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What are Cypriot men like?

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Postby humanist » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:13 am

some are very sexy :):):):);)
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Postby janea » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:16 am

Only to add this too
Generally cant understand Cypriots why they live by plan , why everybody eat at 1 , never in 2 or 3 for example.
And alsoo because they work like crazy, they dont go somewhere for the weekend with friends and have fun(again for example), and too attached with relatives, too much. Often the best friends is not just friend and it is the brother or the cousin or the uncle, whatever...etc
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Postby humanist » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:18 am

My best friend is my dog ;)
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:22 am

janea wrote:ok couldnt read the all posts but I'll say my impressions.
First of all (not only me, I have dscuss this also with other ladys friends) the cypriots are very good lovers.
And I think their wifes in some way control them, I am sorry for that but they are a lit bit "pussy" they are so scare from their wifes, sometimes girlfriends etc, maybe because many of them lives in wifes house i dont know.
Deep in theirself they feel unsecure.
Most of the time they are not direct, just trying to avoid if smth going wrong and not to face the problem (if is personal)
They work hard , and the all are very very STRESS always busy and stress hehe
And others many things :)

How much time do you spend in married mens beds? Could you please clarify that?
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Postby janea » Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:04 am

I thought somebody will think like that
Not even once, i have princips in my life dear, never with married.
I am speaking for some friends lets say, coworkers etc
Remember before when i didnt had car and I asked a guy from the office if can give me lift and he told me smth like " im sorry but i cant cause if my wife see me what will think" etc eee im sorry but this is not answer.
Or sometimes meet ppl i work with or clients in a restaurants or wherever with their wife, i just say "Kalimera or Kalispera" and I am seeing they worry, ohh is very complex, cant explane u with writing anyway, doesnt matter.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:27 am

janea wrote:I thought somebody will think like that
Not even once, i have princips in my life dear, never with married.
I am speaking for some friends lets say, coworkers etc
Remember before when i didnt had car and I asked a guy from the office if can give me lift and he told me smth like " im sorry but i cant cause if my wife see me what will think" etc eee im sorry but this is not answer.
Or sometimes meet ppl i work with or clients in a restaurants or wherever with their wife, i just say "Kalimera or Kalispera" and I am seeing they worry, ohh is very complex, cant explane u with writing anyway, doesnt matter.

Ok, so you are writing other 'girls' impressions. I wonder if girls boast about their lovers as much as most men do? :lol: :lol:
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Postby xxNilxx » Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:29 am

Cypriot men are very sexy!! and they know it so they try to act 'macho' :?
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Postby janea » Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:52 am

Yes bravo
They r not "hungry" , is normal from one side for touristic destinations.
a lot of foreigners , crazy open minded british grirls, nice girls with sexy tops the summer and all is quit easy, so they had experiense lets say, fun, sex, flirts and they think is because they r nice hehe and start to play macho "who i am, is easy for me i can be with different women if i want etc " or lately the tendency is " i dont care for the sex, this doesnt matter if i want sex is easy" :) im getting tired, if they do not care I DO guys . Going for lunch, its 1 :lol:
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Postby KezziH2 » Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:41 pm

Janea i like your attitude. ur quite a fiesty person aren't ya.

are you from england?
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Postby janea » Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:41 am

Hi Kezzi
nice you understand me what i mean
no, i am from bulgaria
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