hadn't answered the phone once which I found a little disconcerting but flattering all the same I guess), acting really romantic, begging me to go over to be with him etc. I was very sceptical and kept him at arms length as I didn't believe him at first (I mean I thought how can you miss someone so much when you've only met them 4 times etc) but after 3 months of this constant contact you think maybe he is for real and you can trust him a little and you start to let him in a little more. Hmm. I don't know.

Then these last 2 weeks I've noticed total changes in him. The ego is there. He's conceited. I think he just loves the chase and once he thinks he has you - PUFF he's off you and keeping you there for his ego! He's probably onto the next chase. Like a game. He's still calling but he's changed his attitude totally. Strange he would be prepared to spend all that money and time on texting and calling 24:7 when as soon as you start to reciprocate he seems to change so dramatically. Why would he bother spending the time/money when he could just go after someone else in Cyprus? Sound familiar?

I'm confused! Anyway, I thought that a little insight into the psyche of the Cypriot male would help me understand. I think I'm going to hoof him off anyway but I just wanted to understand his actions!


Ok, I will never understand women but based on this evidence I understand why women don't undertand men!

Very stange that Sal. How old is this guy? Sounds very imature to me, but i may be wrong.
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Postby anastasiaC » Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:59 am

I dont think you can generalise and put all cypriot men in one category or to describe them in anyway..........
but they do have a reputation of being players........

texting u 30 times in 24hrs is a huge turn off - I wouldnt be flattered at all - sounds like a control freak to me LOL
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Postby MyNextDog » Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:16 am

So far, I have not read anything that would set Cypriot men apart from or any more different than most other men. Love em or hate em ... men do have their uses.
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Postby Marz » Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:27 am

Guys see the patern here all women are requesting how they want a man to be, and how they have to understand the womens needs in a man.
its funny how women dont want to understand want a man needs in a relationship, its always about them.
UNIQUE sounds like you need to know a guy for ten years so you can know everything about him before you comit, maybe thats why you and other women out there have trouble finding someone, the things you want wont come to you on a first date and not even in 1 year, wake up to reality no guy will just blurt out is whole life to you.
Might as well ask for a resume before a first date.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:40 am

Guys see the patern here all women are requesting how they want a man to be, and how they have to understand the womens needs in a man.
its funny how women dont want to understand want a man needs in a relationship, its always about them.
UNIQUE sounds like you need to know a guy for ten years so you can know everything about him before you comit, maybe thats why you and other women out there have trouble finding someone, the things you want wont come to you on a first date and not even in 1 year, wake up to reality no guy will just blurt out is whole life to you.
Might as well ask for a resume before a first date.

Of course not, but you can pretty much tell after a few weeks who you can relate too, and i guess, i am not even looking for one, as i would rather be alone than make my life more hard work than it already is. I know its a tall order, i am not an idealist, but a realist and know myself and what i need, and it aint just anyone who will have me. Actually i think perhaps its got to the point that i am all i need as bizzare as that sounds. But i am open to possibilities. I have a few friends who feel the same, and no i dont hate men, i have some men friends, and no i am not a lesbian... :lol: Just not needy enough i guess.
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:56 am

unique_earthling wrote:
Of course not, but you can pretty much tell after a few weeks who you can relate too, and i guess, i am not even looking for one, as i would rather be alone than make my life more hard work than it already is. I know its a tall order, i am not an idealist, but a realist and know myself and what i need, and it aint just anyone who will have me. Actually i think perhaps its got to the point that i am all i need as bizzare as that sounds. But i am open to possibilities. I have a few friends who feel the same, and no i dont hate men, i have some men friends, and no i am not a lesbian... :lol: Just not needy enough i guess.

I dont think it is about being needy. When you are with someone it is not about needing them or them needing you really. It's not like I couldnt live without my husband for example I just do not want to. I dont need him to support me, or baby me or whatever I can do that for myself. I just want him to be around and enjoy my life with me. I am a hard person to live with and I have found the ONE person on earth that is able and willing to do it and to top that he actually loves me! I have been all over the world and men are the same everywhere-so are women. We think that men need to have this quality and that quality and we need them to do this or that. If they dont work hard enough, we whine. If they work too hard then its still not good because they are not spending enough time with us. Well it is not about us women. It is about both the people in the relationship. I think everyone gets what they put in. Men are not the only people that need to work on it.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:01 am

True Andri, its a two way street, so will be quite happy if i found someone like me.. :) :) :)
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